Luna’s World

作者: Christine伊纯 | 来源:发表于2019-01-27 13:00 被阅读60次

Luna’s World

Luna’s World

Scene 1: library, near window

(Luna was reading a traditional Chinese poem.)




(Luna glanced at the English paper beside her which is poorly written, sighed. Outside the window, a shadow flew by and threw something on the ground)

(Luna stood up and walks towards the garden)

Scene 2: outside the library

(Luna picks up a large envelope on the ground)

Envelope: To Luna (a dove printed as well) within: Harry potter and the philosopher’s stone and a piece of paper (Dear Luna, you should definitely read this)

A month later

Scene 3: library, between the shelves

Luna is reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Luna: I can’t believe that my English improved so much during a few weeks. These series just don’t let you go. I have to thank that weird person who send me the philosopher’s stone, no matter who he is.

Luna: 我已经好久没看李清照的诗集了…

Luna flipping books (including Oliver Twist, Lay Miz, Collection of lyrics)

Luna thinking: I just can’t say how much these books opened my eyes... They are so touching and inspiring. I especially love watching different themes mingling into the grand historical picture. I never thought...I never thought I will find stuff written in other languages this great.

(Luna suddenly stood up as she noticed another envelope (which looked just like the first one), with the words “To Luna” and a dove printed beneath the picture.)

Scene 4

In the science Lab, Luna sitting with a mysterious person with a dove on her sleeves.

Luna: Why am I even here?

Mysterious person: I am a sociologist and I highly appreciate your willingness to participate in my experiment.

Luna: I didn’t say I’m willing to. (noticed the dove) And are you the person who...

Mysterious person(interrupting): Now, Luna. Question One: which culture is the paramount one in your world?

Luna: I’m Chinese, and it’s my mother tone. So naturally... Chinese Culture.

(Luna felt headache as a thought in her own head doubted this idea)


Mysterious person: You know, child. Difference is not opposite and difference is not intolerable. I can tell you what to do... but I won’t. Wisdom must come after dilemma, and a person herself must solve her own maze.

Scene 5

Luna: who am I?

Luna: 我是什么?

Luna I.. Where do I belong? /我属于哪里?

Luna: And the answer lies/我在干嘛

(the mysterious person’s voice: in yourself)

Luna: I guess I belong in the human race.


(a ray of sunshine, sky, blahblahblah)

Scene 6, library

(Luna opening the envelope, a single line lies there: Way to go.)

Luna smiled and keep reading the Arabic book.



    本文标题:Luna’s World
