1 And predators had an uncontrollable biological urge to mate and more(maim and maul) and...
2 Back then the world was divided in two: vicious predator or meat prey(meek prey).
3 That is the most stupid(stupidest) thing I ever heard.
4 I'm looking at you, Gideon Green(Grey).
5 Well, we gave up on our dreams and we settled. Right, Bun(Bon)?
6 Aye man(Amen) to that.
7 One(At one) with the soil.
8 Just get(getting) covered in dirt.
9 And our killer instincts are(That killer instinct's) still in our DNA.
10 Don't tell me what I know, Trevis(Travis).
10处错误, 现在6处可以听对了, 另外4处还是不行: maul还是没听出来, Grey还是听成了Green, At one还是听丢了at, getting听成了get.