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BEC剑桥英语高级真题3 Test 3-Five mobile

BEC剑桥英语高级真题3 Test 3-Five mobile

作者: Jeremy1999 | 来源:发表于2020-02-18 22:17 被阅读0次

A. Our management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year, we will focus our marketing on professional young adults, who represent the high value segment of the market and who-according to independent research-are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy, and we have been successful in reversing the customer lose of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes. A restructuring programme, resulting from changing marketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to 6100 people.

A. 我们的管理团队是致力于提供卓远的运营和提高盈利能力。在明年,我们将会把营销重点放在年轻人身上,他们代表了市场上高价值部分,同时通过独立的研究结果显示,他们可能更容易接受我们更先进的移动数据产品。留住客户是我们战略的核心,同时我们通过忠诚度和升级计划已经成功的扭转了近年来客户的流失率。由于市场环境的变化,我们进行了重组计划,员工已经缩减至6100人。

B. As the only network operator in the country, our marketing is aimed at expanding the size of the market. In the business sector, we have targeted small and medium-sized businesses by offering standardised services, and large customers by offering tailored telecommunications solutions. We have been at the forefront of introducing new telecommunications technology and services and have recently distributed 150 of our most advanced handsets to customers to assess the likely demand for advanced data services. Last year, the industry recognised our achievement when we won a national award for technological progress.

B.作为我们国家唯一的网络运营商,我们的市场营销目标是扩大市场规模。在商业领域,我们已经针对小型和中型企业提供标准的服务,并且对大型客户提供定制的电信解决方案。我们已经站在介绍信的电信技术和服务的前沿,并且最近向客户份发了150部最先进的手机, 用来评估数据服务的需求。去年,我们获得了国家科技进步奖,业内对我们的成绩给与了肯定。

C. A new management team has driven our improved performance here. It is committed to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year. We are focused on delivering rising levels of customer service and an improvement in the quality and utilisation of our network. Good progress has been made on all these fronts. The cost of acquiring new subscribers has been reduced and new tariffs have been introduced to encourage greater use of phone in late evening.

C. 一个新的管理团队在这里推动了我们的业绩。公司承诺在下一个财政年度达到盈亏平衡点后,在三年内使公司盈利。我们致力于不断提高客户服务水平,并改善网络质量和利用率。在所有的这些方面已经取得了良好的进展。这样降低了新订阅用户的成本,并且引入了新的资费标准以用来鼓励使用者在夜间打电话。

D. We have continued to expand our network in a cost-efficient manner and have consolidated our retail section by combining our four wholly-owned retail businesses into a single operating unit. We expect this to enhance our operational effectiveness and the consistency of our service. Our ambition is to give customers the best retail experience possible. We were, therefore, delighted earlier this year when we won a major European award for customer service. This was particularly pleasing to us as we have always given high priority to customer satisfaction and operational excellence.


E. Here, we are focused on continuously releasing cost efficiencies as well as improving the level of customer satisfaction and retention. We have already taken effective measures to reduce customer loss and to strengthen our delivery of customer service. The quality of our network has improved significantly over the past year and an increase in the utilisation of our network is now a priority. The operation of our customer service centre has been outsourced to a call center specialist and this has led to a substantial increase in the level of service.


  1. This company is still making a financial loss. 公司现在仍然亏损 C
  2. This company is having part of its business handled by an outside agency. 这个公司有部分业务外包给外部公司。E
  3. This company has grown without undue expense. 这个公司的成长没有过度的开支。D
  4. This company is trying to find out what the market response will be to a new product.公司正在尝试找出对一个新产品的反馈。B
  5. This company continues to lose customers. 这个公司持续的流失客户。E
  6. This company aims to target a special group of consumers. 公司的目标群体在于一群特殊的消费者。 A
  7. This company is finding it less expensive than before to attract new customerProPros.公司发现吸引新客户比之前便宜了。C
  8. This company has rationalised its outlets. 公司使其网络零售店合理化。D



    本文标题:BEC剑桥英语高级真题3 Test 3-Five mobile
