

作者: 格紫英文 | 来源:发表于2019-03-14 12:09 被阅读0次

思思的幼儿园一楼有个绘本角,我们经常在放学的时候过去坐一会儿。我只要一开始读这些绘本,思思和维维就会安静下来,乖乖坐在我边上听。后来又多了一位参与者,是个混血小男孩,有比利时血统,会讲法语。这不就是我最爱的大侦探波罗嘛, mon ami~






With my children’s bodies snuggled into mine, I opened to the first page. My voice started low and small as I read about the microscopic egg waiting for the sun to warm it. I inserted a dramatic pause before saying “Pop!” at the appearance of the tiny caterpillar. Then eight days of eating began. I built the tension slowly. I expressed my pleasure and distaste for the caterpillar’s selections, which, in addition to fruit, included cake, pickles, and salami. Each successive recitation of the phrase, "But the caterpillar was still hungry,” became more exaggerated. As the caterpillar grew, I rubbed my belly and wondered how much more this creature could eat. I groaned as if I were the one who had the stomachache. I sighed with relief as if it were I who, nearly sated, ate just one green leaf. Finally full, the caterpillar spun its cocoon, but it was I who emerged as a beautiful butterfly, spreading and stretching my arms, waving them in luxurious freedom.

孩子们挨着我,我打开了第一页。故事开头那颗小小的卵等着太阳温暖它时,我的声音是轻轻的低低的。然后,我戛然而止,“啪”——毛毛虫出来了!接着就是八天的食物之旅。我慢慢地增加了声音的强度。对于毛毛虫选择的食物,我表现了我的愉悦和厌恶,因为除了水果,它还吃了蛋糕、腌菜和香肠。我一遍遍地重复“但是它还是很饿”,每一次都变得更夸张。毛毛虫越吃越大,我摸摸自己的肚子,到底这么个小东西还能吃多少呢。 我哎呦哎呦地叫,就像我真的肚子疼了。我长吁一口气,就像我真的吃了一片新鲜的绿叶子,然后彻底满足了。吃饱了以后,毛毛虫就给自己做了个茧,但是最后是我变成了漂亮的蝴蝶,大大地张开我的手臂,冲着孩子们拼命地自由挥舞。


作者就像毛毛虫一样发生了蜕变,然后她说“Readng children's books out loud awakened the child in me" (大声朗读绘本唤醒了我内心的那个孩子)。


Google the value of reading children’s books aloud and the answers are all about the kids — how it improves their vocabulary, teaches morals, tells truths, fires imagination and instills a love of reading. But what about the reader? As I step into the voices of the myriad characters I find in the stacks of books I buy or borrow — Pete the Cat, Madeline, the Lorax, a spider named Charlotte — I imagine my blood pressure dropping, my lungs opening, my blood flowing, the energy traveling up from my toes to my head and back down again. I am playing, a feeling as liberating to me as the first flight I took after getting over my fear of flying.



“Reading aloud captures the physicality of the words. To read with your lungs and diaphragm, with your tongue and lips, is very different than reading with your eyes alone. … The words are not mere words. They are the breath and mind, perhaps even the soul, of the person who is reading.” Yes, that’s it. Reading out loud, for me, is a form of communion. It doesn’t matter that the stories belong to someone else, that the words are not mine, because my body has been imbued with spirit.




