作者: 韩舞 | 来源:发表于2020-11-20 23:04 被阅读0次

Coaching is an emerging profession. It is an old profession which is being re-invented. A coach is a professional who knows how to get the BEST out of people without jumping on the path himself. A classic example is a football coach who manages a team of professionals without jumping on the pitch and playing himself.

Traditionally sports have been the places where coaches have flourished. However, old style sport coaches are not always fit to get the best out of players. In fact, it is more likely that among the players there are individuals who can excel much more than the coach could donat his time as a player.

Therefore, the best coaches are those who nurture the individuals in excelling at their work by unleashing the individuals’potentials.

The basics of coaching gravitate around: AWARENESS and RESPONSIBILITY. Awareness is key in all aspects of life. Without awareness there is no possibility of any change/improvement. Then comes responsibility. The individual SHOULD feel responsible in order to make the tasks his/hers and deliver on them.

An example is the following. A normal coach can ask an individual: “Can you please go and get for us that took in the laboratory? We urgently need it”. A superb coach can frame the request in this other manner: “In the laboratory there is that tool. Would you look around for it and bring it before us? It is so essential for our team success.” The first sentence sounds as an ORDER. The second sentence EMPOWERS the individual. Once the individual accepts the challenge, s/he would do ANYTHING to bring the tool to the team. This is an example of the power of coaching.

Who needs coaching?

Virtually everybody does, because we all have untapped potentials. Typical we know what is best for us. What we do not know is how to get the best out of us. Additionally, most of us do not even know the huge potentials we have inside of us.

This is coaching: unlocking the almost unlimited potential within you.

Once mastered an individual can also do self-coaching as well.


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    本文标题:What is COACHING?
