
作者: 姑娘奔跑 | 来源:发表于2018-07-27 22:58 被阅读14次




If you're upset, come on.

If you feel frustrated, come on.

If you don't feel motivated, come on.

If you feel confused and can't find a direction,  come on.

If you just don't want to do anything, come here.

If you have a lot of ideas, but you don't know where to start, then please come here.

No matter what kind of state you are in, I strongly invite you to come here.

Read the book with me.

I'm sure if you start on the first page, your mood will gradually ease.

I don't know if you believe me,but...I woke up here.

Read the story , taste your wonderful life.

Ⅰ What do you want for dinner?


Rabbit~What do you want for dinner?

Bear~I don't care. You decide.

This lovely rabbit prepared a large table of carrots,but she ignored the fact that the bear did not like eating any vegetables.

The story resonates with me a lot.

① When we do something with someone else, do we take into account how they feel?

② Is everything we do based on the needs of each other? 

③ How do I deal with different individuals?

④ How do I deal with the same individual in different scenarios?

⑤ Do we deal with it the same way?


Now when I look at this picture, I still have a lot of questions in my mind, and there is no answer.

I think it's so interesting that this cartoon can explain a lot of phenomena in my daily life.

Don't look down on this ordinary comic, it can reveal that more than one of the truth in your life.

Ⅱ I'm not a ninja turtle.


Rabbit~Wow, you are so cool. You're playing the ninja turtle.

Turtle~Why does everyone think I'm playing the ninja turtle?What I play is obviously Zorro!

Think a little.

The first time I saw this cartoon, I thought it was funny.At that time, I think that the story of the turtle is me ......I am the turtle in the story.

In fact, I have changed a lot, why can't you see it?I made confused,because nobody understand me.

Now come back and look at the story again, and I feel different.

Perhaps, more often,I am the rabbit in the story.

Why would I say I would be this rabbit?When I look at other people, I may be based on the eyes of the past.But I don't know that other people may have changed.

I might have been looking at people by a single perspective.

How deeply my directed thinking have been rooted?

It wasn't until yesterday that I talked to my friends …… I saw a great change to him.I just found that my vision are so narrow.

I know I can't just stick to the past.

I need to observe every detail of my life carefully.

I need to seriously reflect on my behavior.

I need to use the gold rush thinking to learn better, to work better, to live better .

Ⅲ Something you don't know.


Little bear A~You see our parents fishing over there.

Little bear B~That's how fun to be an adult is.

Mother bear and father bear~It is really boring,right?

Think a little.

We always thought each other was better than us.

But you don't know, while you enjoy your happiness, someone is working hard for you.

Although you know now, you did not think so.

When I was a kid, I always looked forward to growing up, the faster the better.

If I was big big girl,  I don't need to live this boring childhood.

If I was a big big girl, I can make more money.At that time,  I thought it must so interesting  that I could work outside with different guys.

Instead of staying in school,worrying about my homework any more.

Instead of being bored at home alone where nobody playing with me.

Instead of teasing myself as a coward.

Instead of……

I can do a lot of things I want to do.

But that is not the case.

In order to make money, it is really not an easy job .

From the moment you step into the workplace,you have to realize that you're not a student anymore,but an employee.

Everything you do here is to maximize your company's interests .

How to realize the income?

One is the integration of resources.

It includes people and things.

Talking about things, all things are for human use.Whether this product is used by myself or I need to sell it, one thing should be mentioned that all services are based on human needs.

Always thinking about the need, all the problems will be solved.

Talking about people, different people do the jobs in their respective post.It has to be done with the right people in the right place.

Well, the real growth of a person lies in his ability to solve problems.

It takes time to improve your ability.

This is an era of change.

There is no work without pressure.

There is no shortcut on the road of the realm.

Only those who learn to embrace change can get out.

Keep calm and Carry on.

Be patient and polish yourself.

There is always regret in the process, so don't go too far.

The most important thing is to stick to it and never give up.

From beginning to end, stick to your first heart.

The end.2018.07.28.凌晨2:26



Life is always interesting.

Read the funny stories,

and then~

Taste your own life.


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