

作者: starsarshine | 来源:发表于2018-08-26 05:52 被阅读0次




      这个世界永远是金字塔,没有人是完美的,不会有人没烦恼。刘德华也一样,他不擅长高音,他总唱些低中音的歌曲,扬长避短。不要往自己的弱点突破,一般都失败。马云在支付宝搞个类似微信的社交,结果就失败。编程语言有很多,C指针比较难,C++语法复杂,你不合适这样的语言,就选择些拖控件或者语法简单的语言比如labview c#等。



      金字塔决定实业大于虚拟产业,政策提出大力发展实业。没有实业互联网何来广告的收入,金融何而出现。房地产土木基建大于工业,工厂工地大于写字楼,体制内大于私企外企,外面赚一分钱很难。人的邪恶要政府监控。 政府为了更好发展会对高级人才补贴。涉及国家安全的水电石油等国家垄断,国企只招应届生,社会人士要很高学历和丰富经验。工科计算机是最好考公务员的专业,电气是进中国五百强第一电网最好的专业。当你做错遇到不好的事,向前看,坦然面对。进国企未必是好事,最暴利的烟草国企,技术操作工要上夜班,身体坏了赚的都不够看病。市场需求决定赚钱,人人觉得电控软件有趣,画机械图枯燥,那么机械赚钱。但总体外面不是那么好混,华为任正非说过:一流人才去美国,二流人才进政府。




     所有人遇到不好的事,喝杯忘情水忘记,或喝杯knowledge water用知识化解,在听伤感歌曲,产生共鸣感同身受,多听些开心的歌曲让自己开心,调节好向前进,愿你成功,失败淡然处之,不好的请走开,最好的请过来,恭喜你发财,恭喜你进财。求方法,有谁认识娱乐圈的人或者马云这样的大老板,这对你来说是商机,邀请刘德华来唱忘情水英文版,绝对火爆全球,引起所有人共鸣,歌曲好听主要旋律节奏,词的故事。谁唱很重要,天赋音色等因素很重要。好歌要火起还要靠强大的媒体炒作。刘德华明星能用这样的歌曲影响全世界。


       投机方式炒股炒房炒作创业找风口。一个高中学历的人抓住用户爱分享美图的风口,开发美图秀秀,身家过亿。成功要时机,当命运没有照顾你,不要仇富。我在找中国最有影响力粉丝最多最帅的明星刘德华来唱忘情水英文版knowledge water,求帮助,呼吁人们遇到问题先喝杯knowledge water冷静,用知识解决问题,过上美好的生活。若多次尝试还失败,我会放弃,一切看开。All the success and failure ,make it disappear with the wind.


     为了世界和平希望你可以分享到网络任一途径如微博贴吧等,打赏我2元。愿一切安好,若不好愿所有人坦然处之。没得到打赏,失败我永远不做不写。为了社会和谐,不再出现报复社会行为,我必须浪费时间做这件事,为所有人能理智解决问题。愿所有人努力为 了世界更美好!

     English version:In order to make world peaceful and better,more people can be successful and good, calm down your heart and read this article and video patiently,it affects you like water and electricity,maybe it is only one for you.If you are moving,please share to any road on the Internet to affect more people, reward author two yuan,thanks for your coming!

     This world is forever made up of gold towers , no body is perfect, no one has no troubles. Even if Andy lau ,who is on the top of gold tower,he does bad in high tune ,therefore he always sings some simple songs, he uses his advantage instead of disadvantage.Do not take any action in your weak,it always is failed.For example, Mayun did wrong things.He made social contact in alipay like wechat.It was failed.Another example,program language has many kinds.Language C is difficult to everybody about pointer.Language C++ has complex grammar.Maybe these languages are not suitable for you,you can choose some simple language in grammar such as c# or other languages like labview which you can program by drawing.

     Law and rules and government are on the top of any gold tower.As for every body,we must follow government,lawandrules to do something.Law and rules are god to every body.But people are evil at first,somebody always violates rules to make itself convience.On the zhihu Internet platform ,a man works in state-owned business on coal industry.He uses work time to do business,builds a cake shop and a nursery school. There are not fair abosolutely,but in tolal there are fair relatively. Somebody does pioneering work successfully and somebody does pioneering work unsuccessfully. But most people are failed.So if you want to do pioneering work,you should have a stable work first.

    Because of the gold tower,there are must many people in poor.Donot do some simple work,you will lose your competiton,such as sale and working in strength .Donot do these work,like selling cars,houses,finance and do a common worker in factories or building places.Do some works having high entry barrier,such as designing,programming,selling which you should know technology or understand a foreign language.Everybody can sell houses,donot do it if you have good choice ,Somebody can earn money from it,but somebody cannot earn money from it.If everybody can be rich,this is impossible,in this way everybody doesnot work and the earth will die out.The work time is so long and the basic wage is so low,even if you can sell out many houses,you can get commission after long time.Those cunning merchants want to earn much money by rising house price,it is so difficult.I donot want to buy house if I have much money one day. Less people can buy houses, unknown and poor city house price is 8000 one square.Less employees can save 80 thousand one year.

      The gold tower decides solid industries are more important than virtual industry,policy says that we should use more strength to develop solid industries.Internet doesnot have any ads income,there must be no finance industry.House,civil and basic construction have more profit than industry.factory or building places is better than writing building.Working for government is better than private or foreign enterprises It is so difficult to earn money from others. Everybody is evil at first,so they must be controlled by center called governments.

     Government always gives some money or favor to some people who are important to the social in order to make the world develop better.They are related about country safety,Country monopolized water,electricity,oil,energy source and so on. State-owned enterprise only hires fresh graduate .If you are social persons,you must have high degree and much experience.you are regreted and want to revenge social when you are in troble,please give it up.Computer science in Engineering course Can go to government for working easily by exams. Electricity major is the best major to working for state grid which is No.1 company in China.When you are wrong,meet bad things,please go ahead,all the success and failure,make it disappear with the wind,face everything with a good altitude.Maybe it is not a good thing to work for stated-own enterprise.A company producing cigarettes has most profit.A technology worker works for it all the night,it will make your body bad and you donot have much money to go hospital.The market needing decides what industry can earn more money.Everybody thinks hardware and software is interesting,designing for machine is boring,so designing for machine can earn more money. But totality working for others instead of government is hard.Huawei boss Renzhengfei says:The first talented persons go to America,the second talented persons work for government.

      Internet makes many solid shop close,the poor and the rich have much gap as time goes by.Maybe this world exists many poor and painful persons in extreme,so everything should be adjust by government who is on the top of gold tower. Every body wants to have a good life ,chase the biggest benefit, electricity concentrates on factory,electron is dispersed in any industry.Low electron has less wage than common workers in factory or building places.

    Everybody is same ,always goes to the richest place to earn most money,concerned about money rather than interests.High electrons such as airplane and war industry can earn more money. Electricity is easy to everybody,a junior college student who failed in many exams,transfer repairing machine into to designing and programing in electricity,have 200 thousand one year,who is on the top of gold tower.Soft ware has some foam,you can have hardware but not software,industry software will exist sometimes,control hardware and so on.

       Everybody chases most benefit and somebody is in trouble at the process.Then they are in extreme.There are many such people,they will kill other when they are unhappy.DiDi driver raped and killed the young airplane woman.A young man goes to shanghai to find work and he is under much pressure and he kills two kids.I fighted with college roommate s Because we have contradiction .So you use extreme ways to cause bad results.Some body that you meet cannot see again,no friends forever but profit forever.I change we are different lyric to we are stranger s.That compose is so suitable for these song,How do I find Dazhuan to sing?

      All people will meet bad things,you should drink a cup of forgiven love water to forget or drink a cup of knowledge water to use knowledge to solve every problem.When you listen to some sad songs,you cause resonance and have similar experience ,you should listen to happy songs to make you happy,adjust yourself well and go ahead.Wish you can be successful.If you are a loser,you should face it with a good attitude .I want to find Andy lau to sing this English song called knowledge water,please tell me who know someone in circle playing or some bosses such as Mayun and so on.This is a chance to you to be rich.This song must be popular in the world,moving everybody.A good song is mainly on compose,rythmn,and lyric story.Ii is important to who sings,the talent and voice quality and so on are so important.It needs to strong medias to advertise.Andy lau star can use this song to heal the world.

     There are always confliction between more material demand and poor producing ability.Every body will lose itself because of benefit.If you can work for government,donot work for others.I find work about trading with foreigners in English rather than program for factory,although it earns less money.Because writing in Enlish doesnot waste your more energy than programing,I can prepare exams better for entering government.The class rank from high to low one by one is Official,merchants, engineers,workers,farmers.Many bosses are not good persons.A boss call you to work over time.I hate this state. Efficiency is so important to work.If I am a official,I will make his company close.Few people can pass the College English Test-6.It is so important to use your advantage to defeat difficulty rather than use disadvantage.

      You can earn more money in short time by investing shares or house,making you famous, doing pioneering work or finding some chances.A man who only has high middle degree catched the chance that persons like sharing beautiful pictures on the Internet,create the software called showing your pretty pictures.He has one hundred million.So you should need a good time and chance to be successful.When fate doesnot help you,do not hate the rich.I am looking for Andy lau star Who has the most influence and most fans and is most handsome to sing this English song called knowledge water,the primitive Chinese song called forgiven love water,please just help me, Call everybody to drink a cup of knowledge water at first in trouble,use your knowledge to solve every problem and in last have a good life.If I try many times and then I am failed ,I will give it up determinedly and be peaceful.All the success and failure,make it disappear with the wind.

      Trouble is your friend. A famous college student who majors in medicine.After graduating he worked in hospital one year.Then he sets up shop to do business and it is unsuccessful.He goes to factory to do a technology worker.This factory is about machine,electricity and software.Math ,physics, chemistry are basic courses,it cannot earn money straightly.Some industries have using in these basic science,like structure,hardware,software,biology, medicine and music,but it is not necessary.This proves machine,electicity,software have bright future in factory.So he changes his work and works for factory.He passes the College English Test-6 and he translate English technology data to Chinese.All crucial contents about any major is in English.This case tells you should invest cautiously because doing pioneering work has great risk.You should choose right industry,right platform,right team,right direction,right situation.take best action according your ability and you can be successful.

     In order to make world peaceful you share this article to any road on the Internet such as weibo ,tieba an so om,reward me two yuan.Wish everything is good and if it not good ,please face it bravely with a good attitude.If I do give no prize am failed,Idonot do these things and write any more forever.In order to make world in harmony.donot appear revenging social behaviors,I must waste some time to do this thing,in order to make everybody solve problems with wisdom.Wish everbody try your best to make the world wonderful.


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