- python
- blast
- metaeuk
- augustus
- sepp
- hmmer
- Rscript
busco --config ~/Applications/busco/config/config.ini -i genome.fna -o 1 -m genome
busco --config ~/Applications/busco/config/config.ini -i Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.pep.all.fa -o H1 -m protein -l /home/ubuntu/peo/busco_downloads/lineages/eukaryota_odb10/
--config 文件配置是指将所需软件位置指定在config.ini文件夹下,软件会识别该文件所指定软件目录,具体配置如下:
# This is the BUSCOv5 configuration file template.
# It is not necessary to use this, as BUSCO will use the dependencies available on your PATH by default.
# The busco run parameters can all be set on the command line. See the help prompt (busco -h) for details.
# To use this file for an alternative configuration, or to specify particular versions of dependencies:
# 1) edit the path and command values to match your desired dependency versions.
# WARNING: passing a parameter through the command line overrides the value specified in this file.
# 2) Enable a parameter by removing ";"
# 3) Make this config file available to BUSCO either by setting an environment variable
# export BUSCO_CONFIG_FILE="/path/to/myconfig.ini"
# or by passing it as a command line argument
# busco <args> --config /path/to/config.ini
# Input file
;in = /path/to/input_file.fna
# Run name, used in output files and folder
;out = BUSCO_run
# Where to store the output directory
;out_path = /path/to/output_folder
# Path to the BUSCO dataset
;lineage_dataset = bacteria
# Which mode to run (genome / proteins / transcriptome)
;mode = genome
# Run lineage auto selector
;auto-lineage = True
# Run auto selector only for non-eukaryote datasets
;auto-lineage-prok = True
# Run auto selector only for eukaryote datasets
;auto-lineage-euk = True
# How many threads to use for multithreaded steps
;cpu = 16
# Force rewrite if files already exist (True/False)
;force = False
# Restart a previous BUSCO run (True/False)
;restart = False
# Blast e-value
;evalue = 1e-3
# How many candidate regions (contigs, scaffolds) to consider for each BUSCO
;limit = 3
# Metaeuk parameters for initial run
# Metaeuk parameters for rerun
# Augustus parameters
# Quiet mode (True/False)
;quiet = False
# Local destination path for downloaded lineage datasets
;download_path = ./busco_downloads/
# Run offline
# Ortho DB Datasets version
;datasets_version = odb10
# URL to BUSCO datasets
;download_base_url = https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v4/data/
# Download most recent BUSCO data and files
;update-data = True
# Use Augustus gene predictor instead of metaeuk
;use_augustus = True
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = tblastn
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = makeblastdb
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = augustus
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = etraining
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = gff2gbSmallDNA.pl
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = new_species.pl
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = optimize_augustus.pl
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = hmmsearch
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = prodigal
path = /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/python36/bin
command = metaeuk
path = /home/ubuntu/Applications/sepp/
command = run_sepp.py
python scripts/generate_plot.py –wd my_summaries
cat id1|while read id
do busco --config /public/home/fengting/config.ini -i $id.ort.fa -m protein -o $id
busco 结果解读:
C Complete 多少个BUSCO测试基因被覆盖。 C = S + D
S single-copy 多少个基因经过比对发现是单拷贝。 -
D duplicated 多少个基因经过比对发现包含多拷贝。 -
F Fragment 多少个基因经过比对覆盖不完全,只是部分比对上。 -
M Miss 没有得到比对结果的基因数 -
Total Total 总共测试的基因条目数 Total = C + F + M
config/config.ini · master · ezlab / busco · GitLab
BUSCO评估基因组组装和完整性 - 简书 (jianshu.com)