These Images Are Mother Ganga Crying Out To Us To Save It From Our Apathy, Please Wake Up India
印度恒河遭到严重污染 活人同浮尸共浴
Our holy river Ganga begins as a crystal clear river high in the icy Himalayas but pollution and excessive usage transforms it into toxic sludge on its journey through burgeoning cities, industrial hubs and past millions of devotees. The major causes behind the deterioration of the water body are: increase in population density, activities such as bathing, washing clothes, bathing of animals, and dumping of large quantities of detrimental industrial waste into the river.
Worshipped by a billion Hindus and a water source for 400 million, "Mother Ganga" is dying, despite decades of government efforts to save it. Below are 22 pictures that show glimpses of the majestic river and how it is being eaten up by the ill effects of pollution.