1. 确认对方来函收悉
We have acknowledged receipt of your letter of ... and are please to note your readiness to insure with us a shipment of ...我们已经收到贵方。。。 日来函,很高兴得知贵方就。。。(货物)向我方投保
We are please to receive your letter of ...in regard to insurance .In reply ,we would like to inform you of ...很高兴收到贵方。。。日关于保险的来函,在此,我们欣然告知。。。

The prevailing rate for the shipment against ...is ...%,subject to Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses。目前,根据海洋运输货物保险条款规定,改货物投保。。。险的保险费率是。。。%。
Generally we cover insurance ...in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. If you desire to cover..., we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium.通常,如若没有客户的明确指示,我们承保。。。如果贵方希望投保。。。我们将以稍高一点的保险费率承保。

3. 表示希望对方及时确认
if you find our rate acceptable ,please let us know. 如果贵方认为我们的保险费率可以接受,请告知。
We trust the information will serve your purpose and await your further news.相信该信息能满足贵方要求,等候贵方的进一步消息。
Refer sb. to sth. 参看,参照
Arrange to insure the goods on our behalf 代我方办理该批货物的保险
Refund the premium to you 将保险费退还贵方
Debit note 索款通知单
For one’s account 由某方付费,又。。。负责
Bound from ... to ... 从。。。驶往。。。
Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款
Ocean Marine War Risks Clauses 海洋运输战争险保险条款
For your reference 供贵方参考
Policy / insurance policy 保单
The special rate of insurance 特惠保率
The international shipping line 国际班轮运输
In the absence of definite instruction from 没有。。。的明确指示

三个 基本险是:
All risks一切险
Free from Particular Average (FPA)平安险
With Particular Average(WPA)水渍险
Theft , Pilferage and Non-Delivery Risks (简称T.P.N.D 或 TPND) 偷窃、提货不着险
Fresh and /or rain Water Damage Risks淡水雨淋险
Shortage Risk或 Risk of Shortage 短量险
Intermixture and Contamination Risks混杂、玷污险
Leakage Risk / Risk of Leakage渗漏险
Clash and Breakage Risks碰损、破碎险
Hook Damage Risks钩损险
Rust Risk / Risk of Rust锈损险
Breakage of Packing Risk包装破裂险
Sweating and Heating Risks受潮受热险
Taint of Odor Risks串味险
War Risk战争险
Strikes Risk罢工险

Failure to Delivery Risk交货不到险
Import Duty Risk进口关税险
On Deck Risk舱面险
Rejection Risk拒收险
Aflatoxin Risk黄曲霉素险
Fire risk extension clause for storage of cargo at destination Hong Kong ,including Kowloon or Macao.出口到港澳地区(包括九龙)的货物存仓火险