- reads与基因组进行比对。
- 根据比对结果,提取reads在基因组上的位置信息。
- 根据基因注释文件,确定CDS区域和基因主体的范围。
- 计算reads在CDS区域的比例,判断是否大于95%。
- 计算reads在基因主体的比例,判断是否大于85%。
- 遍历比对结果,统计每个基因的CDS区域和基因主体区域的比对情况。
# 导入所需的库
import pysam
# 输入文件路径
genome_file = "genome.fasta" # 基因组文件
reads_file = "reads.fastq" # reads文件
annotation_file = "annotation.gtf" # 基因组注释文件
# 定义变量
genes = {} # 存储每个基因的CDS区域和基因主体区域的比对情况
# 读取基因组注释文件,提取CDS区域和基因主体区域的位置信息
with open(annotation_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith('#'):
fields = line.strip().split('\t')
feature_type = fields[2]
if feature_type == 'gene':
gene_id = fields[8].split(';')[0].split(' ')[1].replace('"', '')
genes[gene_id] = {'cds_count': 0, 'gene_body_count': 0, 'cds_ratio': 0, 'gene_body_ratio': 0}
elif feature_type == 'CDS':
start = int(fields[3])
end = int(fields[4])
gene_id = fields[8].split(';')[0].split(' ')[1].replace('"', '')
if gene_id in genes:
genes[gene_id]['cds_regions'] = genes[gene_id].get('cds_regions', []) + [(start, end)]
elif feature_type == 'exon':
start = int(fields[3])
end = int(fields[4])
gene_id = fields[8].split(';')[0].split(' ')[1].replace('"', '')
if gene_id in genes:
genes[gene_id]['gene_body_regions'] = genes[gene_id].get('gene_body_regions', []) + [(start, end)]
# 遍历reads文件,比对到基因组上并计数
with pysam.FastxFile(reads_file) as reads:
for read in reads:
seq = read.sequence
# 进行比对,这里假设使用Bowtie进行比对,需提前安装并设置好环境
sam_output = pysam.view("-S", "-q", "10", genome_file, "-", "-o", "temp.sam", "-")
with open("temp.sam", 'r') as samfile:
for line in samfile:
fields = line.strip().split('\t')
gene_id = fields[2] # 假设基因信息在SAM文件的第三列
if gene_id in genes:
genes[gene_id]['cds_count'] += 1 if any(start <= int(fields[3]) <= end for start, end in genes[gene_id]['cds_regions']) else 0
genes[gene_id]['gene_body_count'] += 1 if any(start <= int(fields[3]) <= end for start, end in genes[gene_id]['gene_body_regions']) else 0
# 计算每个基因的CDS区域和基因主体区域的比例,并判断基因是否存在于样本中
for gene_id, gene_info in genes.items():
cds_ratio = gene_info['cds_count'] / total_count * 100
gene_body_ratio = gene_info['gene_body_count'] / total_count * 100
gene_info['cds_ratio'] = cds_ratio
gene_info['gene_body_ratio'] = gene_body_ratio
if cds_ratio > 95 and gene_body_ratio > 85:
gene_info['exists_in_sample'] = True
gene_info['exists_in_sample'] = False
# 打印结果
for gene_id, gene_info in genes.items():

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