在Toastmaster 演讲:我的P3-stage1总结

在Toastmaster 演讲:我的P3-stage1总结

作者: Eva旭旭 | 来源:发表于2018-10-28 17:28 被阅读169次

上周五在头马进行了P3-stage1演讲, 做回顾总结如下:




这次session1部分第一个演讲,也不用等待时感受自己的小焦虑了。演讲前两天和一天分别做了计时和自己给自己的实验,所以进行时还比较顺利。中间进行中,Lily插了一句“but we like guandan”,自己突然就不知道说什么好了,笑了笑就过去了,看来自己的应变能力还有待加强。整个演讲用时不到6分钟,时间上OK。


Razor: 中间大家可能发笑或者已经发笑的地方要给予缓冲时间,可以暂停一下,等待反应,这也是和观众的互动,而我的表现有些着急了,直接就进行后面的演讲了。




What My blind date told me

Good evening, my dear friends. As you know, as a leftover lady, you have to put up with the blind dates your parents arrange for you. And dating with a stranger sometimes is boring, totally a waste of time, while sometimes is interesting. Maybe we can conclude that it like a box of chocolate, you never know whatyou are going to get.

The first guy I met is a civil servant, who hasalready own a car and a house, being the kind of person who can offersufficient material conditions meeting his future mother-in-law’s expectations.While when I asked, what do you like to do at weekends or when you are free?Palying guandan, he said. I only knew Guandan is a poker game, so I asked, whydo you like Guandan and do you have other hobby, like doing sports? Nonono, Ido not like sports, my colleagues and my boss are all like Guandan, and we playit whenever we are free. Whenever you are free? Sometime like weekday? Yes, weare not busy at weekday, most of the time it is Ok if you come to office lateor go home early. So you like you work? Yes, it is easy and I feel relaxed, Ilike the work like this. Oh, I am totally jealous of you. While actually Ithought, he cannot be my Mr.right, because I do not like an easy work, a sendatarylifestytle with no sports and the boring Guandan. We had too much disagreementon these matters.

So after a month, I met a second guy. He is aninvestment manager in a venture capital firm, who is long engaged in thefinancial field. After a few casual words, he asked, you work in a biologycompany? Yes I do. So how much do you earn very month? I told him anapproximate figure before he asked, how much bonus do you earn very year? Nottoo much, although I told him a round figure, it seemed impolite to talk aboutmoney when you dated with someone at the first time. And as we talked more, heasked more about my parents’ and grandparents’ jobs, their titles and myex-boyfriend. Actually I had no ex-boyfriend. Maybe he treated me as hisinvestee, examining everything about me rigorously with a strong sense ofresponsibility. While I was not someone who need his investment, so the wholetalk seemed weird for me. And as you can guess, it was not only my first datewith him, but the last date as well.

These two blind dates did not provide me with a Mr. Right, while I knew what kind of people was not suitable for me. There are two strategies for people to make a choice. For some one, they always know exactly what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it. For another group like me, however, simply do not know what our goal is. While through trial-and-error, we can narrow the choices step by step,and finally get what we prefer.


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      本文标题:在Toastmaster 演讲:我的P3-stage1总结
