Harry: Excue me. Can you help me?
Vendor: Sure, what do you want?
Harry: Where is 83 Wooster Street?
Vendor: That's easy.Walk to the corner,then make a left turn,then walk,two blocks to the traffic light.Make a little left to Wooster.
Vendor: That's easy. Walk to the corner. Then make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the traffic light.Make another left to Wooster.
Make another left没有听出来,可能是因为连读的原因。
Harry: Thank you.To the corner,and on the left.
Harry: Thank you. To the corner and then a left?
仔细听,确实是a left,而不是the left。
Vendor: Yes,on left.Hot dog?Only 75 cents.
Vendor: Yeah. A left. Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents.
Harry: No. Thank you. I have a dinner date.
Harry: 555-9470...and it's busy....Try again. 555-9470...and it's still busy. Excuse me ,ma'am.I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street.
Woman: Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right about two houses.
Harry: Thank you, thank you!
Woman: You're welcome.
Susan: Who is it?
Harry: Harry Bennett. Is it the Susan?
Harry: Harry Bennett. Is this Susan?
Is this Susan听起来确实跟Is it the Susan很像,但并没有Is it the Susan这种说法。
Susan: Yes, it is. Come up. I'm on the top floor.Hello,Herry.It's nice to meet you.
Harry: Nice to meet you, Susan. Sorry I'm late. The traffic. The parking. I was lost.
Susan: What pretty flowers.Thank you.Oh,please,come in.Don't worry about being late.It's fine.Excuse the mass,I just move here.Oh,I'd like you to meet my sister-in-low Mallen,Mallen Stardard.This is Hary Beny.
Susan: What pretty flowers! Thank you. Oh, please come in. Don't worry about being late. It's fine. Excuse the mess. I just moved here. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett.
P1647 mess
P1614 mass
Your in-laws are the parents and close relatives of your husband or wife.姻亲
Harry: NIce to meet you.
Harry: Pleased to meet you.
仔细听,确实是pleased to meet you.
Marilyn: Nice to meet you, Harry.
Harry: Are we too late for our dinner resalation//.
Harry: Are we too late for our dinner reservation?
n. 预约,预订;保留
Susan: No,the restaurant are holding our table.I know there very well.I eat there a lot.
Susan: No,the restaurant will hold our table. I know the owner very well. I eat there a lot.
Harry: Do you know the phone number of the restaurant.I'd like to call home,and with this number with the baby setter.
Harry: Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter.
n. 代人临时看管小孩的人;当模特儿的人;坐着的人
Susan: Sure. The number is... five five five... seventeen twenty.
Harry: May I use the Phone?
Susan: Yes.
Harry: 5-5-5-1-7-2-0?
Susan: Ah.
Harry: Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant....Hi,Betty.I'll be 5551720.Ok,thanks,see you later.Well,That's done.Shall we go?
Harry: Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant....Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five...seventeen twenty. OK. Thanks. See you later. Well, that's done. Shall we go ?
Susan: I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn.
Marilyn: Have a nice evening.
Harry: Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again.
Marilyn: Me, too. Have fun!
Susan: Thanks.
Harry: After you.
Focus In
Following Directions