Wiki's World

作者: ZixinJin | 来源:发表于2017-09-12 04:52 被阅读0次

    Wiki's World

    Shapeiod Facts

    Well hello there! You might be wondering what Shapeiod is. Well, let me tell you! It is the planet of the shapes, in a far and distant galaxy. It actually looks quite similar to a first world country on earth.

    The civilization that lives on the planet practically lives their everyday life quite similarly to us humans.

    Now if you’re wondering what I mean by shapes, (if you’re not wondering about this then THINK ABOUT IT NOW.NOW. THAT’S RIGHT, NOW. )

    I mean shapes. A 3-D shape,

    just like this one:

    A cube

    Except,the shapes on Shapeoid are a little bit like this:

    A Curope Cube

    See?Just tweak it round a little and you get what you’re looking for.

    The only (practical) thing that is different from those shapes to us humans (except how we look, of course) is about their knowledge. For example, a cube would live in Curope, and think that it was the only continent that existed.

     Nobody explored out of their own continent, they stayed in the same one all their lives. Why didn’t they explore? Because they didn’t know anything existed but their own continent. (hmm...)

    Nobody will think outside the box. Nobody wanted to think outside the box. Nobody did think outside the box. Or did they?

    Good Morning

    “zzz” snored Wiki, a young and happy cube, slept peacefully. Little did he know, that, in a few seconds his world would go....


    Well,that. Maybe he didn’t know a second ago, but he sure knew now.

    Thankfully, since the noise was SO LOUD, Wiki woke up. He found that the “Ring ring ring” was actually his alarm clock. Thank goodness for that. He glanced over at his calendar and saw that

    Today was the day of his school camping trip! He was so excited he marked that day with big bold writing saying:

    School Camping Trip!!!

    so as to remind himself and everyone around him that that day was the day of the 2 day trip. The trip was in the deep and eerie parts of the nearby forest, Quad dodgy forest. Everybody was super hyper when they heard the news that they were going, and decided it would be the best time of their life.

    Wiki thought so too. He was excited he jumped out of bed, went into the bathroom where he brushed his teeth and washed his face. Wiki then got dressed and grabbed his backpack and suitcase by their handles.

    He dashed over to the dining room, where his mum and dad were sitting at the table, eating breakfast. “Good morning dear,” Wiki’s mum (Mrs Natses) said, at the sight of Wiki’s arrival, “are you ready for the trip?” Wiki grinned broadly and nodded.

    He had been back and forth the house, packing his stuff. His dad (Mr Natses) kept saying “It’s only a 2 day trip!” but Wiki ignored him.

    To him and his classmates it was more than a 2 day trip; it was carefree time with his friends. No lessons, no parents, no work. It was heaven on Shapeoid.

    He stared mournfully at his breakfast; he didn’t want this piece 


    of toast, what he wanted was to go to school. Right now. Mr Natses saw the look on Wiki’s face and said “I know you’re excited son, but you can’t go there with an empty belly!”

    He smiled gently at Wiki, and then started reading his newspaper again

    Wiki knew that, but he felt full. Nevertheless, he still ate his piece of toast, but he did it reluctantly. He thought his piece of toast tasted disgusting. But he knew it didn’t, it was only his imagination.

    Wiki’s Friends

    As Wiki ran on the path to school, he saw his best friends, Pritt and Dena. They were chatting with each other at the other side of the road. Wiki waved to them and they waved back.

    “Pritt! Dena!” shouted Wiki. They turned to face him and walked to the road Wiki was on. As they came closer, Wiki saw that Dena was practically flying with excitement.

    "Shut up"

    “Eek! I’m so excited! Are you excited? I bet you I am! How much did you pack?”exclaimed Dena, “I was going to take two suitcases with me but my mum wouldn’t let me. I wonder why, I mean what’s wrong with bringing two suitcases? She said that I could only take a backpack and a suitcase. My dad said that I shouldn’t pack too much because it was only two days. Seriously? I don’t care! I mean, I don’t care if I pack too much! It will be totally worth it! Oh and guess what? This morning my brother shot me with a Nerf Gun! And guess what I did? Guess guess guess...”

    She was suddenly cut off by the shock of Pritt’s speech all of a sudden. “Dena, will you be quiet? All of the blah blah blah, I bet you could go on and on and on till the camping trip’s finished!”

    Wiki grinned, his friends were always arguing. “Shall we get a move on then? I don’t want to be late. I bet Dena doesn’t want that either.” said Wiki. So they carried on walking to school together.

    At Quad Edge School

    I hear you wondering, what’s Quad Edge? Well, the answer is very simple. Very simple indeed.

    Quad Edge is basically a little city in Curope, continent of the cubes. Curope is entirely populated by cubes. No tourist or anything, because, remember page 1?

    Anyways, back to the story. When Wiki and his friends finally arrived at school, they saw that the gate was extremely crowded with students coming from every direction.

    They carefully edged their way through the crowd, so as to not push anyone. They walked through the school and into their classroom. On the whiteboard was big bold writing (probably from the teacher) saying:

    Camping Trip Today 

    Bring Your Luggage 

    With You At All Times

    “Miss Callen makes it sound like somebody wants to steal our backpacks,” sniggered Pritt, “As if! Not only do we have nothing valuable, your design looks terrible.”

    "It doesn't look that bad, Pritt"

    “Oh shut up Pritt! Not that I expect you to.You never stop talking!” shouted Dena in response. Pritt sighed, face-palmed himself, trying to remind Dena that she was usually the one always talking, but she ignored him.

    So they chatted for what seemed like 1000 years, until Miss Callen (their teacher) told everyone it was time to go.

    A buzz of excitement went around the class as they departed school and into the main road. Dena again was blabbering non-stop about… well everything.Really. It’s her type of thing. Pritt was trying to shut Dena up.

    And Wiki? Wiki was daydreaming about places beyond Curope…

    Camping here. Here.

    As Wiki daydreamed, he walked far, far away from his class. Nobody noticed him because they were all too excited. He wandered through hills and villages, not knowing what reality was and what was his imagination, and not knowing how he could be so fast when he came 25th in a running contest.

    He wandered in his dream until it was night time, and woke himself up by jumping into a stream. He quickly climbed out of the stream and flopped down on the grass.

    He was EXHAUSTED from walking miles and miles in daydream and wanted to sleep but knew that he couldn’t. Why couldn’t he?

    Because he needed to get home. Though, little did he know he was gonna have to wait a long way till he’s home.

    As Wiki walked lazily along the field, he thought about the wonderful time his friends must be having. He thought about making fake wooden shelters, rolling in the mud, climbing trees and eating roasted marshmallows. His friends would be doing all of these things.

    Suddenly, all the bones in his body started aching, and Wiki knew he could walk no longer. It was starting to turn dark ,and day was gradually transforming into night. He decided to camp in the field for the night, and took out his tent from his suitcase and set it up.

    It's a rectangle tent!

    Crawling inside the tent, Wiki’s exhaustion immediately led to deep,deep sleep.

    When Wiki woke up the next morning, it was like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He no longer felt tired, but he felt hungry.

    He looked inside his backpack, and to his delight was a huge assortment of snack which he had packed. There were a few sandwiches too.

    He took out a chocolate bar and snarfed it down quickly. He then took down his tent and put it in his suitcase, folding it neatly. Wiki began to walking forward, into the lush green field that seemed to stretch forever.


    As Wiki began to move forward, dragging his suitcase along, he saw a forest. It seemed to mark the end of the field and the start of a new habitat.

    Wiki was scared at the thought of walking through a dark and eerie forest, but those thoughts quickly flew away as Wiki drew nearer to the forest.

    He managed just about enough courage to step into the forest, and when he did, he was blown away. 

    It's a forest!

    Truth is Wiki had never been inside a forest. He wanted to see one, so he was totally excited when he rived the news of a camping trip inside the forest. Then an idea came to him,what ifthis was Quad dodgy forest?But the thought quickly faded away, Wiki knew that the teachers would never let them walk this far.

    So he kept on walking. As he walked, he could hear the fain growls of a creature, but he ignored it.

    As he walked, the growling became stronger and louder. But when he realized what it was, it was (nearly) too late.

    “AAAAHHHHH” Wiki screamed, as a bear erupted behind a bush. “AAAAHHHHH” he screamed again. The bear began to lunge towards Wiki, narrowly missing him.

    Wiki ran into the depths of the forest, but the bear seemed to like the thought of eating Wiki, because he kept on chasing him. He ran and ran but the bear was catching up on him and Wiki could never run forever.

    As Wiki ran, he saw the path above parted.

    He supercharged at the path that did not lead forward, hoping that the bear would be stupid enough to run forward into the other path. He was right. The bear ran forward. When Wiki finally lost the bear, he rested beside a bush. He finally realized it was a long time before he gets home.

    But right now, he wasn’t bothered to care. He was tired and hungry, even though he just had a bar of chocolate and had slept the night before. But running while being chased by a bear is nowhere near easy, you understand.

    Wiki walked slowly forward,so as to not destroy what little energy he had left. He gazed into the misty and frightening forest, and wondered what had been left of his life.

    No more Forest

    As Wiki walked slowly, he could see that the forest was beginning to end. He could see the bright light,which marked the end of the forest and the beginning of something else, but Wiki didn’t know what.

    He dragged his suitcase along, hoping he would not encounter anymore dreadful and scary creatures, and even if he did, he was too tired to be bothered by them. Which mean he’ll probably end up as lunch.

    As Wiki got nearer to the end of the forest, he could hear the faint noises of gushing water.Uh oh thought Wiki,What if I Made it all the way to sea? I don’t know the way back, and I can’t possibly swim all the way.

    But that didn’t stop him from walking. He might’ve been scared, but he was brave. Quite brave,anyways.

    When he finally reached the end of the forest, he could see nothing but a bright, blinding light, shining across whatever was out there. Wiki couldn’t see the ground, or the sky in front of him. Just a bright, blinding light.

    Was it the sun? Could it have dropped so low? Probably not.Wiki thought, staring in disbelief how stupid his idea was.He stared out at the bright light, thinking whether it was safe to keep walking,or to simply head back.

    Well, I’ve walked this far, might as well move forward.Thought Wiki out load, but a tiny voice inside his was screaming: Don’t! Don’t! It’s not safe! Wander back to a village where it is safe! Not here out in the wilderness! But Wiki ignored the voice and took a step.

    As soon as he did that, oh how he regretted it! He was plunged deep into shallow water, gurgling for air; Wiki swam to a huge log and climbed onto it. He sat on the log and saw everything. The bright light was a trick! It was there so shape could step right into the water!

    While Wiki was thinking about all of this, he didn’t notice the hundreds of rocks in front of him

    rocky rocky


    went the log as it hit a rock. Wiki stopped thinking about the trick and stared up. He saw hundreds of rocks, all placed in a zigzag. Wiki knew what this meant.

    There was gonna be a waterfall!

    And that was bad. Really bad. Wiki panicked, he knew he couldn’t swim with all the water gushing the other way, but he had to do something! He couldn’t just let himself die!Or maybe I could thought Wiki. He thought about heaven and being buried and all that stuff.

    What he didn't think about,is that he was probably gonna get crushed over by a waterfall.

    Spoiler Alert.

    This Chapter is mainly about screaming

    As Wiki thought (like always) the log drew nearer and nearer to the waterfall. Without Wiki knowing. Until now.




    Screamed Wiki as the log went flying in midair.

    Thankfully, as Wiki made a huge SPLASH! in the water below, he did not die. He wasn’t harmed at all! Dazed and dizzy, little did Wiki know he had just passed the border of the continents.

    He had just left Curope.

    Just one thing was wrong.

    He didn’t know he did it.

    Land from Water

    As Wiki floated among the little pool from the waterfall, you could see that he was unconscious. Shapes were light things, and could easily float on the water. That is unless you were extremely heavy.

    Wiki, however, was not extremely heavy, and floated peacefully on the water. Suddenly, he blinked. Then he slowly opened his eyes to see the bright sun shining above him. Tired, Wiki flipped over.

    Flipping over into deep shallow water was not good. It was a particular stupid thing to do because:

    1.You would land face flat into (usually freezing) water.

    2.You would plunge into water so suddenly you’ll probably gulp for air in water and somewhat die.

    As Wiki flipped over, he immediately realized that he was floating on water and immediately tried to flap over again. Too late. His face was plunged into deep shallow water.

    He desperately tried to flip over again, but couldn’t. So he lifted his head up onto the surface and swam to shore. He decided to keep on walking, and hopefully find shapes. After all,water leads to civilization.

    Strange City

    As Wiki walked away from the waterfall, he began to think about the things that had happened to him lately.

    He had gone on a camping trip and found himself lost. He had camped on an unknown land for a night.He ventured into a forest where he nearly got eaten by a bear. He had used a log as a boat and hat sailed through the rocky beginning of a waterfall. He fell down a waterfall and survived.

    It was beginning to get a bit too much, and Wiki wondered why he wasn’t going back. Possibly because he didn’t know where to go. But what was the point of going forwards? Where would he find then? Wiki sighed, and kept on walking.

    As he walked, he could hear the distant rumbling of what seemed like a city,Could this be it? Can the shapes who live here tell me the way back to home?thought Wiki. He began running, and soon enough, he saw a farm.

    I must be in the countryside!Thought Wiki (again). He resumed running and grew tired,but could see the faint outline of an urban city. Yet he never heard of such a place in Curope so far out. Then it hit him.

    What if he wasn’t in Curope anymore?

    It seemed impossible, yet so likely. He sprinted towards the city and soon found himself next to a busy road. Everything (living) stopped. Immediately Wiki knew why.The shapes who lived in this city weren’t cubes.

    Not actually a sphere,more like a circle but whatever.

    They were spheres, each and every one of them. Wiki thought they looked like aliens, and they thought Wiki was an alien. They thought Wiki looked strange. Remarkably strange. Amazingly strange. Out of this world strange.

    So one of them decided to called the police.

    Police Station

    As soon as the Sphere police arrived, Wiki was taken into a police car. Wiki always wondered what it was like inside a police car. Now he saw what it looked like. He was neither disappointed or satisfied.

    On the front seats were all sorts of gadgets,computers, buttons, radios, etc. But the back seats looked just like a normal car’s backseats.

    As the car drove through the city, Wiki could see it looked very much like his home. Everything looked quite similar, except the inhabitants. As Wiki looked out to a skyscraper, the car came to a stop. Wiki looked to the other window, and saw a police station.

    It looked just like Wiki’s town police station.Was a humongous glass building,with one of those round doors you can push to get inside. It had around 3 floors, with lots of windows everywhere.


    “Err…..” said an investigator/interrogator/whatever as they sat down opposite Wiki.

    When Wiki stepped out of the police car, the spheres led him into the huge police station building, into a room with one dim light, a table, and two chairs on the table’s opposite sides.Wiki recognized this as a interrogation room, when a interrogator questions a criminal/witness/whatever.

    Wiki was asked to sit down on one of the chairs, and the investigator/interrogator/whatever sat down opposite Wiki. Wiki had not suspected the investigator/interrogator/whatever (presumably an interrogator) to start off with an ‘Err’ to the interrogation.

    He had suspected to the start of their conversation to be started off with either:

    A.A thrilling start, as where the interrogator would be dramatic.

    B.A dull start, full of boring questions.

    C.A gentle start, where the interrogator would be soft and gentle.

    But it was none of these options that happened. Instead it was an ‘Err’ and to Wiki that seemed unprofessional.

    Wiki stared at the interrogator. He (the interrogator) wore a brown fedora that was deliberately tipped to cover his eyes, and you could see (faintly) a wave of black hair. His shape colour was a light-brown, like the colour you get from a cappuccino. He smelt like cappuccino.

    The interrogator tipped back his fedora, so you could see his eyes. They were blackish green. A deep green, like the colour of seaweed

    Its The Interrogator!

    “Right then,interrogator. Aren’t you supposed to say something other than err?” blurted out Wiki. The interrogator seemed shocked and this sudden spurt of speech. He wanted to reply, but couldn’t find the right words. Moments later, he found what he was going to say, and said: 

    “What’s your name?” OK, this was unexpected to Wiki, but, even so, he still replied. “My names Wiki” replied Wiki.

    “What’s your name?” OK, this was unexpected to Wiki, but, even so, he still replied. “My names Wiki” replied Wiki.

    “I am Tom.”Said the interrogator Tom.

    “OK” replied Wiki

    “So” said Tom

    “So what?”asked Wiki

    “Well umm…”said Tom sheepishly

    “Aren’t you going to ask me what I am?”Wiki said

    “What? Oh,that right…”Tom replied

    “So?”said Wiki, a bit irritated

    “So what?”asked Tom, confused

    “Aren’t you going to ask me?” asked Wiki,very irritated.

    “Oh OK. What are you then?” asked Tom finally

    “A cube” replied Wiki, relieved he finally was asked a sensible question.

    Tom looked bewildered. He probably hasn’t met/heard of a cube. “What’s that?” asked Tom,confusedly.

    “A shape. A type of shape.” replied Wiki. “What are you?” Wiki asked back. He was expecting some ‘I’m asking the question’ sort of answer, but he was wrong.

    “I’m a sphere” replied Tom. Now it was Wiki’s turn to look bewildered, he had never, never heard of a sphere, but suspected it to be a sort of shape.

    Wiki had so many questions for the interrogator, but this one pushed themselves to the top of the list.

    “Where am I? What city am in, or...? WHAT CONTINENT?” asked Wiki.

    "You're in Sphasia, young uhh cube. What continent are you from?"

    “Curope” Wiki replied, shocked.  “I knew it, knew it! There MUST be other continents! .Oh the wonder, the wonder! We must study you!” Wiki grew scared, STUDY HIM? What does that mean?

    “We must lock you up and get scientists to study you!” replied Tom, reading Wiki’s mind.


    “I don’t want to be studied!”cried Wiki

    “Too bad” said Tom.

    Guards entered the room and dragged Wiki somewhere else.

    Locked Up

    The guards threw Wiki in a dark, gloomy room with chains at either side. The guards fastened Wiki into the chains, and left the room to make way for Tom. “OK, you,are going to stay here whether you like it or not young fellow.” And grinned a toothy grin.

    Could this be how Wiki’s life turns out? A test subject for spheres?No,thought Wiki,I must escape!But how? Wiki had no plan. He didn’t have super strength to break his metal chains, but he needed to escape. Looking around the room, Wiki saw it had a barred window at the back. It had bars across it.

    The bar gaps were too small for Wiki to climb out, so he resumed his thought to other things. But thinking was tiring and Wiki soon fell asleep.

    He dreamed. He dreamed about home, and his friends and his family. He dreamed about going back to Curope and never come back to Sphasia. He dreamed of escape. And he hoped that these dreams would come true.

    And I assure you, they will. But for now, Wiki has to suffer the hardship of being locked up in a dark room with little sunlight and no food.

    The next day, Wiki woke up at morning. He felt relaxed, after his calming dream.But he was hungry. He had no food. He wished the scientists would come and take him and let it be over with. But they didn’t come. Not in the morning, anyway.

    Wiki looked around the room again. This time he could see better with the morning sun. It looked the same as last night. Dark and bare.

    Being Studied

    Wiki waited and waited. He waited till the scientists came. The scientist didn’t come until mid-afternoon. When they arrived, the guards released Wiki from the chains and handed him to them(the scientists) and the scientist led Wiki to the lab, while they walked, Wiki thought about escaping, but when his plan was fully formed, they already arrived.

    The bar looked MAGNIFICENT.It was just like those labs in movies. There were huge screens at every corner of the room and weird, strange yet amazing gadgets scattered everywhere. The room was entirely crowded by the mass of spheres, all different shapes and sizes, wearing lab coats. Wiki knew these were all scientists.

    The scientists leading Wiki grabbed him by his wrists and pushed him into a strange compartment. The shape was a cylinder and it was made of glass and metal. The inside the bare, but from the outside you could see it was connected to several wires. The wires led to several machines, all of which were different.

    As Wiki was pushed in, sort of gas appeared around him. It didn’t hurt him, it just drifted around. The gadget’s doors went opened and someone pulled him out. Then, without thinking,he ran.

    The Escape

    Wiki ran and ran, out of the lab and out of the police station. He remembered his suitcase and backpack and went to grab them in the dark room he had slept in the night before.

    It was much harder now, that he had things to carry. But he still managed to outrun the scientists. He ran into the busy city.

    Everybody was staring at him but Wiki didn’t care. He just kept on running. Then, out of breath, he ran round a corner. It was actually a dark passage. He rested, wondering how to get back to Curope.

    He then began to walk quietly, wondering if anyone could help. Not soon after he saw a small, wooden hut, with a plague  saying:

    Ancient Exlporer

    Ancient Explorer

    I wonder what that means,wondered Wiki. Well, he didn’t wait to find out. Wiki knocked on the door and waited for it to be opened. Soon after, an old, grey sphere opened the door. As soon as he saw Wiki, he ushered him inside.

    The Ancient Explorer

    You could never imagine what was in that hut. On every wall were bookshelves, and on those bookshelves were hundreds and thousands of BOOKS!

    There were also maps, nailed to the wall and pictures of some spheres in a jungle. Wiki suspected that one of those spheres were the old sphere when he was younger.

    The old sphere sat down on a comfy armchair. He gestured for Wiki to sit down as well.

    “How did you find this city?”asked The Old Sphere.

    Wiki thought about his answer, and replied, “I just, lost myself. Please sir, I need to go back home!”The Old Sphere nodded and stood up. He walked further into the hut.

    Wiki suspected that The Old Sphere did not want Wiki to follow him, so Wiki stayed exactly where he was.

    The Old Sphere came back with two cups of water. He gave one to Wiki and said “Call me Peter”. Wiki nodded and drank his water.

    “What did the Police do to you?” asked Peter. Wiki stared at him. How did he know he was caught by the police? Nevertheless, he still told him.

    “They caught me and locked me into a dark room. They then studied me in a weird gadget. Then I escaped.”

    Peter nodded at every word,Wiki was surprised that it did not come as a shock. “We must let you go home. I know the way. I shall guide you back to Curope.” Replied Peter, calmly. Wiki was shocked. Surely no shape every crossed the continents? As if reading his mind, Peter said:

    “Yes, I have been to Curope. But nobody knows. I and my colleges did disguise ourselves. I suggest you do that too?” Wiki grinned, disguising as a sphere was one of the things he wanted to do. Ever since finding out about spheres, that is.

    Here are some of the other things Wiki wants to do:

    ·Go Skydiving

    ·Climb a mountain

    ·Eat 30 sweets in 30 seconds


    ·Fly a plane

    But disguising as another shape was top of the list. 

    “How?” Wiki asked. 

    Peter winked and said “You wait and see.”

    Clothes Shopping

    Peter went to the door and told Wiki to stay in the hut. He walked into the city’s high street and scanned all the shops, looking for the one he was umm... looking for.

    Soon enough, he soon stopped by a shop saying:

    Round Outfits

    Apparently, this was his favourite clothes shop. He went inside and inspected the items on sale. He was looking for something that could disguise Wiki, something really round,something to cover the face…


    “I’ve found it!” shouted Peter. This caused most of the shoppers there to look round, and they sure were they were surprised! There was no sphere shouting and celebrating, just a few handfuls of shoppers.

    Peter had ducked, in the nick of time, to a corner, where he pretended to inspect some clothing. He did this as to not embarrass himself.

    He looked at the clothing before him, and decided it was perfect for Wiki’s disguise.


    Peter went to the till and bought it. He asked for a bag and put the item in it. He grinned, and headed back to the hut.


    When Peter got home, he handed the bag to Wiki. Wiki looked surprised, and opened the bag, inside was a navy blue hoodie,the same colour as Wiki.

    “Well? Put it on!” cried Peter. Wiki took the hoodie out and put it on. He yanked the hood over his face and pulled the cords together. The long hoodie draped right down Wiki, so as to cover his lower edges.

    Wow, uhh...

    “There! Now you don’t look like a cube at all!” exclaimed Peter excitedly. Wiki had to admit, he did NOT look like a cube. He did not exactly look like sphere either, but that didn’t matter.

    “So, do you really know the way back to Curope?” asked Wiki

    “Of course! I have been there! Except the journey was secret.” Replied Peter

    “Wow, woah” muttered Wiki. Peter smiled,and said, “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get you home! But first, let me wait for my granddaughter. Today she’s staying with me!” and danced about wildly. Not soon after, the distant rumbling of a car was heard outside the hut.

    “That must be her!” shouted Peter. There was a knock on the door, and in came a pink sphere, with ponytailed, blonde hair.

    She stared at Wiki, bewildered. “This is Pedia, Pedia, this is Wiki.” Announced Peter. “Take your hoodie off, Wiki please” commanded Peter. Wiki did as he was asked.

    “Oh grandpa! Is this the cubes you were talking about?” exclaimed Pidea.

    “It sure is” replied Peter,

    “We must return Wiki to Curope, my dear. And you are coming with us!” announced Peter.

    Pidea screamed and danced around the room,screaming, “My dream, and my dream! It has come true! Finally!”

    Time to Go

    Peter started packing straight away. Pidea glanced at Wiki and started helping her Grandpa pack. Wiki stayed exactly where he was, and sat down on a seat.

    Little did they know that the scientists and police were onto them. Tracking, chasing, and following.

    “Time to go!” shouted Peter. Wiki was astonished,surely not right now?As if reading his thoughts, Peter said:

    “Yes now. Quickly! We mustn’t lose our precious time!”

    Pedia looked and her Grandpa and looked like she was going to burst with happiness. Peter opened the door and walked calmly and casually outside. Pidea followed. Wiki, slowly but surely, followed too, looking round to see if people were looking at him.

    No, they weren’t. They were minding their own business as usual. Peter began stroll quickly, and Wiki tried hard to catch up with him.

    Not soon after, they were in the country side, where Wiki had stood a few hours ago. Suddenly, Wiki heard something. It was faint at first, but gradually it became louder….

    “RUN!” shouted Peter

    The Waterfall and The pond

    The three of them ran, and ran, until they met the waterfall. Peter dodged the waterfall, and started climbing the SIDE of the waterfall.

    Dat place

    Pidea followed, and then Wiki. They got mud and water all over them, but they didn’t care. All they cared was about the adventure. Soon enough, they reached the top.

    Walking carefully by the path near the river of stones, one by one, they reached the forest entrance/end.Wiki looked, the deep water surrounding the forest had no path next to it, so how on earth would they get there?

    Peter carefully stepped into the water and


    He went in!

    Pidea gave a gasp of horror, but it didn’t last long, Peter slowly floated to the surface, laughing. “Come on in!” he shouted.

    So Pidea and Wiki jumped.

    A sudden rush of coldness flood through Wiki, before his face met the surface. He swam elegantly to land and climbed up. Pidea did the same. As soon as she reached land she shook her hair wildly, flinging water everywhere.

    After reaching land, they went into the forest. Wiki could hear Pidea gasping and screaming, but he wasn’t at all surprised. After all, he had come this way before.

    They walked in silence,except for the fact that Pidea was screaming with happiness and excitement.

    Wiki was struck with a thought,what about the bear? Would the bear sense them and chase them like he did to Wiki? He hoped not, but couldn't guarantee it. He glanced at the place around them, thankfully, he heard no bears.

    Suddenly, Peter started to walk in a different direction. He walked through the bushes at grass. “Come this way, it’s a shortcut.” He said, so the two of them (Wiki & Pidea) followed him. Wiki thought longingly about his friends, his family, and, of course, Curope.

    Could this old sphere really get him back home?

    We spoke too soon

    When Wiki heard Peter said: “This is a shortcut” he didn’t think that the shortcut would lead them out of the forest THIS QUICK.

    It was a few minutes later.They had completely got out of the forest and into the countryside. Peter had told Wiki they had left Sphasia, and had entered Curope.

    That’s when Wiki became overexcited, and danced around wildly. He chanted I’m home, I’m home at last! Pidea followed his dance routine.

    Too caught up in theircelebration, they had completely ignored the sound of footsteps approaching.Except when Wiki was doing his pirouette, he saw them.

    Them as in police and scientists.

    The very spheres who studied Wiki.

    Wiki was frightened, very frightened. His natural instinct was to run, but knew that the police would catch up with him. For one wild moment, Wiki thought that they wouldn’t recognize him because of his hoodie, but then he knew that his hoodie showed his face clearly.

    “Now whatever you want, this little shape has to go home. I’m not letting him go till’ he reaches his house.” This was the voice of Peter.

    Wiki glanced around anxiously; he could see that Pidea was trembling, but not as scared as him.

    “We have to take him back.Sir please let him go” said one of ‘them’, firmly.


    “You have to.”


    “Please sir, it’s for his own good.”

    “His own good? How is it his own good to be locked up in a room?”

    “Please do what I tell you”




    She looked round, and ran.


    screamed Peter and Wiki at the same time, and chased after her.


    They ran and ran and ran,chasing Pidea. Finally, Pidea grew out of breath and stopped, panting.Carefully, she looked round. With a sigh of relief, she only saw Peter and Wiki.

    Looking forward, the three of them could see one thing in front of them:


    Not the countryside, but the actual city. Wiki wept tears of joy and ran towards it, whispering “Home” to himself. Pidea followed, too shocked to speak.

    “Well, this place changed alot since I came here.” Wiki grinned at him, and dried his eyes.

    They could see the solution.But they still saw their troubles.

    The scientists and the (sphere) police were still behind them, but as soon as they saw the city they stopped, dumbfounded.

    It looked like Rounnde (the sphere city Wiki had visited before) it sounded like Rounnde, but it wasn’t Rounnde.

    Why? Because all those shapes there, they weren’t spheres, they were cubes.

    Wiki flung himself to the direction of his school.

    My Adventures

    As soon as Wiki entered the school, everybody cheered. They danced and they screamed. They gave cries of happiness.

    The Lost Shape had been found.

    Wiki’s best friends, Dena and Pritt were so happy beyond words. It was a full-on celebration.

    Right now, Wiki was telling the whole school his adventures,in the school hall. Wiki suddenly stopped in mid-sentence, and went to the nearest door. He opened it and stepped outside.

    A minute later, he came back with Peter and Pidea, and thewhole school seemed shocked.

    News traveled fast, the story of Wiki was splashed on every Social Media page, newspaper and magazine. It was the only story on shape’s mouths for months!

    The Sphere police and scientists told the whole of Sphasia about Curope, and teamed up with the Curope police and scientists to send out their most daring explorers on a mission to find different continents.

    When Wiki’s family saw Wiki again, oh how they cried! You’ve never seen shapes who cried so much, but instead of being sad, they were beyond-words happy!

    Years Later

    Years later, more continents had been found and all the shapes lived in peace together.

    You could see different shapes of all colour and size in every continent across Shapoid, and many more shapes are yet to be found.

    Most stories have happy endings, and this is one of them. Though, if you go out to space searching for Shapeoid, you won’t find it. Never in a billion years. It’s way too far away.You can imagine it though,

    Shapes with faces living in Perfect Harmony.



        本文标题:Wiki's World
