看美剧练口语 MF回顾 S01E01

作者: vvstudy | 来源:发表于2019-07-29 19:57 被阅读5次

    Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather.


    while reading it, think about how to used it better, such as replacing some words or using it in mind and say it out loudly.

    • It's way too short.
      way too 强调非常,超级。
      It's way too far.
      This is way too hard.
    • Let's take it down a notch.
    • That's not gonna happen.
    • Everybody fawning over Lily.
    • Hear this.
    • I'm having a friend over today.
      You can come over anytime if you want to.
    • Deal with this.
    • Yeah? I'm hearing this for the first time.
    • hang on a second. /hæŋonasɛkənd/
    • I'm hip.
    • -"LOL"- Laugh out loud.
      -"OMG"- Oh, my God.
      -"WTF"- Why the face?
      -WTF=What the FUCK 。
    • I'm just saying, ... that's all. That's all I'm saying.
    • you're with me on this, right?
    • Hope that toughen him up a little bit.
    • What the hell is that supposed to mean?
    • that's reassuring.
    • What is with this thing?
      What is with my phone? What is with him?
    • So how was your trip?
    • You're in such a bad mood.
    • make a fool of oneself.
    • you'll know better next time.
    • respect one's privacy.
    • can you shut the door.
    • Would you get in the spirit of things?
    • I want you to just come straight out with it.
    • Cam and I started feeling this longing for something more, like, maybe a baby.
      longing for sth.
    • you're a little uptight.
    • You two broke up. You're off.
    • I'm still screwing up.
    • Anyhow, anyways.


    • banister .
    • tell sb. off for sth. (to speak to someone because they have done something)
    • we had initially asked one of our lesbian friends to be a surrogate.
    • headset VS. headphone
    • Love knows no race, creed or gender.
    • I'm bound to be a little surprised。
      be bound to be It is bound to be a good thing.
      This is bound to be a better way.
    • puffy /'pʌfi/ adj.
    • flagpole /'flæɡpol/ n.
    • confrontation /ˌkɑnfrən/ʌn'teʃən/ n.
    • hair goo.
    • pretzel /'prɛtsl/.
    • frosting.
    • mono /'mɑno/. mononucleosis.
    • May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap?


    • I'm just gonna say it. He needs to be checked by a specialist.
      -连读:①say it: 加j. say(j)it; ②by a: 加j. by(j)a
    • worry 英音 /'wʌrɪ/, 美音 /ˈwɜ:ri/
    • Don't answer it! I'll get it!
    • What are they doing up there? [读音] what are they -> wh-a-they doing-up there.
    • That's how she says "Phil." Not "Feel." Phil.
      Phil /'fɪlo/, feel /fil/.

    -- leahly美剧口语系列方法 [看美剧练口语] Leah三步法:美语口语的发音,连读语调练习



        本文标题:看美剧练口语 MF回顾 S01E01
