

作者: Shirley_9bf8 | 来源:发表于2020-10-04 16:58 被阅读0次









    eg: You crying,I smiled.


    eg: Good-bye said,she went home.


    eg: So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.



    eg: Hand in hand,we went home.



    eg: She ugly,I am handsome.



    eg: My mom home,I can't go out and play.


    按其结构形式分为:—ing分词独立主格结构;—ed分词独立主格结构;无动词独立主格结构等。1、There being nothing else to do, they gone away. 由于无事可做,他们离开了。(代词+-ing;表原因)

    2、The old man sat in his chair, his eyes closed. 老人坐在椅子上,闭着眼睛。(名词+-ed;表状态3、Miss Wang come into the classroom, books in hand. 王老师走进教室,手里拿着书。(无动词结构;表伴随)、独立主格结构与分词短语作状语的异同:1、独立主格结构与分词短语都可以转化成状语从句。但是,独立主格结构转换成状语从句后,有自己的逻辑主语,与主句的主语不一致;而分词短语转化为状语从句后,从句的主语与主句的主语相同eg:  If time permit, we’d better have a rest at this weekend.   

    Time permitting,we’d better have a rest at this weekend. 如果时间允许,本周末我们最好休息一下。2、 还应该注意,分词结构的逻辑主语不是总和主句的主语一致,而是主句的其他成分。语法上称作“依着原则”;有些分词结构在句子上找不到它的逻辑主语,语法上称作“悬垂分词”eg:  Looking for my watch in the room, it had taken me a long time.


    eg: When planting these flowers, care must be taken not to damage the root.

    我们种花时必须小心,不能碰坏花根。(悬垂分词)、独立主格结构与独立成分的异同:1、有的分词短语可以独立存在,在句子中没有逻辑上的主语,实际上已经成了习惯短语。这些短语generally speaking; frankly speaking; judging from; supposing等等。eg: Generally speaking, the rule is very easy to understand.总的来说,这个规则很懂。2、有些固定短语是带to的不定式,表明说话人的立场和态度,在句中作独立成分。这些短语有:to be honest; to be sure; to tell you the truth; to cut a long story short; to be frank; to make the matter worse等等。

    eg:  To tell you the truth, what I said at the meeting was not my opinion.

    说实话,我在会上说的并不是我的意见五、with、without 引导的独立主格结构介词with/without +宾语+宾语的补足语可以构成独立主格结构,上面讨论过的独立主格结构的几种情况在此结构中都能体现。1with+名词代词+形容词 eg:  He doesn’t like to sleep with the windows open.   He doesn’t like to sleep when the windows are open.

    他并不喜欢在窗户关闭的时候睡觉。注意:在“with+名词代词+形容词”构成的独立主格结构中,也可用已形容词化的-ing形式或-ed形式。eg: With his son so disappointing,the old man felt unhappy. 由于儿子如此令人失望,老人感到很不快乐。2with+名词代词+副词eg:  Our school looks even more beautiful with all the lights on.     Our school looks even more beautiful if when all the lights are on.

    所有的灯都打开时,我们的学校看上去更美。3with+名词代词+介词短语eg:  He stood at the door, with a computer in his hand/He stood at the door, computer in hand.    He stood at the door, and a computer was in his hand.

    他站在门口,手里拿着一部电脑。4with+名词代词+动词的-ed形式eg: With his homework done, Peter went out to play.    When his homework was done, Peter went out to play.

    作业做好了,彼得出去玩了。5with+名词代词+动词的-ing形式eg:  The man felt very happy with so many children sitting around him.    The man felt very happy when he found so many children sitting around him.

    有这么多的孩子坐在他周围,那男子感到很高兴。6with+名词代词+动词不定式eg:  The little boy looks sad, with so much homework to do.    The little boy looks sad because he has so much homework to do.

    有这么多的家庭作业要做,小男孩看上去很不开心。提示:在with/without的复合结构中,多数情况下with 能省略,但without 不能省略。 Without a word more spoken, she left the meeting room. 她没再说什么话就离开了会议室。(without不能省略)、独立主格结构的句法功能独立主格结构在句中除了能充当原因状语、时间状语、条件状语和伴随状语外,还能作定语。在形式上,“独立主格结构”可位于首、句中或句尾,并通常用逗号与主句隔开。A.作状语独立主格结构作状语,其功能相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。1.表示时间eg: Night coming on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.     When night came on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.

    夜幕降临,我们在一家小旅馆住了下来。2表示原因eg:  With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.     As he has a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

    有许多难题要解决,新当选的总统日子不好过。3表示条件eg:  Weather permitting, we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.    If weather permits,we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.


    【误】When class being over, the students left their classroom. 【正】Class(being)over, the students left their classroom.


    4表示伴随情况或补充说明eg:  Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.     Two hundred people died in the accident and many of them were children.

    有两百人在事故中丧生,其中许多是儿童。B.作定语独立主格结构作定语,其功能相当于一个定语从句。eg:  He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled. with的复合结构作定语,修饰the student   He is the person who has a lot of questions to be settled.

    他就是有许多问题要解决的那个人。提示:在这里我们讨论了很多用连词连接的两个句子改为独立主格结构的情况。需要提示的是,不是所有用连词的地方都可以改为独立主格结构。 If you check your test paper carefully, some mistakes can be avoided. 如果你仔细检查试卷的话,有些错误是可以避免的。(不要改为独立主格结构) 




