

作者: 老李写做 | 来源:发表于2018-12-29 22:55 被阅读198次

注:本篇的“书中例句/解析”摘自书籍:Verbal Advantage


In the romantic relationship, what you get is not commensurate with what you give----don't try to pursue the so-called fairness between you and him/her.


【解词】com- "with" + mensur "to measure" 衡量+ -ate
【释义】Proportionate, corresponding in amount, measure, or degree; also, equal, of the same size or extent. 相当的,相称的

•She wants to find a job commensurate with her abilities and experience.
•His paycheck was not commensurate with the number of hours he had worked.

•Employees are paid salaries commensurate with those of teachers. 给员工的薪水与老师拿的薪水相当。
•Managers saw a commensurate fall in their revenues. 经理们发现自己的收入相应地减少了。


"Man of dignity keeps harmony but seeks no oneness." Likewise, once you made efforts to make incessant demands for your oneness, you lose your uniqueness, which might end up in your broken relationship.


【解词】in- "not" +cess "to cease"停止 + -ant
【释义】Constant, uninterrupted, continuous, unceasing. 连续的,持续不断的
•...incessant rain. 阴雨连绵
incessant meetings 接二连三的会议
•...his incessant demands for affection. 他对感情的不断索取
•The child's incessant talking started to irritate her. 孩子喋喋不休,使她烦躁起来。
【同义词】interminable, relentless, unremitting
【反义词】occasional, irregular, intermittent, incidental, sporadic, fitful(间歇的,不规则的), erratic(无规律的,飘忽不定的)
【相关词】continuous, continual(注意这两个词并非同义词。
"Continual means happening again and again at short intervals." continual表示多次发生,但其中有短暂停歇。
"Continuous means uninterrupted or unbroken." continuous表示连续不断的)


Don't try to cover your lover's minor errors. When you are addicted to the habit disguised with "love", you actually become his/her sycophant.


【释义】A flatter, parasite, toady(马屁精), fawning(奉承的) follower, hanger-on(攀附权贵者). 阿谀奉承的人

Sycophant is thought to come from a Greek word meaning to show figs. As the legend goes, the Athenians passed a law prohibiting the export of figs from their city. Like many laws, this one was rarely enforced, but 'there were always found mean fellows,' says Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 'who, for their own private ends, impeached those who violated it; hence sycophant came to signify first a government toady, then a toady generally.'...

sycophant这个词来自希腊语,由sykon "fig(无花果)"+ phanein "to show"构成。意思是"to show figs",这是个不雅的手势(好奇的朋友自己去查)。据说古时的希腊通过一项法律,禁止出口本城的无花果。当然,像很多其他的法律一样,这个法律很多人把它当空气。不过,总有一些社会地位低下的人(mean fellows), 为了他们自己私人的利益(their own private ends),告发(impeach)了那些违反的人。因此sycophant一开始代表政府的toady(马屁精)。
...a dictator surrounded by sycophants, frightened to tell him what he may not like. 被一群不敢谏言的佞臣簇拥的独裁者


When the seemingly tangential actions without romance accumulated, his/her love to you glitters in every corner.


【解词】tang "to touch"触摸
【释义】Not closely related, only slightly connected, digressive, divergent. 不相关的

In geometry, the word tangent refers to a line that touches a curve but does not intersect it. When you 'go off on a tangent' you make an abrupt change of course in what you are saying; you diverge, digress. Tangential may mean going off on a subject that is only slightly connected to the one under consideration..."

•Too much time was spent discussing tangential issues. 太多的时间花在了讨论那些无关紧要的问题上。
•They thought the whole thing was a side-show, tangential to the real world of business. 他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。


Don't try to put your logic into your romantic relationship. Sometimes, he/she just cares about how much you love him/her, not your tenable arguments.


【解词】ten "to hold, to keep" + -able
【释义】Defensible, reasonable; able to be defended, maintained, or upheld. 合理的,守得住的,站得住脚的

•The logic behind a course of action may be tenable, defensible, or untenable, indefensible.
•The legislature may pass a tenable law, one that can be upheld in the courts, or an untenable law, one that will be struck down.
•A tenable reason is a reason that can be defended, maintained, or upheld.

【字典例句】•This argument is simply not tenable.这个论点根本站不住脚。•The only way his role can be clarified and his position made tenable again is if there's a public inquiry. 弄清他扮演的角色并再次证明他的合理立场的唯一办法是展开公开调查。
【相关词】tenaculum(挂钩), tenacious(持久的,坚韧不拔的)


The impalpable love is although you are so close to him/her, his/her heart is increasingly further from you, so keep listening to his/her heartbeats of loving you.


【解词】im- "not" + palp "touch gently, stroke" + -able
【释义】Incapable of being felt or understood, not able to be perceived either by the sense of touch or by the mind. 触摸不到的,感觉不到的,难以理解的

•An impalpable pulse is a sign of heart failure;
•an impalpable breeze is so faint as to be imperceptible;
•an impalpable idea is not easily grasped by the mind.

•an impalpable beauty/quality 难以领略的美/隐晦难辨的特质
impalpable darkness, horror, fear 无形的黑暗、恐怖、害怕.
【同义词】untouchable, imperceptible, intangible
【反义词】palpable, perceptible, manifest, tangible
【相关词】palpate(触诊), palpation


Don't stop learning and helping each other. Otherwise, one day, you might become your odious ones.


【解词】odi "hatred"憎恶,厌恶 + -ous
【释义】Hateful, detestable, offensive, revolting, arousing strong dislike or aversion. 令人厌恶的,可憎的

•An odious remark is extremely unpleasant or offensive;
•an odious practice is a disagreeable or disgusting practice;
•an odious person is a person that others find hateful or detestable.

•Herr Schmidt is certainly the most odious man I have ever met. 赫尔·施密特无疑是我见过的最让人作呕的人。
•The judge described the crime as odious. 法官称这一罪行令人发指。
【同义词】disgusting, obnoxious, objectionable, disagreeable, contemptible, repellent(讨人厌的;防......的), repugnant(使反感,不得人心。词源上跟"fight"有关), loathsome(恶心的,令人不愉快的), abominable, abhorrent, heinous(十恶不赦的,令人发指的。词源上跟“仇恨”有关), opprobrious(臭名昭著的,侮辱的。词源上跟“臭名”有关), flagitious(穷凶恶极的,罪大恶极的。词源上“罪恶”有关), execrable(该咒骂的,极坏的。词源上跟“辱骂”有关。)


Where there is love, hope is ubiquitous.


【解词】from the Latin ubique "everywhere"
【释义】Existing or seeming to exist everywhere at the same time. 似乎无所不在的,随处可见的

•...when telephones and televisions first came on the market they were considered novelties and luxury items, but today we see them everywhere, so we could say they are ubiquitous.
•...a writer might state that the cockroach (蟑螂) is a ubiquitous insect, or that graffiti (涂鸦) has become ubiquitous in a neighborhood, or that fast-food restaurant chains are now ubiquitous in our society.

•Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.糖在这种饮食里随处可见。
•the ubiquitous movie star, Tom Hanks 尽人皆知的影星汤姆 · 汉克斯
•She is one of the wealthiest, most ubiquitous media personalities around. 她是目前最富有、最受媒体追捧的人物之一。
【同义词】ever-present, universal, pervading, omnipresent


Don't ruminate on how you can prove your love to him/her, just take action presently.


【解词】rumin "to chew the cud (反刍的食物,咀嚼物), turn over in the mind" + -ate
【释义】To turn over in the mind, think about again and again, consider carefully or at length. 沉思

•...It comes from the Latin ruminare, to chew the cud(反刍的食物), and by derivation means to chew over and over again. In the science of zoology the word ruminant(反刍动物) is used of animals that chew their cud, such as cows, oxen, sheep, goats, deer, giraffes, and camels. These ruminant creatures have multichambered stomachs, the first chamber of which is called the rumen(瘤胃:反刍动物的第一胃). When a ruminant chews its cud, it is chewing food that has been swallowed, partially digested in the rumen, and then regurgitated(反刍,反胃) into the mouth for thorough mastication(咀嚼)


•Aging athletes may ruminate on the triumphs of their youth.
•When John heard the rumor of impending (即将发生的;恐吓) layoffs (临时解雇,下岗), he went back to his office and ruminated on his future with the company.

•He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life. 他认真地考虑了美国生活中典型的严重浪费问题。
•Obsessional personalities commonly ruminate excessively about death. 有强迫症的人通常过多地思考死亡的问题。


The highest remuneration when being bathed in love is that you change yourself while you help to maintain and develop his/her indivisualistic.


【解词】re- "back" + muner "to give" + -ation
【释义】Payment, compensation, or reward. 补偿,报酬,薪酬

•It is rare that the effort a writer expends in writing a book is commensurate with the remuneration received for writing it.
•When people volunteer their services for a cause, the satisfaction they get from doing something they believe in is more than enough remuneration.

•...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors. 公司董事薪酬的持续显著增长
•$31,000 is a generous remuneration. 31,000美元的薪水很不错了。

【同义词】reimbursement, recompense, consideration, indemnification, emolument



