The Story of Philosophy的第74句:第1章Plato第1节The Context of Plato第5段第6句:
Traditions and dogmas rub one another down to a minimum in such centers of varied intercourse; where there are a thousand faiths we are apt to become skeptical of them all. Probably the traders were the first sceptic; they had seen too much to believe too much; and the general disposition of merchants to classify all men as either fools or knaves inclined them to question every creed. Gradually, too, they were developing science; mathematics grew with the increasing complexity of exchange, astronomy with the increasing audacity of navigation. The growth of wealth brought the leisure and security which are the prerequisite of research and speculation; men now asked the stars not only for guidance on the seas but as well for an answer to the riddles of the universe; the first Greek philosophers were astronomers. “Proud of their achievement,” says Aristotle, “men pushed farther afield after the Persian wars; they took all knowledge for their province, and sought ever wider studies.” Men grew bold enough to attempt natural explanations of processes and events before attributed to supernatural agencies and powers; magic and ritual slowly gave way to science and control; and philosophy began.
1、**Men grew bold enough to attempt natural explanations of processes and events before attributed to supernatural agencies and powers; **
bold: not afraid of danger or difficult situations无畏的
They devise a plan so bold, no one has ever attempted it before.他们设计了一个大胆的计划 从前从未有人尝试过。
2、magic and ritual slowly gave way to science and control;
ritual:a formal ceremony or series of acts that is always performed in the same way
For centuries, such rituals were commonplace for European nobility.几个世纪以来, 这些礼节都是欧洲贵族的家常便饭。
give way to:让位于
When opportunities arise, they give way to the people around them.机会来临时,他们会将它们拱手让给周围的人。
3、and philosophy began.
