

作者: 七老师 | 来源:发表于2017-08-21 21:00 被阅读40次


20170813 朝

【一句新闻】The governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, has said that his only message for the white supremacists who brought chaos to the city of Charlottesville is "Go home".

【释】supremacist: A supremacist is someone who believes that one group of people, usually white people, should be more powerful and have more influence than another group.



20170813 暮

【一句新闻】Dozens of elephants and rafts have been deployed to rescue nearly 500 people trapped by floods in a popular resort in southern Nepal, officials say.

【释】deploy: to organize or move soldiers, military equipment etc so that they are in the right place and ready to be used
resort: a place where a lot of people go for holidays
e.g. seaside/beach/ski etc resort


20170814 朝

【一句新闻】Republicans and Democrats say president’s words on apparent deliberate killing of protester should have been much harsher

【释】deliberate: intended or planned
≠ unintentional
= intentional

本句使用了虚拟语气:should have done,表示“本应该做……”


20170814 暮

【一句新闻】A Chinese teenager has died days after he was sent to an internet addiction treatment centre, reigniting criticism of these controversial institutions.

【释】reignite: to start burning again; to make sth start burning again


20170815 朝

【一句新闻】Facebook has quietly launched a photo-editing app exclusively for China.

【释】exclusively: Exclusively is used to refer to situations or activities that involve only the thing or things mentioned, and nothing else.


20170815 暮

【一句新闻】Maria Sharapova has been given a wildcard for the US Open - which will be her first time in the main draw of a Grand Slam tournament since her 15-month drugs ban.

【释】wildcard: If a sports player is given a wild card for a particular competition, they are allowed to play in it, although they have not qualified for it in the usual way. You can also use wild card to refer to a player who enters a competition in this way. (给予没有正常参赛资格的选手准其参加比赛的)“外卡”;“外卡”选手

the "Main Draw" is where players at the top of the ATP or WTA rankings play. If you're a Main Draw player, that means that your ranking is high enough so that you are NOT be required to play the qualifying tournament.


20170816 朝

【一句新闻】The memorial to President Abraham Lincoln, who led the US through the Civil War, has been vandalised in Washington DC.

【释】memorial: something, especially a stone with writing on it, that reminds people of someone who has died

vandalise: to damage or destroy things deliberately, especially public property


20170816 暮

【一句新闻】Authorities in Ecuador have detained the crew of a Chinese fishing boat suspected to have caught endangered sharks in the Galapagos Islands.

【释】detain: to keep sb in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving


20170817 朝

【一句新闻】The film studio behind the Mission: Impossible series has confirmed that production of its latest instalment has been halted after actor Tom Cruise broke his ankle during a stunt.

【释】instalment: one of the parts of a story that appears regularly over a period of time in a newspaper, on television, etc.

halt: to stop; to make sb/sth stop

stunt: a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film


20170817 暮

【一句新闻】Chinese state media have released a propaganda video that lambasts India over a border dispute, sparking accusations of racism.

【释】lambast: to criticize someone or something very strongly, usually in public
= slate


20170818 朝

【一句新闻】Online retail giant Alibaba has again reported strong earnings, posting a 56% rise in quarterly revenue.

【释】retail: the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for selling to anyone else 零售

post: especially AmE to officially record and announce information about a company's financial situation or a country's economic situation


20170818 暮

【一句新闻】Chinese online shopping platform Taobao has removed controversial vendors offering personalised video and photo ads featuring African children, following an outcry about exploitation.

【释】vendor: (formal) a company that sells a particular product

feature: When something such as a film or exhibition features a particular person or thing, they are an important part of it.

exploitation: a situation in which you treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but give them very little in return - used to show disapproval


20170819 朝

【一句新闻】Less than 24 hours after the horrific van attack, the people of Barcelona set out to reclaim their beloved city.

【释】reclaim: To demand the restoration or return of (a possession, for example); claim again or back.


20170819 暮

【一句新闻】A state funeral has been held in Pakistan for a German doctor and nun who devoted her life to battling leprosy.

【释】nun: A nun is a member of a female religious community.

leprosy: a very serious infectious disease in which the flesh and nerves are gradually destroyed



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