"3.5 Recognize the signs of closed-mindedness and open-mindedness that you should watch out for.
It’s easy to tell an open-minded person from a closed-minded person because they act very differently. Here are some cues to tell you whether you or others are being closed-minded:
1. Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They are typically frustrated that they can’t get the other person to agree with them instead of curious as to why the other person disagrees. They feel bad about getting something wrong and are more interested in being proven right than in asking questions and learning others’ perspectives.
Open-minded people are more curious about why there is disagreement. They are not angry when someone disagrees. They understand that there is always the possibility that they might be wrong and that it’s worth the little bit of time it takes to consider the other person’s views in order to be sure they aren’t missing something or making a mistake.
3.5 识别你应当注意的头脑封闭和头脑 开放的不同迹象
头脑开放的人和头脑封闭的人很容易区分, 因为二者的行为大相径庭。以下是一些线索,可 以帮你辨别自己或其他人是否头脑封闭:
1.头脑封闭的人不喜欢看到自己的观点 被挑战。他们通常会因无法说服对方而感到 沮丧,而不是好奇对方为何看法不同。他们 在把事情弄错时会产生坏情绪,更关心自己 能不能被证明是正确的,而不是提出问题, 了解其他人的观点。
头脑开放的人更想了解为什么会出现分 歧。当其他人不赞同时他们不会发怒。他们 明白自己总有可能是错的,值得花一点时间 考虑对方的观点,以确定自己没有忽略一些 因素或犯错。"