偈语英译 - 菩提、明镜(神秀、惠能)

偈语英译 - 菩提、明镜(神秀、惠能)

作者: 译兄 | 来源:发表于2017-11-11 01:46 被阅读0次






My body is a bodhi tree
My mind a mirror mantel
Brushed from time to time
So no dust shall settle

Legend says Shakyamuni Buddha sat under a bodhi tree - aka Sacred Fig, for six years without moving, and attained enlightenment. In this gatha, Shenxiu compares his body to the bodhi tree, his mind to a calm and still mirror, impervious to outside influence. Both body and mind are to be "brushed" from time to time, to shed the dust that are the temptations and anxieties of the material world. The 5th Patriarch of Zen in China, Hongren, after seeing this gatha, did not feel that Shenxiu had attained enlightenment.

Bodhi means not the tree
Mind's mirror has no mantel
In a state of nothingness
Where would dust settle?

This gatha is written by Huineng, the future 6th Patriarch of Zen in China, as a direct challenge and refusal to Shenxiu's gatha. At this time, Huineng shows great promise and comprehension towards enlightenment, but has not foregone his bullheadedness. In his challenge he claims: Bodhi means enlightenment, which has nothing to do with the tree. The mirror refers to a serene state of mind, not a physical mirror mantel. This inner mirror reflects everything away, retaining nothing. So in this state of nothingness, how can there be any "surfaces" for the proverbial dust that is temptation, vexation, etc., to settle? Based on his gatha, the reigning 5th Patriarch was able to see Huineng's true potential, and proceeds to guide him towards enlightenment.


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    本文标题:偈语英译 - 菩提、明镜(神秀、惠能)
