Okay stand up please. Good afternoon everyone! My name is Baijin Guo and students call me jingle bell. Why are you laughing? It's a good name. Do you like it ? I like it. So students call me jingle bell ,and I am called jungle bell. Here we have two sentences. The first one is in active voice and the second one is in passive voice. You got it. Today we will go to the grammar review: passive voice. First thing in first ,I have a question. Before we start this topic ,i'd like you to work in group of four students. We have exactly six groups here. Discuss the two questions with your group members. Got it? Here we go!
Okay can we stop here? I'll have some interviews ,so if you are speaking make sure you turn on the microphone. So what have you known about the passive voice?
We have known the passive voice is be + done. You mean the form? Yes. Okay thank you. I noticed that some students are listing the different forms and some students are even complain about complicated forms of the passive voice. For the second question what do you want to know about the passithe passive voic I want to know how to use the passive voice. Any other ideas? Can I have your name? Wen jing please. I want to know when to use it. You want to know how to they are when to use it ,so you're focusing on the using of passive voi So don't worry take it easy. I will help you you today. Anytime you have trouble I am always by your side.
Since we have learned passage ,this time we will review with a question in paragraph four. So you can go back to the paragraph four : "what measures did the government take ,when realizing that wearing masks had become a problem. So you got one minute to find out all the measurs in this paragraph.
So guys can we collect the answers?S So lemon could you be the first one. What's the first measure? Let me I have a question ,what happened to the man? I have the opportunity for others students. No one can enter the churches wearing mask. If they broke the law they were put into prison for up to two years. Okay thank you I have a question for another student. So what happened and in the eighteenth century? And the end of eighteenth century masks were banned completely. Awesome guys.
So guys could you please look at the screen this time? Can you find something in common in these sentences? The sentences are all using passive voice. Good good answer. So from the examples can you give me the general structure of passive voice?c What's the general structure of the passive voice. Milk ,I like your name. Be done. You mean be +done, pp, Ved. So that's the general structure. So far so good ,I have another question for you. In paragraph four why is passive used a lot in preference to the activ? Have you ever thought about this question? I would like you to a pair work with your desdeskmates in the next one minute ,you discuss and then tell me the answer. There you go! In preference means prefer to do. Why do you prefer to use the active voice instead of passive one. Cici have you got the answer?
Guys I have to stop. Any brave students?