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head out 和 head off 区别

head out 和 head off 区别

作者: 超效率 | 来源:发表于2018-06-12 09:58 被阅读0次

    head out:前往,启程,出发,到达,长出头状物,头向外
    例句:I have a long way to go before dark.I'm going to head out.天黑之前我还要走一大段路程,我得上路了。

    head off:拦截,改变话题,回避,赶在别人之前到达
    例句:The thief realized that the police were following him,but he succeeded in heading them off at the junction.小偷发现警察在跟踪他,可是他在十字路口把他们甩掉了。



        本文标题:head out 和 head off 区别
