双语书摘 | 最近读的各种书(1)

双语书摘 | 最近读的各种书(1)

作者: 巴里奥狮Barrios | 来源:发表于2023-06-27 21:00 被阅读0次

    Sensitive (Jenn Granneman  Andre Sólo) 


    Euny Hong, a Korean American journalist, offers a word for this capability: nunchi. In Korea, she says, nunchi means the art of sensing what people are feeling or thinking—and it’s considered the secret to happiness and success. Hong explains, “Kids in Korea know the word by age three. You usually learn it in the negative; if everyone is standing on the right side of an escalator and a kid is lounging on the left, the parent will say, ‘Why don’t you have any nunchi?’ It’s partly about not being rude, but it’s also partly, ‘Why are you not plugged into your environment?’ ” In practice, nunchi means reading the room, noticing things like who is talking, who is listening, who is frowning, and who isn’t paying attention. Those with natural or “quick” nunchi, as Koreans say, are thought to make more connections, appear more competent, negotiate better, and go further in life.

     Euny Hong,一位韓裔美國記者,為這種能力提供了一個詞:nunchi。她說,在韓國,nunchi 意味著感知人們的感受或想法的藝術——它被認為是幸福和成功的秘訣。 Hong 解釋說,“ 韓國的孩子三歲就知道這個詞了。你通常從消極的方面學習它;如果每個人都站在自動扶梯的右邊,而一個孩子懶洋洋地坐在左邊,家長會說,“你為什麼没有一点nunchi?”這部分是為了不失禮貌,但也部分是,“為什麼你不融入你的環境嗎?' ”在實踐中,nunchi 意味著閱讀房間,注意諸如誰在說話、誰在傾聽、誰在皺眉以及誰沒有註意之類的事情。正如韓國人所說,那些擁有自然或“快速”nunchi 的人被認為可以建立更多的聯繫、顯得更有能力、更好地談判並在生活中走得更遠。

    L’amica geniale 04 - Storia della bambina perduta (Ferrante, Elena) 


    Mi venne in mente che fosse ormai una questione linguistica. Lei ricorreva all’italiano come a una barriera, io cercavo di spingerla verso il dialetto, la nostra lingua della franchezza. Ma mentre il suo italiano era tradotto dal dialetto, il mio dialetto era sempre più tradotto dall’italiano, e parlavamo entrambe una lingua finta. Bisognava invece che sbottasse, che le parole diventassero incontrollate. Volevo che dicesse nel napoletano sincero della nostra infanzia: che cazzo vuoi, Lenù, sto così perché ho perso mia figlia, e forse è viva, forse è morta, ma non riesco a sopportare nessuna di queste due possibilità, perché se è viva è viva lontano da me, sta in un posto dove le succedono cose orribili, che io, io vedo nitidamente, le vedo tutti i giorni e tutte le notti come se succedessero davanti ai miei occhi; ma se è morta sono morta pure io, morta qui dentro, una morte più insopportabile della morte vera che è morte senza sentimento, mentre questa morte qui ti costringe ogni giorno a sentire ogni cosa, a svegliarti, a lavarti, a vestirti, a mangiare e bere, a lavorare, a parlare con te che non capisci o non vuoi capire, con te che anche solo vederti tutta apparecchiata, fresca di parrucchiere, con le figlie che vanno bene a scuola, che fanno tutto sempre in modo perfetto, che nemmeno questo posto di merda le guasta ma anzi pare che gli fa bene – le fa diventare ancora più sicure di sé, ancora più presuntuose, ancora più certe di avere il diritto di prendersi tutto – mi fa venire il sangue amaro più di quanto io non ce l’abbia già: perciò va’, va’, lasciami tranquilla, Tina doveva essere meglio di tutti quanti voi, e invece se la sono presa, e io non ce la faccio più.


    Make Something Wonderful (Steve Jobs) 


    Now, as you live your arc across the sky, you want to have as few regrets as possible. Remember, regrets are different from mistakes. Mistakes are those things that you did and wish you could do over again. In some you were a fool (usually concerning women). In others you were scared. In others you hurt someone else. Some mistakes are deep, others not. But if your intent was pure, they are almost always enriching in some way. So mistakes are things that you did and wish you could do over again. 


    Regrets are most often things you didn’t do, and wish you did. I still regret not kissing Nancy Kinniman in high school. Who knows what might have happened? Maybe she regrets it too …


    Pathogenesis (Jonathan Kennedy) 


    The majority of silver mined in Potosí wasn’t shipped to Europe, but was instead transported to the Philippines, and sold to Chinese merchants. Demand was high in China because from the sixteenth century onward, silver was the country’s main form of currency. Then, in the 1570s, the Ming rulers specified that all taxes should be paid in silver. This was significant because China accounted for about a quarter of the world’s population at the time. Their appetite for silver drove up the price in the Far East to twice what it was in Europe. In the Philippines, European merchants exchanged South American silver for spices, silk and porcelain to be sold back home. This marked the beginning of a genuinely global economy in which the Old World was intricately connected to the New World.[But as the Spanish exported more and more silver, its value fell—even in China. When Potosí started producing vast quantities of silver in the last couple of decades of the sixteenth century, one ounce of gold was worth six of silver. Half a decade later, the ratio was 1.13.This created a fiscal crisis because the Chinese state received all its taxes in silver, and the ensuing unrest resulted in the Ming dynasty being overthrown in a military coup in 1644. A few weeks later, the Manchus invaded from north of the Beijing Wall and founded the Qing dynasty, which ruled China until 1911.

    在波托西開采的大部分白銀並未運往歐洲,而是運往菲律賓,並出售給中國商人。中國的需求量很大,因為從 16 世紀開始,白銀就是該國的主要貨幣形式。然後,在 1570 年代,明朝規定所有稅收都應以白銀繳納。 這很重要,因為當時中國約佔世界人口的四分之一。他們對白銀的胃口將遠東的價格推高至歐洲的兩倍。在菲律賓,歐洲商人用南美白銀換取香料、絲綢和瓷器,然後賣回國內。這標誌著真正的全球經濟的開始,舊世界與新世界錯綜複雜地聯繫在一起。 但隨著西班牙人出口越來越多的白銀,其價值下降了——這造成了財政危機,因為中國收到的所有稅收都是用白銀支付的,隨之而來的動盪導致明朝在 1644 年的 軍事政變中被推翻。幾週後,滿族人從北方入侵北京城牆並建立了清朝,直到 1911 年。

    According to Sigmund Freud, there have been three great revolutions in Western science and each of these dealt a blow to humans’ belief in their special status—or what he referred to as our “naive self-love.”[The first, which began with Copernicus, was the revelation that the earth is not the center of the universe but just one of several planets revolving around the sun. After this setback, we could still console ourselves with the Book of Genesis’ claim that God created humans in his own image and gave us dominion over the land, sea and animals—albeit in a location that was astronomically peripheral. Then Charles Darwin came along and pointed out that humans are just another species of animal and that we share a relatively recent common ancestor with apes. The third great scientific revolution, according to Freud, was his own discovery of the unconscious. The realization that we aren’t even in control of our thought processes was, he argued, the “most irritating insult” to “the human mania of greatness.”

    根據西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 的說法,西方科學經歷了三大革命,每一次都對人類對其特殊地位的信念——或者他所說的我們“天真的自愛”——的信念造成了打擊。 [第一個是從哥白尼開始的,它揭示了地球不是宇宙的中心,而只是圍繞太陽旋轉的幾顆行星中的一顆。在這次挫折之後,我們仍然可以用創世記中的說法來安慰自己,即上帝按照自己的形象創造了人類,並賦予我們對陸地、海洋和動物的統治權——儘管在天文數字上處於外圍。然後查爾斯達爾文出現並指出人類只是另一種動物,我們與猿類有一個相對較新的共同祖先。根據弗洛伊德的說法,第三次偉大的科學革命是他自己對無意識的發現。他認為,意識到我們甚至無法控制自己的思維過程是對“人類偉大狂熱”的“最惱人的侮辱”。

    And Finally - Henry Marsh 

    《 最后的最后》亨利·玛什

    There is a parable about maps that is frequently retold and reinterpreted as an allegorical comment on decision-making, leadership and information. An expedition party become caught up in snow in the Alps and cannot find their way. They consider themselves lost and are resigned to death. But then one of them finds a map in their pocket; they are relieved, pitch camp and later navigate their way home. On arrival, it turns out that the map was not even a map of the Alps but a map of the Pyrenees.


    A standard building brick is sixty five millimetres thick. 125 trillion bricks (the number of synapses in our brains) stacked on top of each other would reach way beyond Pluto and the solar system. I find these figures so improbable and incomprehensible that I have to keep on checking the very simple arithmetic involved, worrying that my ageing brain can no longer deal with the decimal points and exponentials that in the past would not have troubled me. But it is also because we simply cannot envisage such colossal numbers and exponentials and can only understand them in the form of mathematical formulae. The bricks are just a metaphor. All sorts of metaphors have been used to try to help us visualise large numbers. But they are all hopeless – faced by these unimaginable numbers, we are as helpless as the Pirahã tribe, struggling with simple arithmetic. As helpless as I felt when looking at my brain, and what the scan told me.

     一塊標準的建築磚有六十五毫米厚。 125 萬億塊磚塊(我們大腦中突觸的數量)相互堆疊,將遠遠超出冥王星和太陽系。我發現這些數字 是如此不可能和難以理解,以至於我不得不繼續檢查所涉及的非常簡單的算術,擔心我老化的大腦無法再處理過去不會困擾我的小數點和指數。但這也是因為我們根本無法想像如此龐大的數字和指數,只能通過數學公式的形式來理解它們。磚頭只是一個比喻。各種隱喻都被用來試圖幫助我們形象化大量的數字。但他們都是無望的——面對這些難以想像的數字,我們就像皮拉罕部落一樣無助,在簡單的算術上苦苦掙扎。就像我看著自己的大腦以及掃描結果告訴我的那樣無助。 

    A nerve cell (neuron) can be described as an input/output device. Nerve cells can vary greatly in their structure, but what they all have in common is an axon, a cell body and dendrites. The dendrites are the input devices and form a forest of branches that grow out closely from the cell body and are studded with synapses. The axon – the output device – is a single cable-like structure that projects from the cell body and is connected to the dendrites of other nerve cells at the synapses, and to muscles and organs in the body outside the brain. The axons can vary in length between metres for the nerves controlling the muscles of the legs, to millionths of a metre in the brain itself. Each of the 86 billion nerve cells can be connected to tens of thousands of other nerve cells at synapses. Electrical impulses travel down axons and connect to nerve cells via the dendrites. These impulses can either encourage or discourage the nerve cells to fire an impulse down their own axons onto other nerve cells. Whether the nerve cells fire or not will depend on the net effect of the thousands of messages their dendrites are receiving from other nerve cells.

     神經細胞(神經元)可以描述為輸入/輸出設備。神經細胞的結構差異很大,但它們的共同點是軸突、細胞體和樹突。樹突是輸入設備,形成了從細胞體附近長出的分支森林,並佈滿了突觸。軸突——輸出裝置——是一個單一的電纜狀結構,從細胞體伸出,並在突觸處連接到其他神經細胞的樹突,並連接到大腦外身體的肌肉和器官。軸突的長度可以在控制腿部肌肉的神經的米之間變化,到大腦本身的百萬分之一米。 860 億個神經細胞中的每一個都可以通過突觸連接到數万個其他神經細胞。電脈衝沿著軸突傳播並通過樹突連接到神經細胞。這些电子脉冲可以鼓勵或阻止神經細胞將衝動沿著它們自己的軸突發射到其他神經細胞上。神經細胞是否放電將取決於它們的樹突從其他神經細胞接收到的數千條信息的淨效應。



    He said GE’s culture had changed during his time at the company. As an electrical engineer, he said, GE was the place to be. “Everyone wanted to work for Jack Welch,” he said. “You came to GE because of the culture.” He remembered the “four Es” that Jack always talked about: edge, execution, energy, and energize. And the “three Ss”: simplicity, speed, and self-confidence. “Jack was notorious for ‘You gotta make your numbers and deliver,’ ” he said. He told me he presented to Jack three times in his career. “Everybody dives under the table when it’s your time to present, and basically, it was like a do-or-die experience,” he continued. “But that was the culture, and Jack listened to you and challenged you.” He said Jack advised him not to take one job he was offered, and he listened to Jack. “He was also very much a people person,” he continued. “He was tough. I would say he didn’t bat a thousand on his people choices, but he probably batted at least seventy-five to eighty percent. He maybe stayed an extra year or two too long with Honeywell, but overall, not bad.”

     他說通用電氣的文化在他任職期間發生了變化。他說,作為一名電氣工程師,GE 是理想之地。 “每個人都想為傑克韋爾奇工作,”他說。 “你來到 GE 是因為這裡的文化。”他記得傑克常說的“四個 E”:優勢、執行力、能量和活力。還有“三個 S”:簡單、速度和自信。 “傑克因‘你必須做出你的數字並交付’而臭名昭著,”他說。他告訴我他在他的職業生涯中曾三次向杰克介紹過。 “到了你展示的時候,每個人都會躲到桌子底下,基本上,這就像是一種生死攸關的經歷,”他繼續說道。 “但這就是文化,傑克聽了你的話並向你挑戰。”他說傑克建議他不要接受一份工作,他聽了傑克的話。 “他也是一個非常善於交際的人,”他繼續說道。 “他很堅強。我會說他沒有在他的人選上打一千,但他可能至少打了 75% 到 80%。他可能在霍尼韋爾多呆了一兩年,但總的來說,還不錯。”



        本文标题:双语书摘 | 最近读的各种书(1)
