【译文】8 things you should never do

【译文】8 things you should never do

作者: 公子鸽儿 | 来源:发表于2017-08-10 13:05 被阅读0次





8 things you should never do at work


by Maurie Backman

We all know we're supposed to show up to work on time, respect our managers, and meet deadlines as assigned. But here are a few things not to do if you want to succeed on the job.


1. Complain too much

It's one thing to occasionally express your displeasure with the way work situations are being handled, but if you get into a routine where you're griping to your coworkers on a consistent basis, you'd better change your ways.

1. 抱怨太多


2. Volunteer all the time

Going above and beyond the regular call of duty is a good way to get in your manager's good graces, and possibly even advance your career. But one thing you shouldn't do is be that person who's constantly volunteering to take on more work or pick up other people's slack. Not only will you risk having others take advantage, but you'll potentially spread yourself too thin, at which point your overall performance might suffer.

2. 任何时候都自告奋勇地承担任务


3. Dress inappropriately

Many offices these days are adopting a casual dress code, and while that might be good for your comfort and wallet, it also opens the door to poor decisions. No matter how laid-back your office environment might seem, don't make the mistake of wearing clothing that's too revealing, ripped, or just plain unlaundered.

3. 穿着不得体


4. Talk politics

Most office environments lend themselves to non-work-related conversations from time to time. But while it's OK to rehash your weekend plans or engage in some mild sports-related trash talk, bringing politics into the workplace is generally a bad idea (especially today).

4. 谈论政治话题


5. Spread rumors

Nobody likes a gossip, but that's not the only reason to avoid spreading rumors or badmouthing your coworkers, even if justifiably. Under the wrong circumstances, you could end up with a serious HR violation on your hands.

5. 传播小道消息


6. Spend too much time on personal calls, social media, or anything else that isn't work-related

Even if you work in a busy, bustling office, there's a good chance someone is keeping track of your work habits. It might be your manager or a coworker with a chip on his shoulder, but that person is bound to notice if you're spending hours browsing on social media or chatting away on the phone.

6. 在私人电话、社交媒体或者其他任何与工作无关的事情上花费太多时间


7. Come in contagious

Many companies don't distinguish between vacation and sick days, which means that if you're under the weather, you might be tempted to drag yourself into the office and reserve your time off for something fun. But while it's OK to come in with a moderate case of the sniffles, if you're running a fever, coughing up a lung, or experiencing any sort of serious digestive upheaval, you'll be doing your coworkers a favor by just staying home.

7. 带着传染病上班


8. Steal your coworkers' food

This one should really go without saying, but of all the workplace sins to commit, there's perhaps none more egregious than busting into the communal fridge when no one's looking and helping yourself to a meal that isn't yours.

8. 偷吃同事的食物


New words

1.gripe 英 [graɪp] 美 [ɡraɪp] 

n. 发牢骚;肠绞痛 vt. 绞痛;握紧;惹恼 vi. 抱怨,发牢骚;肠绞痛

The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimp count.


2.slack 英 [slæk] 美 [slæk] 

adj. 松弛的;疏忽的;不流畅的 vi. 松懈;减弱 adv. 马虎地;缓慢地

Ask them to be more careful. Don't let them get slack.

你要他们仔细点, 不要马马虎虎。

3.laid-back 英 ['leidbæk] 美 ['leidbæk] 

adj. 懒散的;悠闲的;闲散的

Some authors even have started condoning this laid-back approach.


4.revealing 英 [rɪ'viːlɪŋ] 美 [rɪ'vilɪŋ] 

adj. 袒胸露肩的

Other doctors have raised questions about the attire of younger doctors, and whether women in particular are wearing too revealing clothes while practicing medicine.


5.rehash 英 [riː'hæʃ] 美 [,ri'hæʃ] 

vt. 重讲;重新处理

Fitness magazines, for me, began to seem useless, because they just rehash the same articlesover and over.


6.violation  英 [vaɪə'leɪʃn] 美 [,vaɪə'leʃən] 

n. 违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸

If we find any violation, we will take action.


7.bustling 英 ['bʌslɪŋ] 美 ['bʌslɪŋ] 

adj. 熙熙攘攘的;忙乱的

This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling.


8.contagious 英 [kən'teɪdʒəs] 美 [kən'tedʒəs] 

adj. 感染性的;会蔓延的

Love, happiness and tranquility are all contagious.


9.sniffle 英 ['snɪf(ə)l] 美 ['snɪfl] 

vi. 抽鼻涕;抽噎(等于snuffle) n. 鼻塞声;不断的吸鼻子(等于snuffle)

Or if you have a cold or fear getting one you’ll suddenly see a lot of people sniffle and sneeze on thebus, street and at work.


10.digestive 英 [daɪ'dʒestɪv; dɪ-] 美 [daɪ'dʒɛstɪv] 

adj. 消化的;助消化的

Unlike other people who have digestive system diseases, Cheng eats big meals every day.


11.upheaval 英 [ʌp'hiːv(ə)l] 美 [ʌp'hivl] 

n. 剧变;隆起;举起

Reform, yes. Upheaval, no.


12.egregious 英 [ɪ'griːdʒəs] 美 [ɪ'gridʒɪəs] 

adj. 惊人的;过分的;恶名昭彰的

The banker noted that it was the brazenness of the letter ... that was particularly egregious.


13.communal 英 ['kɒmjʊn(ə)l; kə'mjuː-] 美 [kɑˈmjunəl] 

adj. 公共的;公社的

It had this communal aspect, for sure.



1.get into a routine 养成一个好习惯

2.trash talk 废话,脏话,垃圾话,说别人坏话

3.keep track of  记录;与…保持联系

4.a chip on his shoulder 愤愤不平

5.chat away 闲谈

6.is bound to 必然;一定要

7.run a fever 发烧




    本文标题:【译文】8 things you should never do
