Idiom: a group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word.
Chicken out
表达的意思其实是“临阵脱逃,逃避,畏缩”,在最后一刻因害怕还放弃了原本的计划(to decide at the last moment not to do something you said you would do, because you are afraid)
例句:You’re not chickening out, are you?
Run Around Like a Headless Chicken
这个比较好理解,“手忙脚乱,无头苍蝇”(to be very busy doing a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective)。
例句:Oh my gosh, I am so busy at work! I'm running around like a headless chicken!
Spring chicken
字面意思很奇怪“春天的鸡”,春天的鸡好吃?变绿了?其实这里表达的意思是“年轻”多指人天真,涉世未深(a young and naive person)。
例句:I can’t believe you’re wearing such a short skirt. You’re no spring chicken, you know!
Chicken feed
不要理解成鸡饲料!这里表达的意思是“不值一提的小钱,薪水低”(an amount of money that is so small that it is almost not worth having)。比如现在人人都想摆地摊,我家有个亲戚去公园摆地摊卖矿泉水,每天就挣几块钱,这挣得就好比“鸡饲料”。
例句:I work now - as a teacher. I get chicken feed, but I like my job。
Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch
A: “I’m sure my boss will give me a raise next month, so I’ve decided to treat myself to an exotic holiday.”
B: “If I were you I wouldn’t book the holiday until you actually get the raise…don’t count your chickens…”