Day 18:
1/ reassessing their place in the world
Many of us are spending so much time on our jobs and our extra tasks in life that we tend to forget how to slow down and reassess what we are doing and why.
2/ reappraising their positions
Reappraise (对想法或计划)重新评估/评价
Adults should reappraise their priorities about what is important.
3/dash from one policy to the next
Dash 短跑,猛冲,打碎,溅;破折号,少许
I have to dash.我得赶紧走了。
At a dash 一鼓作气的,一气呵成的
Cut a dash 摆阔,大出风头,炫耀
A dash of 少许,一点儿
Dash in 急写
4/ carapace 龟或蟹的甲壳,保护壳
= shell,cuticle,shield
Aesop 伊索
5/ admonition 警告,劝诫,忠告
Shift,shift further
6/ assembled throng 聚集起来的人群
Assemble 集合,聚集,组装
7/ swap rumours
Swap 交换;交换(信息);交易
Swap lies 扯淡,说空话
Friends and neighbors assemble to swap gossip, have drinks and get their jewelry appraised.
8/ hegemon imposing its will on others 霸权主义强加意志于他国
Hegemon 拥有至高无上权利的霸权主义者/国家
Hegemony 霸权,支配权
Hegemonism 霸权主义
Hugemonic discourse 霸权论述,话语霸权
9/ thucydides trap 修昔底德陷阱
Venture 小心的说,谨慎的做,试探的提出观点/问题
Nothing ventured,nothing gained.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
10/ one size fit all 一刀切,一体适用,万全之策
11/ Send subtle signals-- amplified by--- fleshed out by
Flesh out 充实,完善,具体化,使有血肉
12/ a state- of- the- nation speech,国情咨文,政府工作报告(work report)
13/ as its their wont 按照惯例,就像。。。惯常那样
14/ distill 蒸馏,提炼,榨取,
= extract,abstract,purify
Mnemonic 助记符号,记忆方法,帮助记忆的东西
15/ the term has gone viral.火了,疯传
16/ mouthpiece 传声筒,代言人,喉舌
17/ lay down the law to others
Lay down 制定,主张,铺设;放下
Not all companies lay down written guidelines and rules.
18/ broach 首次宣布,开始提及,首次提出
I waited until the boss was in good mood before I broached the subject of my raise.
19/ bolstered self- assurance 增强自信
20/ implicitly to disavow its legal victory
She said the show implicitly promotes obesity and took many called an insensitive tone.
Disavow 否认,不认领
Eschew 有意的回避,避开=shun, escape
21/ convene a grand summit 召开,着急,开会
I will convene a white house summit aimed at strengthening these lifelines of learning.
22/ revisionist power 修正主义强国
Bent on下决心,倾向于/intend on 意欲
Bent on living a dream, Hall quit his engineering job.
23/ Chaired a summit of G20 主持G20峰会
24/ comply with G20’s decisions
=abide by; obey,observe,to stand by照做,遵守
If you don’t comply with these rules, the transaction strategy will not work.
Step up its multilateral commitment
Secure the adoption of the yuan as one of the IMF’s reserve currencies.
extensive anti-terrorist operations
domestic constrains 国内约束/限制
25/ unassuming new assertiveness
Unassuming 谦逊的,不装腔作势的,不出风头的=unpretentious,modest
26/ template 模板,样板
A template can be found in climate-change policy.
27/ clout 影响力,敲打,猛击
Selling is still the hardest part of tis business, especially since local suppliers have so much clout.
28/ go it alone 单干,独自过活,独自前行
It’s nothing you can do it alone, it’s sth that required a great deal of cooperation.
29/ qualm 疑虑,担忧,不安
Have qualm about 对。。有疑虑,感到内疚
Qualm of conscience 良心上的责备
The third ethical qualm involves the thorny issue of fairness.
30/ assume its responsibility 承担责任
Take/respond responsibility, assume liability, bear the blame
Day 19:
逻辑导图+ 神句翻译
1.Keep a low profile, never take the lead, and make a difference
Low profile: a state of low visibility in which public notice is avoided.
retain a peaceful political environment for economic development;
‘being moderate and cautious, undertaking no leadership, raising no banner, searching for no expansion, not running after hegemony and being consistent with the idea of peaceful development’(cf Dai Bingguo, ‘Sincere in Purchasing Peaceful Development’)
邓小平1992年提出韬光养晦有所作为的外交战略,这里翻译较为贴切,用了keep low profile意指保持低调。而最早的官方译本都是hide our capabilities and bide our time意思就是掩盖自己的能力,等待时机东山再起,极易引起误解。此后,国外还有一些英文书籍或者是文章,进一步翻译成隐藏能力假装弱小,或者叫做隐藏真实目的,或者是隐藏野心收集爪子等等。其潜台词无外乎就是说,“韬光养晦”是中国在特定的内外形势下,所采取的一种权宜之际,是在隐蔽自己的真实意图等待时机成熟再出手。事实上,韬光养晦的核心含义是:要紧紧抓住经济建设这条主线,埋头苦干发展自己。只有发展自己才能够解决很多的问题。‘韬光养晦’目的就是我们要立足于自身的发展和壮大,才能在国际事务中发挥更大的、积极建设性作用。
2.Thucydides Trap: 修昔底德陷阱
"Thucydides Trap" refers to when a rising power causes fear in an established power which escalates toward war. Thucydides wrote: "What made war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta."
As one power rises, an already established power gets nervous and gears up for war, with this devolving into a vicious cycle that eventually results in war.
(The term appeared in a full-page ad in The New York Times on April 6, 2017, the day of U.S. President Donald Trump's meeting with Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping: "Both major players in the region share a moral obligation to steer away from Thucydides's Trap".)
“修昔底德陷阱”,是指一个新崛起的大国必然要挑战现存大国,而现存大国也必然会回应这种威胁,这样战争变得不可避免。此说法源自古希腊著名历史学家修昔底德,他认为,当一个崛起的大国与既有的统治霸主竞争时,双方面临的危险多数以战争告终。雅典和斯巴达的战争之所以最终变得不可避免,是因为雅典实力的增长,以及这种增长在斯巴达所引起的恐惧。自1500年到2014年, 共有15例威胁案例,其中发生战争的有11例。
3.Washington consensus: 华盛顿共识
The Washington Consensus refers to a set of broadly free market economic ideas, supported by prominent economists and international organizations;Essentially, the Washington consensus advocates, free trade, floating exchange rates, free markets and macroeconomic stability.
1989年,陷于债务危机的拉美国家急需进行国内经济改革。美国国际经济研究所邀请国际货币基金组织、世界银行、美洲开发银行和美国财政部的研究人员,以及拉美国家代表在华盛顿召开了一个研讨会,旨在为拉美国家经济改革提供方案和对策。 美国国际经济研究所的约翰·威廉姆森(John Williamson)对拉美国家的国内经济改革提出了已与上述各机栄达成共识的10条政策措施,称作华盛顿共识。,“华盛顿共识”的教条是“主张政府的角色最小化、快速私有化和自由化。
4.State-of-the-nation speech:国情咨文
Speeches made by a country's Head of State to its legislature;
另一种说法是state-of-the-union address国情咨文,不仅是美国,俄罗斯、菲律宾等实行总统制的国家,也都把总统向国会发表的年度报告称为“国情咨文”。美国政府的施政纲领,主要阐明美国总统每年面临的国内外情况,以及政府将要采取的政策措施。按照美国惯例,每年年初,现任总统都要在国会做年度报告,阐述政府的施政方针,被称为“国情咨文”。类似于我国的“政府工作报告”也就是文中提到的Work Report.
5.Not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs: 不干涉他国内政
In international law, the principle of non-intervention includes, but is not limited to, the prohibition of the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state (Article 2.4 of the Charter).The principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of States also signifies that a State should not intervene in a dictatorial way in the internal affairs of other States.
6.Common and differentiated responsibilities: 共同但有区别的责任
Common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), principle of international environmental law establishing that all states are responsible for addressing global environmental destruction yet not equally responsible. The principle balances, on the one hand, the need for all states to take responsibility for global environmental problems and, on the other hand, the need to recognize the wide differences in levels of economic development between states.
共同但有区别的责任, 当中and 更多时候是被but替换。
1.Go viral: 火了,疯传;疯狂传播,像病毒般扩散
2.Marks a change: 标志着改变
3.Be wary of sth: 警惕;谨防,警觉
4.Boss others around: 对别人指手画脚;(美语口语)颐指气使,发号施令,好似老板指使下属。另有相关形容词bossy:专横好指使人,Her loud bossy sister爱管人的大嗓门姐姐
5.Step up its multilateral commitments: 加强多边往来;增进其多边承诺
6.Model on 以...为模板;以....为榜样,模仿....
7.Be resistant to 拒绝,对抗;对....有抵抗力的;耐....的
8.One-size-fits-all approach: 一刀切;
A one-size-fits-all public education program一刀切的公共教育计划
1.The signals are amplified by similar ones further down the system and fleshed out by controlled discussions in state-owned media.
2. China is a revisionist power, wanting to expand influence within the system. It is neither a revolutionary power bent on overthrowing things, nor a usurper, intent on grabbing global control.
3.Global rules on trade and finance, it seems, are too important for Mr.Xi not to defend.
Too....not to: 太。。。。而必须。。。
The dish is too delicious not to eat.
The city is too beautiful not to visit.
He is too talented not to succeed.
Too good to be true: 太美好,所以不可能是真的/美好的不现实
Too weak to handle the job: 太弱,所以不可能胜任该工作/弱的无法胜任工作

Day 20
1/ 文章脉络:从“龟兔赛跑”故事引入提出观点映射中美外交政策的现状,追溯中国外交传统策略(KLP);近年来领导人频频发声(guide the world order),遂提问中国挑战美国全球领导地位?回答这个问题,作者梳理了中国外交政策微妙的形成机制,对应分析gone viral 的“China solution”;然而,笔锋一转,断言中国无意挑战现有机制,并罗列了原因;最后援引一位外交官的观点,应对气候变化的实施状况就作为一块试金石,欲戴皇冠,必先承其重量,中国需得承担更多的责任。
2/ 文章词汇表达丰富多样,尤其是中国特色词汇,很好的积累复习材料。除了上文的词汇整理,印象比较深刻的生动表达还有以下:box any rival,lay down the law to others,bolster the rule of law,a wishker of 1 trn(nudging),advertise a project,lingua franca,assume one's responsibility,etc.
3/ 通过阅读外刊,特别是TE的China 板块,居然会增加对自己国家的了解。换个视角看事物果然会有新的收获,当然,要批判地看。有必要持续关注时事,关心国家大事。