EA学校分析之十一- 麻省理工MIT

EA学校分析之十一- 麻省理工MIT

作者: 旺妈聊留学 | 来源:发表于2018-09-26 15:06 被阅读551次

           但凡申请理工方向的,没有人不知道MIT, MIT是我最早知道的几个学校中最心仪的学校。现在想来,这么学校官网,刷的最多的也是MIT。 只是最后申请,实在没水平,不敢申了。虽然没有申MIT,但是我觉得MIT的官网真的应该人人都去刷一下,刚开始的时候,MIT有对夏校的推荐,可以根据MIT推荐的夏校清单去找寻需要的夏校。 到了申请季, 可以认真看看MIT写的“What we look for”,这个总结非常到位,基本就是理工科生的特质。推荐给申请理工科的孩子写小文书前好好读一下。我不翻译了,原汁原味最好,免得跑偏了。

    Here are the key components:

    Alignment with MIT’s mission

    Remember that there are many ways to make the world better—we’re not looking for applicants to have cured all infectious disease in the world by the time they’re 15. Tutoring a single kid in math changes the world. Lobbying a senator to amend bad policy changes the world. There are thousands of examples.

    Collaborative and cooperative spirit

    The core of the MIT spirit is collaboration and cooperation; you can see it all over the Institute. Many of the problem sets (our affectionate term for homework) at MIT are designed to be worked on in groups, and cross-department labs are very common. MIT is known for its interdisciplinary research. If you enjoy working alone all the time, that’s completely valid, but you might not be particularly happy at MIT.


    Opportunities are abound at MIT, but they must be seized. Research projects, seed money, and interesting lectures aren’t simply handed to students on silver platters here. For those students who take initiative—who take advantage of what’s around them—MIT’s resources are unparalleled.


    MIT wants to admit people who are not only planning to succeed but who are also not afraid to fail. When people take risks in life, they learn resilience—because risk leads to failure as often as it leads to success. The most creative and successful people—and MIT is loaded with them—know that failure is part of life and that if you stay focused and don’t give up, goals are ultimately realized.

    Hands-on creativity

    MIT is an active, hands-on place. Innovation is risky and messy! Getting your hands dirty and trying something new is often the best way to achieve success. We apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems here; our Latin motto means “Mind and Hand.” In other words, you shouldn’t just enjoy thinking, you should also enjoy doing.

    Intensity, curiosity, and excitement

    In a nutshell, you should be invested in the things that really mean something to you (we’re not particularly picky as to what). Explore! Choose quality over quantity—you don’t have to do a million things to get into college. Put your heart into a few things that you truly care about and that will be enough.


         此外, 还需要递交SAT或者ACT,TOEFL及两门SAT subject。EA在12月中出结果,RD一般会在有名的3月14日出结果。

         接下来我们看下MIT的录取统计数据,MIT在2018年一共21706人申请,录取了1461人, 录取率为6.7%, 在EA阶段9571人申请录取了664人, defer了6331人,感觉大家都收到好人卡, 这6331人当中,最后又录取了248人。 RD一共12135人申请, 最后800人录取(含defer的248人)。感觉EA和RD阶段的录取比例差别不大。不过悲剧的是460个收到WL的人,最后一个都没有补录成功。看来这种牛校的WL基本就是废纸。

           新生中,MIT的国际生比例占8%, 中国每年应该是10人左右,如果男生基本是需要奥赛奖牌水平的,如果女生会好一点。MIT据说男生的录取率只有5%不到,而女生的录取率在13%样子。不过真的很难,看看标化水平就知道了。




      • xiaocand1:干货好文。
      • 旺妈聊留学:没懂你的意思😁
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      本文标题:EA学校分析之十一- 麻省理工MIT
