

作者: Yomaris_yang | 来源:发表于2020-05-05 13:45 被阅读0次

      "The film 'Gua Sha'presents the cultural differences and conflicts between the largest Eastern country, China and the strongest Western state, America."

    After watching the film"Gua sha",what impressed me most was the ture human feelings,or love. I think "Gua sha"is not only the Chinese traditional medicine,but also the vivid expression of the big difference between two totally different countries with very different cultures.

    Firstly,it is medicine. That is obvious to see. Western countries prefer to search for science,without much practices,China is totally different. Much more clever ancestors had practiced countless times,and made conclusions for us,such as "Gua sha". Secondly,it is laws. I believe that maybe no Chinese person know it is illegal to leave the child alone at home. We can say that America pays more attention to the protection for children,which is valuable for us to learn. Thirdly,it is human feeling,in other words,filial piety. In China,there is an old saying:"Filial piety is the foundation of all virtues."Our parents raised us hard,we should and must treat them with filial respect,that is a common rule. It seems that Da tong helped his father up to the stairs,or he didn't tell to the judge the fact that his father had made Gua sha to Dennis. As his wife said:"Because he is Chinese. "Every Chinese man know that,but his boss would asked:Why?Lastly,it is the education to children by their parents. If Da tong's son put a foot wrong with impenitence,he will beat him. As Da tong's father said:"No fight,no win. "or"Beating is a sign of affection and cursing is a sign of love."However,American would say that is normal,beating is violent.

    In contract,I paid more attention on the similar feelings. Although these are too many differences,too big differences,about the culture,about the education,about the law and so on. Can you realize,the only obviously similarity is human feelings. You can see,if the parents treat their children bad,they will protect childrenchildren. If Da tong need help,his boss will come to China and go to explain to the judge. And if Da tong be fearless of danger and difficulty,he climbed from the first floor to the top floor with his bare hands,only in order to meet his son in Christmas night,all the people in president will applaud him. All of these are true human feelings. No matter who you are,where you are from,Chinese,American,or any other guys,we all have the similar true love,ture feelings.


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