英语学习第63课Tea for two

英语学习第63课Tea for two

作者: 千年代 | 来源:发表于2020-07-16 21:57 被阅读0次

    Susan: Can’t you come in and have tea now, Peter? Peter: Not yet, dear. I must water the garden first. Susan: Do you have to water it now? Peter: I’m afraid I must. Look at it! It’s terribly dry. Susan: What a nuisance!(真讨厌) Peter: Last summer it was very dry, too. Don’t you remember? I had to water it every day. Susan: Well, I’ll have tea by myself. Susan: That was quick! Have you finished already? Peter: Yes, dear. Look out of the window. Susan: Good heaven! It’s raining. That means you needn’t water the garden. Peter: That was a pleasant surprise. It means I can have tea, instead.

    1.Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?彼得,你现在能进来喝茶吗? 这是否定疑问句,表示邀请。 2.Don't you remember?你不记得了吗? 这也是否定疑问句。 3.don't need to= needn't。 表示“不必”,是 must和 have to的一般现在时否定式。 4. a pleasant surprise,意想不到的好事,令人惊喜的事。

    这3个词都表示必要性。在前面已对 must和 have to介绍过。 must是情态助动词,而have to是普通动词,二者在肯定句中一般可以互换,表示不可逃避的义务或责任。must更带有说话人的主观色彩,而have to则更强调客观要求和外界影响。 must一般只能表达现在的必要性,而have to则可以表达过去或将来的必要性。 I shall have to leave London tomorrow. 我明早得离开伦敦。 I had to stop smoking3 because it was forbidden in my company. 因为我所在的公司内禁止抽烟,所以我不得不停止了吸烟。 如果我们用 must来提问,则只能用needn't来表达否定的回答。 needn't 还可以理解为have to的否定回答。needn't (don't need to)和 don't have to都表示不必要;而 mustn't却表示绝对禁止,在说话人看来根本没有选择余地。请看例句: You mustn't turn left. 你不能左转弯。(表示绝对禁止)

    词汇学习 Word study 1.mean v. (1)意味着,即: It's raining! That means you don't need to water the garden. 下雨了!这就是说,你不必给花园浇水了。 (2)(词语)表示……意思: What does‘perfume’ mean in English? “perfume”一词在英语中是什么意思? The green light means‘Go on.’ 绿灯的意思是“继续向前”。 (3)意指;意欲: What I mean is that we'll have to go back and look for it. 我的意思是:我们必须回去寻找它。 He didn't mean to hurt you. 他的本意并不是想伤害你。 2.water v. (1)浇(洒)水;供水;喂水: The garden is very dry, I'm going to water it tomorrow morning. 花园里很干了,明早我准备给它浇些水。 Tim is watering his lovely little dog. 蒂姆正在给他那只可爱的小狗喂水。 (2)充满水;充满泪水;流口水: He felt sad and his eyes watered a little. 他感到难过,眼睛有点儿湿润了。 Ice cream always makes his mouth water. 冰淇淋总能让他馋得淌口水。 (3)搀水冲淡;加水稀释: Someone had been watering the milk. 有人往牛奶里搀了水。 He always waters drinks and sells them to tourists. 他总是在饮料里搀水并将之卖给游客们。




          本文标题:英语学习第63课Tea for two
