236 吾在旅途

作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2019-07-06 18:33 被阅读32次
236 吾在旅途

The trip to Japan has begun its preparation stage with the marvelous meeting with my company and then taking the subway to Being South Station for another coastal city Tianjin.The rare cool weather owing to the recent rainfall in hot summer dips us in the cozy atmosphere. I have never fly from the airport there .Consequently a slight expectation exists in the inner heart to wander around the tax-free district to explore the first-class priducts which possess the unique qualities. The wave of passengers sit or stand in the subway where an 8-year-old boy is saying Puhuangyu Station following the announcement as well as her mom.This is the education and deep effect of mom or dad while another mother is merely surfing the phone without any communication with her baby leaving him observing the surroundings silently. The first mom consistently discusses the function of science and technology which has transformed our daily life and activities proving that learning can arise anytime as long as you can.

Presently we have gone through the safety check and then take the elevator to the second floor to the carriage waiting the expressway to leave approximately according to the schedule. The train drives smoothly with the flashing greenish trees and blocks of buildings. The dark clouds crowd against the vast sky cultivating the oncoming rain. The neighboring cries of a baby can be heard occasionally with the surrounding whispering .What a light-hearted trip at the speed of 345km/h.


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    本文标题:236 吾在旅途
