

作者: evolisgreat | 来源:发表于2021-08-03 10:15 被阅读0次

Absorbance (A), also known as optical density (OD), is the quantity of light absorbed by a solution. Transmittance is the quantity of light that passes through a solution[1]. Absorbance and % transmittance are often used in spectrophotometry and can be expressed by the following:

Absorbance equation

  • A = Log10 (I0/I)

where I0 is the intensity of the incident light, and I is intensity of that light after it passed through the sample

  • T = I/I0 and %T = 100 (T)

The equation that allows one to calculate absorbance from % transmittance is

  • A = 2 - Log10 (%T)

Determine concentration using the Beer-Lambert Law

The concentration of a sample can be calculated from its absorbance using the Beer–Lambert law, which is expressed as follows:

  • A = ε * c * p

Where ε is the molar absorptivity, or molar extinction coefficient, in L* mol-1 *cm-1;
c is the concentration of the solute in solution, in mol/L;
p is the path length of the sample, in cm, for example 1 cm for a cuvette.


Would you believe that the extinction coefficient for a sequence as short as 6 bases can vary just by arranging the bases in a different order? Additionally, base composition can lead to significant differences in the extinction coefficient.

最邻近消光系数 单碱基的消光系数 image.png


The amount of oligonucleotide in nanomoles that, when dissolved in 1 mL volume, results in 1 unit of absorbance at 260 nm with a standard 1 cm path-length cuvette. nmole/OD260 is calculated from oligonucleotide's molar extinction coefficient. OD260 is calculated from the following equation,

  • OD260 = (A260 * V) / p

where A260 is the absorbance at 260 nm, V is the solution volume in mL, and p is the length of the light path through the sample (cm). Thus, OD260 has the units mL/cm.

Starting from the oligo molar extinction coefficient, ε260 :

  • ε260 = L/(mol · cm) = 103 mL/(mol · cm) = mL/(mmol · cm)

Since OD260 has the units of mL/cm, the equation can be written as :

  • 103 OD260/mol = 103 OD260 / 109 nmol = OD260 / 106 nmol

Combination of both equations yields :

  • ε260 = OD260 / 106 nmol = OD260 / 103 umol = OD260 / mmol

Molecular Weight[4]

Molecular weight of an oligomer is a sum of the weights of individual bases and chemical modifications. Oligos are typically synthesized without 5’-phosphate group, which must be subtracted.

  • MW = ΣIndividual Base MW + ΣIndividual Mod MW - PO2H + H2

where PO2H = 63.980 and H2 = 2.016

碱基 分子量
MWdA 313.209
MWdC 289.184
MWdG 329.208
MWdT 304.196
MWdU 290.169




ε260 =(εAC+εCG+εGT)-(εC+εG) L ⋅ mol-1 ⋅ cm-1

ε260 = (21,200+18,000+20,000)-(7,400+11,500) L ⋅ mol-1 ⋅ cm-1

ε260 = 40,300 L ⋅ mol-1 ⋅ cm-1 = 40.3 L ⋅ mmol-1 ⋅ cm-1 = 40.3 OD260/umol

在所有网上技术信息和印刷的文件中,上述值40,300显示为40.3。这是因为单位是L ⋅ mmol-1 ⋅ cm-1(是毫摩尔而不是摩尔)。



c = A/(ε * p)= 1/( 40,300 L ⋅ mol-1 ⋅ cm-1 * 1 cm) = 2.48*10-5 mol·L-1


MW = [A x n+T x n+C x n+G x n]-PO2H + H2

MW = [313.209 x 1+289.184 x 1+329.208 x 1+304.196 x 1]- 63.980+2.016 = 1173.83 g·mol-1


c = 2.48 x 10-5 mol·L-1 x 1173.83 g·mol-1 = 29.1 ug·ml-1 = 29.1 ng·ul-1




将引物按理论值稀释至 100 uM,然后取1 uL加入至199 uL水中进行稀释,充分混匀,全部吸入透明96孔板中,用酶标仪进行测量,测得A 260为 0.4162 ,背景值为 0.0876 ;

引物实际摩尔浓度 c=(0.4162-0.0876)/(605.4 x 10-3) x 200 = 108.56 uM

接近理论值100 uM。



OligoAnalyzer® Tool



  1. Absorbance

  2. 寡核苷酸定量

  3. Oligo quantification—getting it right

  4. Definitions and Physical Models


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