Part four, chapter five the border between active and passive.
We previously mentioned the following.
This is the secret of investment, have a 100% objective understanding of the objective world and a 100% objective understanding of oneself.
This is to say that successful investors must have an objective understanding of themselves and reality.
Actually, there's a hidden and even more important area that they must objectively understand the border between themselves and reality.
Our body is not the border between ourselves and reality because we are able to actively cause change in areas outside of our body.
We can make extensions to our body. For instance, we can extend our legs using transportation tools like bicycles and cars.
And we can extend their brains using Internet devices. Actually, once we were sufficiently proficient with any tool, it effectively becomes a part of our body. Clearly we can influence the world outside of her body.
For instance, we can use our trust and respect to gain the trust and respect of another. As parents we can use our behaviour to become a model for our children.
And as an investor, we can hold assets over the long term to achieve excellent long term returns.
However, there is a border which encompasses the area of reality that we can influence through our behavior.
Within this border, we can constantly advance through hard work.
Outside of this border, there's nothing we can do.
If an individual is unable to clearly recognize the existence of this border, they will always live a life of chaos and pain.
The clearest example of this is parents raising children.
If parents focus their efforts on improving themselves than they are within their own border, which is good.
But in most situations, we find that parents focus their efforts outside their own border, where they actually can do nothing. Children are not stupid, actually, their brains have a radar like ability to see whether or not their parents follow their own advice. If their parents actions don't match up with their words, the child will find it quite painful, especially since they still don't have a clear understanding of their own border. Their parents are constantly invading their border and they don't have the ability to defend themselves.
This is the source of most negative reactions in children.
The child feels pain, and the parent feels even more pain precisely because they are exerting effort in an area that they can't control. They keep failing and trying again with increasingly worse results until both sides are exhausted.
Of course, a more common example occurs in the investing world. Do investors really need to participate in operations? Maybe sometimes, but we can be almost certain that traders in the secondary market should not participate in the operations of the companies they invest in. In fact, not needing to participate in operations is one of the biggest advantages of investing in the secondary markets.
However, the operators of almost every publicly traded company received many letters from shareholders every day.
These shareholders have all sorts of complaints and advice, and they often end up working themselves into a tizzy.
Therein, cognizant of the fact that they are wasting effort outside of their own border.
They have no idea that effort outside of that border is completely useless and that if it has any effect at all, it will be negative.
They will never understand because they themselves lack the ability to create an effective business model and eventually secure investment from the public.
If they were able to do so, they would discover that its terrible to have so many people on the outside trying to influence you, that it's even worse to be swayed by those on the outside. You can even say that following a company that is easily swayed by the secondary market is not worth investing in.
Let's take another look at the equation that describes the returns.
Pig equals delta plus alpha minus gamma. The peak performance on the left side of the equation represents our final returns.
On the right side, delta is an investment that matches the returns of the market with a beta of one.
For regular investors, alpha depends on our careful choices before we start investing.
Finally, gamma represents gains that were lost due to mistakes.
We have shown several times that as long as you don't do anything, you won't make mistakes, so gamma should be zero and performance should be maximized.
Unfortunately, you will always have the impulse to do something to change things and make them better.
There's no way around it because you're human and our brains are designed to survive in dangerous environments for tens of thousands of years. Do something when you encounter danger was the best strategy, and those who chose to do nothing in the face of danger died out long ago. Our brains are still the same today, only able to understand immediate danger and unable to understand the future gains.
It's just like we mentioned in chapter three of part four, even in the face of more than 200 years of data show an otherwise, people still think that cash is truly safe investment.
But if you invest in an index fund or an s and P 500 fund and anything you do influences, you can't change the direction or speed of the development of the world. You also can't change the direction or speed of the development of a country, region or industry.
And even if you hold stock in a company, you're unlikely to be able to change it.
Actually, aside from changing yourself, there's not much you can change. The sooner you realize this, the better.
Most funds are established to chase alpha. Even though there are some successful examples, they are extremely rare and we can't eliminate the possibility that they were just lucky. Even Warren buffet has clearly been lucky.
Was born in the U.S. In addition to the us having been the fastest growing area in the world over the past 55 years.
It has also had a stable legal environment in which private property has been relatively protected.
If Warren Buffett had been born in South Korea, which has the highest rate of presidents and tycoons going to jail. How would he have done?
How difficult is it to create alpha?
Someone once joked that if you through stock certificates in a room, let a monkey into the room and made a fund based on which stocks the monkey peed on, you can still make the fund managers of most actively managed funds. Sadly, the joke is correct.
According to a report in the wall street journal, in the 15 years ending in 2016, 95.4% of mid cap funds underperformed the s and P midcap 400.
93.2% of small cap funds underperformed the s and P smallcap 692.2% of large cap funds underperformed s and P 500.
Across the world in recent years. More money has been flowing into passively managed funds and relatively less has been invested in actively managed funds.
It is said that money is smart and it flows to where it can grow.
Another example is how it flows from the hands of those who love to spend to those who choose to invest in.
American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, serenity prayer is in fact a deep meditation on these boundaries.
Its most common form is as follows.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can.
Wisdom to know the difference.
Where to supporters, a long term perspective and macro observation. Together, these three concepts can change a person's personality. My students and I have all felt this.
Where to supporters, a long term perspective and macro observation. Together, these three concepts can change a person's personality. My students and I have all felt this.
People say that personality can decide one's fate, but I tend to believe that personality is not innate, and that personality is only an overall expression of the interplay between the black horse, the horse and the driver at different times at different stages of development.
For example, deep thinking about these three concepts has made it very difficult for me to become angry.
There is nothing that is worth getting as angry as I used to get when I was younger. I have started to ponder the following phenomenon.
Why are some people able to succeed in even the harshest environments?
It was to be a regular investor, and my eventual ability to explain regular investing in detail all started from asking myself this question.
Looking at things from a long term perspective can lead you to the opposite of your previous conclusions.
Observe Asians can lead you to choices that will produce better results over the long.
Awareness of borders. It can help you avoid trouble and wasted efforts.
I have no need to complain about a poor environment.
And I don't want to complain about how society is unfair.
Unfairness in society is like the markets.
As long as you look at it from a long term perspective, it is pretty fair. But if you look at it minute by minute.
It's always unfair.
Importantly, I am increasingly able to accept, always being underestimated.
The stock market will only be very briefly overvalued.
That's probably right.
Objectivity is very important.
Not only objectivity about the world, but objectivity about yourself and careful objectivity about the border of yourself.
It's even more important to be objective over the long term.
It's an open secret.