关于领导or高管团队a Leadership Team

关于领导or高管团队a Leadership Team

作者: 半缸春茶 | 来源:发表于2019-06-05 21:44 被阅读0次


一个人要进入到领导团队,成为公司领导层的唯一的理由是您能够为领导团队和公司带来价值和智慧。这就必须要共担对团队&公司的责任。也意味着: 要为公司领导层做出奉献和牺牲。牺牲的是自己的时间&兴趣-去讨论原来不属于自己部门的、自己不感兴趣的事情;常常还须直面冲突、指出同事的缺点。 如果做不到,您就必须不能在公司领导团队中了,或自己退出或被退出。

A real team is more like a basketball team, one that plays together simultaneously, in aninteractive, mutually dependent, and often interchangeable way. Becoming a real team requires an intentional decision on the part of its members. Teamwork isnot a virtue. It is a choice-and a strategic one.  一个真正的团队更像一个篮球队, 每位球员同时以交互式、相互依赖、经常交叉互换的方式行动。 成为一支真正的团队 要求其成员有意识决定。团队合作并非一种美德, 而是一个选择--战略上的选择。

That means leaders who choose to operate as a real team willingly accept work and the sacrifices that are necessary for any group that wants to reap the benefits of true teamwork.


A leadershipteam is a small group of people who are collectively responsible for achievinga common objective for their organization. 一支领导团队是:为实现组织的共同目标共担责任的一小群人。

The only reasonthat a person should be on a team is that she represents a key part of the organization or brings truly critical talent or insight to the table. If someone is unhappy with his pay or status or wavering about accepting a job offer, the leader should deal with that issue head on, not compound it bymaking the executive team larger and less productive。

一个人应该进入领导团队的唯一原因是,他代表的是组织的关键部分,或能够为团队带来真正关键的智慧或远见。如果有人不满意自己的薪酬或职位, 或摇摆不定地接受工作机会, 领导者应该直面解决问题, 而不是使领导团队变得更庞大、更无效率, 使问题变得更加复杂.

Collective responsibility implies, more than anything else, selflessness and shared sacrifices from team members. 共担责任,意味着团队成员的无私奉献和共担牺牲。

First are the tangible,literal sacrifices. These include standard things like budget allocations, or head count, resources that need to be shifted form one suborganization or department to another. 首先是有形的、字面上的牺牲。这包括一些常见的事情,如:分配预算、或人头数,资源需要从一个分部或部门流向另一个。

Much more regular basis-often daily, two big ones are time and emotion. 更常见的是两大牺牲:时间和情感

They spend many hours working together on issues and topics that often don’t fall directly within their formal areas of responsibility. They go to meetings to help their team members solve problems even when those problems have nothing to do with their departments. They enter into difficult, uncomfortable discussions, even bringing up thorny issues with colleagues about their shortcomings , in order to solve problems that might prevent the team from achieving its objectives. 领导团队成员要花很多时间共同解决超出他们正常职责范围的事情和主题。他们参加会议去帮助其它团队成员解决问题, 即便这些问题与他们的部门没有任何关系。 他们会涉足很艰难的、令人不舒服的讨论, 为了解决可能妨碍团队实现目标的问题, 甚至需要毫不留情地指出同事的缺点。


一个人要进入到领导团队,成为公司领导层的唯一的理由是您能够为领导团队和公司带来价值和智慧。这就必须要共担对团队&公司的责任。也意味着: 要为公司领导层做出奉献和牺牲。牺牲的是自己的时间&兴趣-去讨论原来不属于自己部门的、自己不感兴趣的事情;常常还须直面冲突、指出同事的缺点。




      本文标题:关于领导or高管团队a Leadership Team
