
作者: 飞鸟逐溪 | 来源:发表于2019-02-24 21:32 被阅读4次

    Who Moved My Cheese?

    生活中遇到了挑战和不舒服时,我的第一反应总是:“这怎么回事呀?” 然后我就会想“我是不是又做错了什么呀?”即使很多时候是自己的失误和能力不足,也会想要找一个可以逃脱的理由,希望甩锅:“Who moved my cheese?” 面对生活里的变动,可以短暂性的按兵不动,能够庸庸碌碌的了此余生,可是很多时候自己只会在被动中被挤到生活里最尴尬的境况里。唯有行动起来,哪怕是一步一步的往前挪,也能够有生机。高中时期我最爱的一句话是:“穷则变,变则通,通则达” 。我一直期盼着期盼着,期盼着自己的“达”。每一次的行动,就是自己最佳的表现,值得嘉奖。

    说回这本书,书中这个可爱的小故事讲了在cheese station里的Haw, Hem, Sniff and Scurry,在Cheese Station里的cheese发生变化之后,Sniff and Scurry马上开始寻找新的cheese station,主动迎接变化。Haw在几番纠结之后还是踏上了寻找新奶酪之路,Hem则一直坚持在老地方,等待奇迹的发生。正如Haw在故事的后面说:

    Haw now realized that his new beliefs were encouraging new behaviors. He was behaving differently than when he kept returning to the same cheeseless station. 

    He wrote on the wall:

    When you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you change course.

    Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come.

    By now, Haw had let go of the past and was adapting to the present.

    Changes happens.

    They keep moving the cheese.

    Anticipate change.

    Get ready for the cheese to move.

    Monitor change.

    Smell the cheese often so you know when it’s getting old.

    Adapt to change quickly.

    The quicker you let go of the old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese.


    Move with the cheese.

    Enjoy change.

    Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese.

    Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again.

    They keep moving the cheese.




