36/70 小力班 123-autobiography

作者: MiniKay | 来源:发表于2017-01-05 22:37 被阅读0次

    If you start to write an autobiography,what would be the name of book ?

    The name jump out from my mind is 《Dream it possible》People may think this book tell us how to make dream come true. On the contary, I would like to tell you a story about failure . Everyone has dreams. Some is just beginning , some is on the half way and some has to be been failed. It is because all thing named as “Dream ”is not easy to get. But first of all , we should have a dream no matter big or small. Then you need to set up a plan with several milestones  and do the plan strictly.

    Finally,you will find some dream is still can't be  since we are normal person in normal world. You need to learn how to forgive yourself. Let's look back into the past and ask yourself two  questions:

    Have I tried all efforts ?

    Are you making progress ?

    If all the answer is Yes then nothing needs to be shamed cause you are already different.

    All in all I would to put energy in my autobiography and make  people don't be afraid of failure anymore. No one can blame a person who is learning to grow up



        本文标题:36/70 小力班 123-autobiography
