我有预感,这本《苏东坡传》会是那一棵独特的树,引领着我去一步步深入整个宋朝的大森林之中。不言而喻,读完第七章后,我对王安石这个人也产生了莫大的兴趣,还有前面提到的欧阳修,这位能 “一语定乾坤”,影响宋朝才子前途的人物……
Words and Expressions:
This was the last of China’s experiments in state capitalism, though by no means the first.
by no means, 表示 “绝不…”,used as a way of emphasizing a negative statement;也可表达为:not by any means = not by any manner of means;
例句:It's difficult, but by no means impossible.
例句:I was not happy about the arrangements by any means, but I agreed to do it.
例句:This issue has not been resolved yet by any manner of means.
反义表达:by all means,表示 “无论如何,用尽一切办法”, used for politely agreeing with someone, giving permission, or saying ‘yes’.
例句:“Do you mind if I invite a few friends?”、“By all means.”
Wang Anshih bided his time.
bide one's time,表示 “等待时机”,to wait calmly for a good opportunity to do something;
例句:He is biding his time [=waiting for the right opportunity] before asking his parents for a loan.
例句:People with great wisdom can always afford to bide their time.
Is he really ill, or is he fishing for a better post?
fish for (sth),表示 “搜寻获取…” to ask for or try to get (sth, such as praise or attention) in an indirect way,如:fish for compliments - 沽名钓誉.
例句:It’s sickening the way he’s always fishing for compliments.
这个句子出现在文中,王安石曾多次拒绝皇帝的任命,到宋神宗继位,擢其翰林之位,王安石欣然拜受,却因病延迟进京。故而宋神宗在这里怀疑,王安石是不是故意称病,想以此为饵 “钓” 个更好的职位。
和 fish 有关的还有一句习语:a big fish in a small pond,表示 “大材小用“,someone who is important or powerful only because there are not many other people competing with them; 这句话与前面文中的 a big frog in a little puddle 有异曲同工之意。
When serving as a magistrate in an outlying district, Wang Anshih was the big frog in a little puddle.
文章里说到宋仁宗在位期间,国家太平,俊才遍地,而王安石三番几次谢绝朝廷的高位,宁愿待在偏远外县,以他的性情脾性,必是有 “宁为鸡头,不做凤尾” 之深意,所以才坐以待时,宁可暂做 “小池塘里的大青蛙”。
I should advise you to make the best use of the year of your youth and apply yourself to studies. [少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲]
There is nothing to somebody except his fine looks. [除了长相,别无所长]
After reading the long memorandum, Emperor Jentsung laid it aside and let it sleep. [置之高阁]
The young emperor was ready to go through fire and water to carry through this man’s political doctrines. [赴汤蹈火]
He began to sweep the whole governmental household with a wide new broom. [大刀阔斧]
Without being an economist, one is safe to accept the general thesis that the two factors in a nation’s wealth are production and distribution. [尽可放心接受...观点]
Without going too much into the details of the various reforms, we may give a brief summary of these measures. [无须深究细节,抓个大概脉络]
It was inevitable that the government and the businessmen would be treading on each other’s toes. [相互掣肘]
There was a great discrepancy between official intentions and actual practice. [本意与实际情况大相径庭]
Actions speak louder than words. [行胜于言]