True Love

作者: 文艺小楼 | 来源:发表于2020-04-10 17:19 被阅读0次

What is true love? Basically I think the true love is to love the one who makes you feel something for yourself, and the one also loves you. More importantly, both have each other in their hearts, who can overcome the difficulties and shoulder the responsibility. Above all, the lovers could understand well each other, tolerate each other. Both love and respect the family.

In our life, almost everyone lives in the midst of loving and being loved. Firstly, we should learn to love another or others,it is important for our social circles and that's good for our physical and emotional health. Another point, when it comes to being loved, we should return the love of others. Whether loving or being loved, both of them make our life be colorful.

The lovers have conflicts occasionally, that's normal. When a conflict occurs between each other, doesn't just always blame one person, because it is a mutual responsibility. We ought to make self - reflection, and search for a  chance to communicate with each other peacefully. And expressing mutual thinking, to respect and love.


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