Vlog7 土豆烧牛肉

作者: Spencer手记 | 来源:发表于2018-07-29 17:19 被阅读49次

Vlog7 土豆牛肉(点击进入B站)

Scrumptious Beef and Potato Stew


1)I haven't worked out for a long time!Today is sunday,therefore I've made my mind to exercise at all costs.


2)I build up my body through doing push-ups and pull-ups. After the workouts, my body needs  more protein and I wanna(用want to较好)have a good meal, so, I decide to make the scrumptious Beef and Potato Stew.

3)Here I'm going to show you guys how to make it.



4)Cut the beef、potatos、carrots and tomatos into cubes.


5)Put beef chunks、ginger pieces into a pot filled with cold water (enough to cover the meat completely). Bring the water to a full boil. Use a spoon to skim off the froth on the surface. Then drain the beef.


6)Preheat a saute pan over medium-high heat and add a drizzle of olive oil. Once the oil is hot, add the peeled, cubed potatoes and carrots and brown them all over.


7)Fry  garlic and pepper in oil in a clean pot on medium heat until soft and lightly brown, not surprisingly, it will has special aroma.Then put drained beef in. Stir in ginger add Shaoxing rice wine, light and dark soy sauce, salt and other spices you like. Fry until fragrant then add hot water.


8)Place the potatos、carrots or tomatos into the pot. Add some water if it seems too dry. Once beef has reached desired level of tenderness, Cook on medium heat for 5-10 minutes until carrot is soft and potato has a floury surface. The juice should be very little by then.


9)Season with fresh celery when it is ready to serve, then serve with rice.yu

10)Once the beef is braised, it’s super soft and just falls apart when you bite into it. This beef and potato dish is simply the best! You’ll definitely be coming back for seconds!


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    本文标题:Vlog7 土豆烧牛肉
