

作者: a451ede7eefa | 来源:发表于2017-06-12 14:18 被阅读15次


    1. learn ... by heart  用心学习,记住

    2. combine ... with ...  使...与...结合/联合

    3. in that circumstances  如果那样的话

    4. replace ... with ...  用...代替...

    5. keep a record of  记录

    6. comment on ...  对 ... 发表评论

    7. at least  至少

    8. expect of/from...  从...当中期待

    9. in return  作为回报

    10. the survey on ...  关于... 的调查

    11. differ in...  在...方面不同

    12. emerge from...  从...出现

    13. be satisfied with... 对...满意

    14. play ... roles 扮演...的角色

    15. lean over... 弯下身子 俯身于...之上

    16. turn out  结果是,证明是

    17. in silence  在沉默中

    18. burst into laughter  突然笑出声来

    19. concentrate on ...  全神贯注于...

    20. be replaced by  被...所取代

    21. for the purpose of...  为了...

    22. distinguish ... from ...  区分...与...

    23. communicate with...  与...交流

    24. one another  彼此,相互

    25. by means of...  用...的方法

    26. at the approach of...  在...将到的时候

    27. differ from...  与...不同

    28. for instance  举例来说

    29. divide ... into ...  把...划分成...

    30. enable sb. to do ...  使某人能够做某事

    31. wave goodbye  挥别

    32. in sympathy with  同情,赞成

    33. look over  察看,检查,从...上面看

    34. a lack of...  缺少...

    35. check with...  与...协商

    36. tend to do...  趋向于做...,喜欢做...

    37. call after  追喊, 以...命名

    38. call for  要求, 提倡

    39. fight against  与...作战(敌人之间)

    40. fight with  与...作战(战友之间)

    41. agreement on ...  关于... 达成的协议

    42. add up  合计

    43. add to  添加到

    44. take ... for example  以...为例

    45. in price  在价格上

    46. in the long run  从长远来看,最后

    47. on offer  在出售中

    48. choose from...  从...中挑选

    49. be curious about...  对...感到好奇

    50. confront with...  使面临,使面对

    51. with interest  有兴趣地

    52. an average of ...  平均是...

    53. at high altitudes  在很高的地方

    54. draw one’s attention  吸引某人的注意力

    55. focus on  集中于,专注于

    56. in years to come  在未来的几年内

    57. as a matter of fact  实际上

    58. adopt a positive approach  采取一种正确的方法

    59. wait for  等待

    60. pass through  经过, 通过

    61. a sequence of  一系列的

    62. take ... for granted  认为...理所当然

    63. be aware of/that  注意到

    64. translate into  翻译成

    65. intend to do  想要做

    66. looking forward to  期望

    67. be built from...  用什么建造

    68. a wide variety of 多种多样的

    69. at advanced levels  在高级范围内

    70. carry out  完成,实施

    71. according to  根据

    72. aim to do  指望做某事

    73. make sacrifices to do..  做出牺牲去做某事

    74. in depth  深入地

    75. a series of  一系列,一连串

    76. above all  首先,最重要的是

    77. after all  毕竟,究竟

    78. ahead of  在什么之前

    79. ahead of time  提前

    80. all at once  突然,同时

    81. all but  几乎;除了,都

    82. all of a sudden  突然

    83. all over  遍及

    84. all over again  再一次,重新

    85. all the time  一直,始终

    86. all the same  仍然,照样的

    87. as regards  关于,至于

    88. anything but  根本不 ,决不

    89. as a matter of fact  实际上

    90. apart from  除什么外(还有)

    91. as a rule  通常,照例

    92. as a result(of)  因此,由于

    93. as far as ...be concerned  就什么而言

    94. as far as  远至,到什么程度

    95. as for  至于,关于

    96. as follows  如下

    97. as if  好像,仿怫

    98. as good as  和什么几乎一样

    99. as usual  像平常一样,照例

    100. as to  至于,关于



