本周的主题是各种飞机:planes(美式英语airplane / 英式英语aeroplane 的简略写法,就像bicycle,一般都说成bike)
jet/jet plane 喷气式飞机
seaplane 水上飞机
helicopter/chopper 直升机
cargo/transport plane运输机
control tower 控制塔
runway 跑道
A- attacker 攻击机/强击机
B- bomber 轰炸机
C- cargo plane 运输机
E- electronic plane电子设备机
F- fighter jet 战斗机
H- helicopter 直升机
K- air refueling tanker空中加油机
S- anti-submarine plane 反潜机
R- reconnaissance plane侦察机
T- trainer 训练机
drone/UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
In the sky
airplanes are flying.
This is a jet plane with people inside.
Here is a seaplane landing on water.
There is an airplane dusting the crops.
There is an airplane writing a message.
Here is a helicopter over the city.
This is a cargo plane loading trucks.
Here is the jet coming in for a landing.
Here are the passengers leaving the plane.
These are workers cleaning and checking.
Here is a truck loading supplies.
Here are the people getting on board.
There is the control tower.
Get ready for takeoff.
Here is the jet plane on the runway.
There goes the jet plane into the sky.
