Day 2- A Thousand Splendid Suns

作者: 简单书写11 | 来源:发表于2016-12-17 18:37 被阅读66次

    Part 1 Vocabulary 

    1. work up to the nerve: 鼓起勇气

    2. batter : to hit and behave violently towards a person, especially a woman or child, repeatedly over a long period of time, or to hit something with force many times

    Her heart was battering with excitement. 

    Eg: The waves battered against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.


    3. fret (over) : to be nervous or worried 烦躁不安,苦恼,发愁

    Eg: She spent the day fretting about/over what she'd said to Nicky.

    4. drape: to put something such as cloth or a piece of clothing loosely over something 把…披/搭/蒙在等

    His arms draped over her shoulder.

    Eg: She draped the scarf loosely around her shoulders.

    5. muffle: to make a sound quieter and less clear 使(声音)变轻微(或低沉);消(声)

    The voices muffled by walls and the sheets of rain punishing the window.

    Eg: The house has double-glazed windows to muffle the noise of aircraft.

    Part 2 Sentences

    1.  She sensed the weight of eyes on her.

    2. Gusts of an inexpressible blackness kept passing through Mariam.

    3. Mariam felt tears stinging the corners of her eyes again.

    4. The scent of it flooded Mariam's nostrils. 

     Part 3 Summary

     Mariam told his father what she wanted for her fifteenth birthday was to be taken to his film, together with her other siblings. Jalil showed his unwillingness and advised Mariam to think of another present. But Mariam refused it and insisted that Jalil take her to the cinema in person. Jail had to agree reluctantly. Nana, Mariam's mother, pleaded Mariam not to do that, saying that if Mariam went she would die. Despite of her mother's warnings, Mariam was determined to visit his father and siblings on her birthday.  On her birthday, Jalil did not come to pick Mariam up. Mariam headed for her father's house on her own. 

    With the help of an owner of a horse-drawn gari, Mariam reached his father's house, but was told that he was away on an urgent business and was not allowed to enter the house. Having spent a whole night outside of the house, his father's chauffeur was instructed to take her home. Mariam shed the chauffeur , burst through the gate, and entered the garden at the last moment. it was when she glimpsed her father from an upstairs window that she realized her father avoided her on purpose. On her way back home, Mariam felt extremely shameful and regretful for what she had done. what's worse, Her mother, Nana committer suicide.

    After they buried Nana, Jalil took Mariam back home. Heartbreaking, Mariam believed what Nana had told her. Without her, Mariam was nothing.  Mariam was told she was arranged to marry a shoemaker, who was about  45 years old and lived in Kabul. With no choices, she had to receive the ill-matched marriage.  Soon a simple and humble wedding  was held and Mariam was forced to sign the contract. Being totally disappointed and hopeless, Mariam left for Kabul with her husband, without looking back to see her father.

    Part 4 随感

    1.  一直以为我读过《灿烂千阳》,昨天开始看的时候还奇怪,故事咋这么陌生。翻开之前的读书记录,原来是自己乌龙了,以前看的是《群山回响》。今天读书时,想着会是好的结局吧,Mariam的愿望可以实现,Nana对Jalil是误解。后来,Mariam被安排和一个又老又丑的男人结婚,我想她会做出反抗,逃跑,或者有人来拯救她。结果呢,都没有。不知道后面是什么样的结局,但是估计是悲剧结尾。书名A Thousand Splendid Suns感觉是作者的希望,希望有阳光照亮悲伤的故事吧。

    2. 读书笔记时间15:00到18:00. 书字词简单,看的比较快。花费笔记时间较多。另外格式排版也费了点时间。期间也看了不少次手机,时间管理对我来说还是个大问题。这个忍不住和心痒痒的感觉不好受,就安慰自己看一眼手机吧,结果就看了不少次。

    3. 在思考是不是可以换个方式记录读书过程,暂时还想不到,继续保持。笔记个人感觉还可以再精炼点。明天继续改进。做的是多复习,活学活用。



        本文标题:Day 2- A Thousand Splendid Suns
