If I Go to the Movies Tonight

If I Go to the Movies Tonight

作者: EEEEElectric | 来源:发表于2016-03-26 11:06 被阅读89次

    I think I'll go to the movies tonight. If I go to the movies, I won't finish my homework. If I don't finish my homework, the teachers will become upset and angry. If the teachers become upset and angry, we won't be able to get good education. If we can't get good education, the society will be worse. If the society is worse, our country will be worse. If our country is worse, other countries will think we are making something dangerous. If other countries think so, there won't be world peace. If there isn't world peace, there will be many A-bombs. If there are many A-bombs, the earth will be broken. So I decide not to go to the movies.



        本文标题:If I Go to the Movies Tonight
