Fengyun-4A 风云四号A星
geostationary orbiting weather satellites 静止轨道气象卫星
in-orbit operation 在轨运行
satellite platform 卫星平台
地面应用系统(ground application system)
高时间分辨率(high time resolution)
高空间分辨率(high spatial resolution)
高定位精度(high accuracy of positioning)
高辐射精度(high radiometric accuracy)
高光谱精度(high spectra precision)
对地同步辐射成像仪(geosynchronous radiation imager)
对地静止干涉式红外探测仪(geostationary interferometric infrared sounder)
闪电成像仪(lightning mapping imager)
空间天气监测仪(space weather monitor)
蓝藻水华(blue-green algae blooms)
天气预报(weather forecast)
气象防灾减灾(meteorologic disaster prevention and reduction)
气候变化(climate change)
生态环境监测(ecological environment monitoring)
空间天气监测预警能力(space weather monitoring and warning capability)
军民融合战略(military-civilian integration strategy)
全球对地观测气象卫星序列(global land observing weather satellite system)
气象监测 meteorological monitoring
遥感卫星 remote sensing satellite
极轨气象卫星 polar orbiting weather satellite
太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit
super-national treatment 超国民待遇
超国民待遇(super-national treatment)原来指改革开放初期中国针对来华投资的外国企业给予的税收等优惠政策,又叫作"超优惠税收政策(super-preferential tax policies)"。这里的"超国民待遇"则指境外商家为了吸引中国游客前去消费,专门推出针对中国游客的价格优惠政策(preferential price policies)。
支付宝价(favorable price via Alipay)
提供通过支付宝退税的选项(offer the option of receiving tax refunds through Alipay)
境外旅游支出(overseas travel expenditure)
全球出境游人次最多的国家(the top country of outbound travelers)
境内旅游 domestic tourism
出境旅游 outbound tourism
免税店 duty-free store
无现金支付 cashless payment
旺季 peak season
淡季 off season
bathing-crab 洗澡蟹
Some Chinese study abroad only for an overseas diploma and have not taken their academic careers seriously are defined as "bathing crabs" in a Xinhua report. "Bathing-crab" returnees have found it difficult to find a well-paid job when returning to China after graduation in recent years.
清水大闸蟹(freshwater hairy crabs) = 阳澄湖大闸蟹(Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab)
在湖里养殖6个月以上(be raised in the lake for at least six months)
冒充阳澄湖大闸蟹(pass off as genuine Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crabs)
卖个好价钱(fetch a high price)
"洗澡蟹"式海归("bathing-crab" returnee)
仅凭一纸洋文凭并不能确保他们能收获一份体面的工作(an overseas diploma alone cannot guarantee them a decent job)
税后月收入(after-tax monthly income)
其薪水远低于个人期望值(their salary is far less than what they had expected)
分割线(dividing line)
"小海归(small turtle)"与"大海归(big turtle)"
出自名校、有实际工作能力的大海归(big turtles from prestigious universities and with hands-on backgrounds)
降落伞儿童 parachute children
全额奖学金 full scholarship
常春藤盟校 Ivy League schools
在就业竞争中处于下风 lose out in job competition
made-in-China toilet seat 中国造马桶盖
稻草秸秆(straw stalk)
当地优质原料(high-quality local raw materials)
生物胶水充当粘合剂(bio-glues as binding agents)
环保(environmentally friendly)
从浮雕到3D图案(from reliefs to 3D designs)
风靡欧洲市场(be a chic hit in the European market)
年销量超过200万套(annual sales of over 2 million sets)
个性化图案设计(personalized designs)
将设计方向从创意变为实用(adjust the creative design into a functional one)
特色是可供成人和儿童共同使用的子母马桶座圈(feature a 2-in-1 seat for both adults and children)
嵌入式的儿童座圈在不使用时可通过磁力吸附在马桶盖上(a built-in potty seat that secures magnetically onto the cover when not in use)
工匠精神 spirit of the craftsman
工艺传承 inheritance of craftsmanship
精益求精 tirelessly seek improvement
享誉世界 enjoy international recognition
Euro-English 欧式英语
The exit of the UK from the European Union may give rise to "Euro-English" - a new language tailored to the cultures and needs of continental European societies, according to a study.
在美式英语及其他语言参与的较量中,捍卫英式英语地位的工作将无人承担(no one will be there to carry on the work of defending British English for competition, not only from American English but also from other languages)。
英式英语受到欧洲大陆以英语为第二语言的人们的冲击(suffer impacts from continental Europeans speaking English as a second language)。
本土化特色(localization features)
脱欧公投 Brexit referendum
硬脱欧 hard Brexit
悔脱 Regrexit
语言创造艺术 art of language invention
语言学 linguistics