

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-05-01 12:27 被阅读21次



深中通道(Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge)

重大交通基础设施项目(major transportation infrastructure construction project)

沉管技术(immersed tube methodology)

沉管隧道(immersed tube tunnel)

东侧采用隧道方式穿越通行(an immersed tunnel in the east section)

西侧采用桥梁通行(a bridge in the west section)


港珠澳大桥 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong -Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

广深港高速铁路 Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link

自助出境通关 self-service outbound customs clearance

通关时间 customs clearance time

收费站 toll gate

电子护照 electronic passport



现存最古老的日本诗歌总集(the oldest existing compilation of Japanese poetry)

专家恳谈会(panel discussion)

一旦有候选年号被泄露给媒体,则立即失去候选资格(any names leaked to the media ahead of the announcement would immediately be withdrawn)

国民文化和悠久的传统(our nation’s profound public culture and long tradition)

新年号的提供者姓名(the identity of the expert who suggested the new gengo)

其他候选年号(the other candidate names)


火灾过火面积已达到15公顷左右(the fire has burned around 15 hectares of forest)

海拔高(high altitude)

地形复杂(complex terrain)

地方没有路(lack of road access)

腐殖层较厚(thick humus layer)

取水非常困难(difficulty in getting water)

此次火灾很可能是由雷电引发的(the fire was possibly caused by thunder)



森林火灾 forest fire

紧急状态 state of emergency

燃烧面积 burning area

燃烧强度 burning intensity

伴随性火灾 accompanying fire

消防演习 fire drill

消防喷淋系统 sprinkler system

森林防火隔离带 firebreak/fire line

山火 wildfire



自主招生考试 independent recruitment test

教育改革 educational reform

录取分数 admission score

文科 liberal arts

理科 science

招生简章 recruitment brochure ['brəʊʃə]

经济学 economics

金融学 finance

建筑学 architecture

天文学 astronomy

计算机科学 computer science

生物学 biology

历史 history

哲学 philosophy

中文 Chinese literature

国际关系 international relations

考古学 archaeology



brush fire(灌木丛火灾)


desert fire(沙漠火灾)

forest fire(森林火灾)

grass fire(草地火灾)

hill fire(山火)

清理余火(clean up embers)

气象因子变化(meteorological factor change)

森林可燃物变化(change of combustible forest materials)

森林火灾火源发生状态(the state of forest fire sources)

森林火险预警等级(forest fire risk level)

“个人征信业务” personal credit information investigation

征信机构(credit agency/organization)

个人信用信息(personal credit information

更细化(more detailed)

配偶信息(spouse's information)

职业信息(career information)

更全面(more comprehensive)

还款记录(repayment history records)

欠税(outstanding tax)

民事裁决(civil adjudication)

强制执行(forcible execution)

行政处罚(administrative penalty)

低保救助(subsistence allowances)

执业资格(practicing qualifications)

行政奖励(administrative awards)

更精准(more accurate)

降低信贷风险(reduce credit risk)


个人信息保护法(personal information protection law)

个人信息权的法律地位、权利属性(legal status and nature of personal information right)

立个人信息开发利用从业规则(rules for personal information exploration and use)


个人信息 personal information

社会信用体系 social credit system

失信行为 dishonest conduct

失信黑名单制度 blacklisting system for dishonesty

市场性惩戒 market-oriented punishment

实名制 real-name system

个人信用信息 personal credit information

个人信用数据库 personal credit database

常住人口 permanent residents population

城区(urban area)

常住人口(population of long-term residents/permanent residents population)

临时寄住的人口(temporary residents )

户籍人口(household registered population)

现有人口(current population)

城区常住人口(permanent residents populations within administrative city limits)

中小城市和小城镇(small and medium-sized cities and small towns)

城区常住人口100万—300万的II型大城市(cities with populations between 1 million and 3 million)

全面取消落户限制(remove all restrictions on household registration)

开放宽落户条件(relax restrictions on household registration)

取消重点群体落户限制(remove limits on household registration of key population groups)

高校和职业院校(技工院校)毕业生(universities and vocational colleges graduates)

完善积分落户政策(improve points-based household registration policy)

大幅增加落户规模(increase newly approved household registrations)

精简积分项目(streamline points-collecting categories)



常住人口 permanent residents population/population of long-term residents

积分落户制 points-based household registration system

居住证 residential permit

流动人口 migrant population

人口承载能力 population capacity

稳定就业 stable employment

城镇人口 urban population

农村人口 rural population

城区 urban area

人口政策 population policy

户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy

新型城镇化 new urbanization

首席教师 chief teacher/lead teacher

首席教师(chief teacher/lead teacher)

政治素质过硬(impeccable credentials)

业务素质精湛(excellent professional qualities)

育人水平高超(high educational abilities)

组织协调能力强(outstanding organizing and coordinating capabilities)

承担所在乡村学校正常教学工作(fulfilling teaching tasks at schools)

参与所在县(市、区)、乡镇和学校的教育教学改革(participating in local education reforms)

发挥教育教学示范带动作用(playing an exemplary and leading role as chief teachers)

引领、带动本乡镇或学区的教科研工作(taking the lead in educational research )

公开竞聘(open competition)

实行任期制(fixed-term appointment)


教学大纲 teaching syllabus

课外活动 extracurricular activities

应试教育 exam-oriented education

义务教育 compulsory education

民办学校 private school

基础教育 basic education

学前教育 preschool education

教书育人 impart knowledge and cultivate people

教育公平 education equality

近视 myopia

近视不能治愈(myopia cannot be cured)

增加户外活动时间(more outdoor activities)

减少长时间近距离用眼(less time spent on near work)


近视 nearsightedness/myopia

视力不良 poor vision

弱视 vision impairment

视力健康 visual health

纸质作业 written homework

眼保健操 eye exercises

虚假广告 false advertising

保健行业 healthcare industry

引渡 extradition


引渡要求 extradition request

领事保护 consular protection

避难身份 asylum status

便衣警察 plainclothes officers

破解密码 crack a password

机密信息 classified information

奔驰车主哭诉维权 市场监管部门立案调查

4S指:sale(销售)、spare part(零配件)、service(售后服务)和survey(信息反馈)

售后“三包服务”为warranty services of repair, replacement and refund(修理、更换及退货)

调查该车车辆历史(an investigation into the history of the car)

车辆PDI检查(pre-delivery inspection,新车交付前检查)

第三方对车辆进行检测(an independent inspection of the vehicle)

金融服务费(financial service fee)

正式的道歉和情况说明(a formal apology and statement from the Mercedes-Benz company)

个人精神方面的损害给予补偿(compensation for her psychological damage)

维护消费者合法权益(protect legal rights and interests of consumers)


分期付款 installment payments

消费者合法权益 legal rights and interests of consumers

市场秩序 market order

质量缺陷 quality defects

第三方检验检测 third-party inspection and test

欺骗消费者 consumer fraud

金融服务费 financial service fee



生态文明 ecological civilization

生态环境损害责任终身追究制 lifelong responsibility system for bioenvironment damage

生态补偿 ecological compensation

自然资源有偿使用 paid use for natural resources

生态保护区 ecological reserve

生态健康 ecological health

绿色发展 green development

可持续发展 sustainable development

自然资源短缺 shortages of natural resources

遏制环境破坏 curb environmental damage

《复联4》预售票房破2亿 成内地零点场票房冠军


预告片 trailer

剧透 spoiler

首映 premiere

特效 special effect

续集病 sequel syndrome

票房 box office

大片 blockbuster

影评网站 film rating/review site

视觉特效 visual effect

影片配音 film dubbing

电影发行公司 film distribution corporation

独立电影 independent (indie) film


云计算(cloud computing)

按需使用的计算机系统资源使用模式(on demand availability of computer system resources)

搜索引擎(search engine)

云存储(cloud storage)



低成本(low cost)

高带宽(high bandwidth)

高性能(high performance)

隐藏真实身份(conceal their identities)

IPv6(internet protocol version 6)

重要数据泄露(leak of important data)

物联网设备安全问题(security of IoT devices)

数字货币被盗(digital currency theft)

智能合约(smart contracts)

挖矿软件漏洞(mining software loopholes)


物联网 Internet of Things (IoT)

智能电网 smart grid

移动支付 mobile payment

无线射频标识/电子标签 radio frequency identification devices(RFID)

云计算 cloud computing

云存储 cloud storage

智慧城市 intelligent city

数字货币 digital currency

网络安全 cyber security

网络攻击 cyber attack

网络空间 cyberspace

勒索软件 ransomware

网络诈骗 cyber fraud


全球开店(Global Selling)

跨境电子商务(cross-border e-commerce)

亚马逊阅读(Amazon Reading)

亚马逊物流运营(Amazon Logistics)

亚马逊云计算服务(Amazon Web Services,AWS)


跨境电商 cross-border e-commerce

消费升级 consumption upgrade

购物清单 shopping list

实体零售商 brick-and-mortar retailer

新零售 new retail

剁手党 shopaholics

购物狂欢 shopping spree

大减价 slash prices

代购 private overseas shopping representative/procurement service

海淘 buy products from overseas websites

直邮 direct delivery

免运费 free shipping/delivery



suicide bombings 人肉炸弹

mail bomb 邮包炸弹

roadside explosives 路边炸弹

reprisal attack 报复行动

manhunt 追捕

anti-terror campaign 反恐斗争

aerial bombardment 空袭

airborne attack 空降袭击

special forces 特种部队

carpet bomb 地毯式轰炸

cyberterrorism 网络恐怖主义

terrorist mastermind 恐怖分子幕后主谋



航空母舰 aircraft carrier

驱逐舰 destroyer

护卫舰 frigate

登陆舰 landing ship

辅助舰 auxiliary ship

核潜艇 nuclear submarine

航母战斗群 aircraft carrier strike/battle group

战斗机 fighter jet/combat aircraft

舰载机 ship-borne aircraft

预警机 early warning aircraft

反潜巡逻机 anti-submarine patrol aircraft

核动力航母 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

导弹巡洋舰 missile cruiser

海上空军基地 seagoing airbase

【海军军衔 Navy Ranks】

上将 Admiral

中将 Vice-Admiral

少将 Rear Admiral

大校 Senior Captain

上校 Captain

中校 Commander

少校 Lieutenant Commander

上尉 Lieutenant

中尉 Lieutenant Junior Grade

少尉 Ensign



互联网信息存档 web archiving

隐私政策 privacy policy

信息安全 information security

国家战略 national strategy

数据收集 data collection

数字遗产 digital heritage



文化遗产 cultural heritage

非物质文化遗产 intangible cultural heritage

文化多样性 cultural diversity

传统文化教育 traditional culture education

国家级非物质文化遗产继承人 inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage

世界遗产名录 World Heritage List

申遗 bid for the World Heritage List

文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources

保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage



疲劳驾驶 drowsy driving

无证驾驶 driving without a license

禁行区行驶 running through restricted areas

追尾 tailgating

肇事逃逸 hit-and-run

逃避交警检查 avoid police checkpoints

酒驾/毒驾 driving under influence(DUI)

不安全变道 unsafe lane changes

超速 speeding

超载 overloading

闯红灯 running red lights

扰乱公共场所秩序(undermining public order)

公共交通工具上行为不当(acting inappropriately on public transport)

破坏私人或公共财物(damaging private or public property)

违反当地风俗习惯(disrespecting local customs)

破坏文物古迹(sabotaging historical exhibits)

参与赌博、色情等非法活动(engaging in gambling or illegal sexual activities)

破坏生态环境,违反野生动植物保护规定(destroying the environment or violating the protection of wildlife)

扰乱旅游场所秩序(disrupting the public order at tourist resorts)


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