The Aesop's Fables: The Fox and

The Aesop's Fables: The Fox and

作者: 述而斋 | 来源:发表于2023-04-29 08:06 被阅读0次


        The Fox and the Crane were good friends, but a few days ago they had a big fight. (few /fjuː/ adj. 少数的,很少的;a few days ago 几天前;fight /faɪt/ n. 打架,争吵)

    Fox: Mrs. Crane used to be my best friend. (used /juːst/ adj. 用过的,旧的)

             But she isn’t anymore. (anymore /ˌenɪˈmɔː(r)/ adv. 不再,再也不)

             How can I trick her? (trick /trɪk/ v. 欺骗、哄骗,恶作剧、戏弄)

             I want to make her ANGRY. (angry /ˈæŋɡri/ adj. 愤怒的,生气的)

        Mr. Fox thinks and thinks.

    Fox: Ah ha!

             I have a great idea!

             Ha! Ha! Ha!

             This will be Fun. (fun /fʌn/ n. 乐趣,享受;嬉戏,玩笑)

        Mr. Fox telephones Mrs. Crane.

    Crane: Hello?

    Fox: Hello.

            This is Mr. Fox.

            How have you been? 

    Crane: Very well, thank you.

                Why are you calling?

                I’m very busy.

    Fox: Come to my house for lunch.

             I will prepare a delicious dish. (dish /dɪʃ/ n. 碟、盘,一盘食物,菜肴)

    Crane: Really?


    Fox: I want to be your friend again.

            So, please come.

    Crane: Ok. I will.

                Where is your house?

    Fox: Walk straight down the road. ( straight /streɪt/ adj. 直的,笔直的;road /rəʊd/ n. 路,公路,马路,街)

            Turn left at the first cherry tree. (turn /tɜːn/ v.转弯;cherry /ˈtʃerɪ/ n. 樱桃)

            You will see my house.

            It has a white fence. (fence /fens/ n. 篱笆,栅栏,围栏)

    Crane: Okay.

                What time shall I come? (shall /ʃæl; ʃəl/ aux. 将要,将会)

    Fox: Come at twelve o’clock.

             Don’t be late.

    Crane: Don’t worry. 

                I will be on time.

        Mrs. Crane puts down the telephone. She is very excited. (excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ v. 使兴奋,使激动,excite 过去式和过去分词形式)

    Crane: I wonder what Mr. Fox is cooking? (wonder /ˈwʌndə(r)/ v. 想知道,好奇,琢磨)

                I am going to skip breakfast. (skip /skɪp/ v. 不做应做的事等)

        Mrs. Crane skips breakfast so that she can have a big lunch at Mr. Fox’s house. She finds the house with the white fence.

    Crane: Look!

                There is Mr. Fox’s house.

                I found it.

                I can smell something delicious.

        Mrs. Crane knocks at the door and Mr. Fox opens it. (knock /nɒk/ v. 敲,击)

    Fox: Oh, come in, Mrs. Crane.

    Crane: Thank you for your invitation. (invitation /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 邀请)

    Fox: Thank you for coming.

             I prepared a delicious dish for you.

    Crane: Yes, I can smell it.

    Fox: Please sit down.

        Mrs. Crane sits down at the table, but she only sees a wide plat plate. Mrs. Crane has a long and narrow beak, so she can’t eat anything on a plate. She becomes a little worried. Mr. Fox brings in the soup from the kitchen.  (wide /waɪd/ adj. 广泛的,宽的、广阔的;plat /plæt/ n. 小块地,地图; plate /pleɪt/ n. 盘子,碟子;narrow /ˈnærəʊ/ adj. 狭窄的,狭小的;beak /biːk/ n. 鸟嘴,喙;brings /brɪŋz/ v. 带来,bring 的三单形式;soup /suːp/ n. 汤,羹)

    Fox: Here you are.

            Enjoy your soup. (enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ v. 享受,欣赏,喜爱)

            It is very delicious.

    Crane: Okay. I will.

        Mrs. Crane tries to eat the soup in the dish, but she can only eat very little because of her sharp beak. ( sharp /ʃɑːp/ adj. 尖的)

    Fox: Why aren’t you eating?

             Isn’t it delicious?

    Crane: Yes, it is.

                But I eat very slowly. (slowly /ˈsləʊli/ adv. 缓慢地,慢慢地)

    Fox: I didn’t know.


        Mr. Fox finished his soup, but Mrs. Crane ate almost nothing. Mrs. Crane is very hungry right now. (finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ v. 完成、做好,结束;almost /ˈɔːlməʊst/ adv. 几乎,差不多)

    Fox: Why didn’t you finish your soup?

             You don’t like soup?

    Crane: Yes, I like soup.

                 But I am not very hungry today.

    Fox: Too bad.

             The soup was very good.

             I’m full. (full /fʊl/ adj. 满的,饱的)

    Crane: I must go home now.


    Fox: Come again.

             Next time, I will cook you something more delicious. (more /mɔː(r)/ adv. 更)


        Mrs. Crane runs home. She is very hungry. She goes home and drinks a bottle of milk. Mrs. Crane is very angry. (bottle /ˈbɒt(ə)l/ n. 瓶子)

    Crane: Mr. Fox tricked me.

                 I am very mad. (mad /mæd/ adj. 生气的,气愤的)

                 What shall I do?


                 I have a great idea!

        The next day, Mrs. Crane telephones Mr. Fox.

    Fox: Hello.

    Crane: Mr. Fox, this is Mrs. Crane.

                Thank you for lunch yesterday.

    Fox: It was nothing.

             So why did you call?

    Crane: This time, I want to invite you for lunch. (invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ v. 邀请,约请)

                 I am preparing your favorite dish. (favorite /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ adj. 最受喜爱的)

    Fox: Really?

             I know the way to your house. 

             I will come right away. (away /əˈweɪ/ adv. 不在,离开)

        Mr. Fox rushes to Mrs. Crane’s house. He smells fish outside the house. (rushes /ˈrʌʃɪz/ v. 冲,奔,rush 的第三人称单数)

    Fox: I can smell fish, my favorite dish.

             I’m so hungry.

         (Mr. Fox wets his mouth and strokes his stomach.) Mrs. Crane opens the door. (wet /wet/ v. 把某物弄湿;stroke /strəʊk/ v. 轻抚,抚摸;stomach /ˈstʌmək/ n. 胃;腹部)

    Crane: Mr. Fox, welcome!

                 You came very quickly.

                 Are you hungry?

    Fox: Yes, I am.

             Can we eat now?

    Crane: Of course.

                 I’ll bring in the fish right away. (right away /raɪt əˈweɪ/ 立刻)

        Mrs. Crane brings in the fish from the kitchen. But the fish is not on a plate. It is inside a long narrow bottle. Mr. Fox looks surprised. His eyes are about to pop out.  (surprise /səˈpraɪz/ n. 惊奇,惊讶;pop /pɒp/ v. 瞪大眼睛)

    Crane: Let’s eat.


                Delicious, isn’t it, Mr. Fox?

    Fox: It looks very good.

    Crane: But why aren’t you eating?

    Fox: I will.

        Mr. Fox tries to eat the fish, but he can’t get it out from the long, narrow bottle. Mr. Fox has a short mouth and tongue. He realizes his mistake, and can’t say anything. (tongue /tʌŋ/ n. 舌,舌头;realizes /ˈriːəlaɪzɪz/ v. 实现,意识到,realize 的第三人称单数;mistake /mɪˈsteɪk/ n. 错误,过失)

    Crane: This is the most delicious fish in the world.

                 I will have another. (another /əˈnʌðə(r)/ adj. 再加一个的)

                 How about you, Mr. Fox?

    Fox: No, thank you.

             I think I have a stomachache. (stomachache /ˈstʌməkeɪk/ n. 胃痛,肚子痛)

    Crane: That’s too bad.

    Fox: I must go home now.


    Crane: Good-bye, Mr. Fox!

                 Come again!

                 Ha, ha, ha…

        Mr. Fox rushes home in shame. Mrs. Crane sees Mr. Fox running away and keeps on laughing. (rushes /ˈrʌʃɪz/ v. 冲,奔;shame /ʃeɪm/ n. 羞耻,羞愧;away /əˈweɪ/ adv. 离开;laughing /ˈlɑːfɪŋ/ v. 笑,laugh 的现在分词)

        MORAL:If you trick others, someday you will be tricked, too.  (others /ˈʌðə(r)z/ pron. 其他人)

        Did you Enjoy the story? Now, let's do the workbook. Are you ready? Ok. Let's begin. 

    Phonics time four:Short vowel  Oo  

    octopus /ˈɒktəpəs/ n. 章鱼    orange /ˈɒrɪndʒ/ n. 橙,柑橘

    October /ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)/ n. [天] 十月    ostrich /ˈɒstrɪtʃ/ n.鸵鸟

    log /lɒɡ/ n. 原木,圆材     dog /dɒɡ/ n. 狗,犬

    fox /fɒks/ n. 狐狸      box /bɒks/ n. 盒,箱,匣

    Listen and circle the picture that shows what the sentence is about.

    Number one:What do you like? I likes rice.

    Nnmber tow:What do you like? I likes apples.

    Number three:What do you like? I likes sandwiches.

    Number four:What do you like? I like milk.  

    Number five:What do you like? I like spaghetti.

    Listen and rewrite the scrambled sentence.

    Nnmber one:I have a gread idea!

    Number tow:Where is your house?  

    Number three:You will see my house.

    Number four:Come at twelve o'clock.

    Number five:I can smell somthing delicious.

    Number six:Think you for lunch yesterday. 

    Listen and write the number in correct order.

    Number one:Hellow. Why are you calling?

    Number tow:Mr. Fox, welcome!

    Number three:This is the most delicious fish in the world.

    Number four:i can smell something delicious.

    Number five:I have a great idea!

    Number six::Good-by, Mr. Fox! Ha, ha, ha……

    Number seven:How can I trick her?

    Number eight: The soup was very good. I'm full.

    Number nine:Why aren't you eating?

    Chant and song: The Fox and the Crane

    Mr. Fox wants to trick Mrs. Crane. Will you come to my house for delicious lunch? Really? Why not? Ok,I will. Here you are. Enjoy your soup. It's very delicious.

    Mrs. Crane wants to trick mr, Fox. Will you come to  my house for delicious lunch? Really? Why not? Ok, I will. Here you are. Enjoy your fisk. It's very delicious.



          本文标题:The Aesop's Fables: The Fox and
