51/70 小力班 123 Speech P2 Pain

作者: MiniKay | 来源:发表于2017-01-21 00:13 被阅读0次

Hello everyone! My speech topic for today is only one word "Pain"

Thanks for my 20 months old daughter。She gives me the inspiration on this title. The story is happened on a Sunday morning. I and my daughter is gong to a children's playground. When we arroved, My daughter jut got rid of my hands and rushed inti to the place. Sundenly, she fell down. I saw this and would like to take her from the ground. I walked to her and stopped in the half way cause I find I am walking on the carpet. It is soft enough which can avoid being hurt if falling down. I look to my daguhter. She was still lying pn the floor and staring at me. Just in a minute, She started to crying and begging to me "Mommy Mommy help me"

At this very moment, I saw somthing from her face. It is not suffering it is her instinct reaction. So I picked up the ball beside me and said to her with smile: Honney, come here to play ball with mum, OK? Yes, Mom I do! In the next minute, My daughter had got up by herself and stood in front of me. It seems she totally forgot she had just fall down 5 minutes ago.

We can see that sometimes our children is not painful as we thought. On the contary, their reaction comes from parent's over-protection.

Of course, we can't control when the pain come to us but what we do is not let pain control us.

When I was 20 years old. I am sufferred from endocrine dyscrasia.My whole body is just like a popcorn and getting bigger and bigger. My maximum weight is aroud 70kg weight. You can even not pick out my nose and eyes from my face since all go together as meat ball. Finally, I have to take acupuncture therapy to loose my weight. Can you imagine the needle is that long and with this width? Just like my little fingure. Total 8 of them to pierce in my body. One after one. Woh so painful. I really not want to think back of that feeling again.

I am suffering from my obseity in every moment at that period of time until one day. I and my friend is take part in a speech. The speech is about how to be well prepared before contest addressed by a track man. The sports man looks like very ordinary and we can see that he built a good body shape through his strong arm. In the end of speech, he stood up and say: My most favorite sentense is : Pain is inevitable, suffering optional! After saying that he rolled up his trousers. My God, he had only one leg. But you know this man looks so peaceful even though no one could imagine how he can run with one leg. I feel something is punching my heart. Yes, I never made real choice when facing pain. On the opposite, I become the friend of pain and made myself into the river of suffering deeper and deeper.

After that day, I choose to face all pain directly. The acupuncture therapy is still painfuly but I never feel suffering any more.

My dear friends! The pain is everywhere and they never leave us alone. However, I will try to observe the pain firstly and think it actively before I fall into the suffering. Why there is a pain. It is because it reminds you to take quick action and change yourself. Thank you


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    本文标题:51/70 小力班 123 Speech P2 Pain
