Law is a rigorous science(法律是一门严

Law is a rigorous science(法律是一门严

作者: 应刚 | 来源:发表于2021-11-17 14:37 被阅读0次

Law is a rigorous science. At any time, you cannot rely solely on perceptual and experience, but must rely on reason and logic. It is necessary to use a given "standard caliper" to check and measure, and not to use personal simple emotions as the laws. Because draconian laws are also laws, and laws are related to simple emotions, but they are not always consistent.      

Why is it said that evil laws are also laws? Because the evil here is only the evil evaluated by people subjectively, not the evil with objective standards, and in fact there is no good and evil with objective standards. As the "Tao De Jing" puts it, the world knows that beauty is beautiful and evil is already; everyone knows that good is good, but that is bad. Because there is no objective standard of good and evil, what one person thinks of evil may not be evil in the other's eyes; what is evil today may not be evil in tomorrow's eyes, because good and evil are mutual. Transformed. Because good and evil are problems of dialectical logic, and law is only a problem of formal logic, the problem of good and evil cannot be directly applied to law, just as dialectical logic cannot be directly applied to formal logic. Just as it cannot be said that right and wrong coexist, whether there is a coexistence, and good and evil are one, then it is judged that a person who has done something wrong or has committed a crime is not guilty or not wrong. This is because although dialectical logic is appropriate in the field of dialectical logic, it cannot be applied in the field of formal logic, nor is it applicable. Although, fact finding is dialectical and dynamic, there are good and evil. But the application of norms is static in form and there is no good or evil. This is called static braking. If the facts are dynamic and the norms are also dynamic, then dynamic braking will result in chaos and confusion.







      本文标题:Law is a rigorous science(法律是一门严
