During that day,I rided a bike to the canteen.Unfortunately,when I finished my lunch,it was raining,a heavy rain that resulted in the thought of putting the bike for a while.Hence,I had decided to bring it back at night.
However,out of the library,I walked on the way to the canteen,a young man,who came up,promoting me to help him to achieve his assignment,then I did him a favor.However,the time is close to the time of curfew.So at the time,I directly went to dormitory and intended to get my bike back the next day.
Nevertheless,the next day morning , I arrived there.And the bike failed to enter my vision.It vanished.
On Sunday afternoon, I went to the guard's room,watching the video all the afternoon.We found that a suspicious people put the bike into the inside of canteen about at 4:35am.But the subsequent cue is tiny, the image is too obscure to see clearly.
Later,other guard recommended that I could call for a police,and offered me a free dinner.(Actually I felt a bit shyness,for it seemed that I came here for food…They are too hospitable to refuse…)
Hence,the police was informed of the situation ,and he asked me to go to the canteen when he arrived,Although my dinner hadn't achieved its mission.(what a pity...) For the first time, I was sitting at a police car ,which is loaded with a girl.Is it an honor or embarrassment?
However,as soon as we reached here,he entered inside,and a familiar bike capturing my eyes.How could it be possible?A suspicion put it somewhere stealthily,and there was no a bike in the vicinity of canteen the next day morning.That it appeared again was too strange to imagine,possibly accounting for that person who knew I were looking for it didn't want to result in a devastating consequence,then returned it there.
Whatever,it came back.
That's the point.
9.7missed 9.9returned
