1. 今天上午我们共读得了3年4期1-8句。
2. 因为不希望给牛仔带来不好的感受,晚上我一个人坐在玻璃门前复习玻璃门上的第二年卡片。牛仔听到我读,凑过来说“妈妈我想读卡片”,我说“好的孩子,你想读哪一张?妈妈给你读。”牛仔对第二天35(Tv addicts)、36(各种飞机)、37(烟头拼成的Quit)比较感兴趣,我就给他读了这三张、稍微拓展讲解了一下。晚上没有准备,也就没有录音。
1. 早上说起孩子一下子就能从车库找到自己的车,我说孩子都特别善于观察。复习了教案句子:children are observant by nature. No wonder they say that babies are observant.
2. 午休时牛仔不肯睡觉,Taking a nap after lunch will be beneficial. I want to take a nap, but you aren’t keen.
3. 小区里的长椅旁总能发现一些烟头,Littering in public places is an example of anti-social behavior.
4. 牛仔上午玩了很久汽车乐高,不愿意出去玩,我说,Let’s go out for a walk baby. Inactive people are rarely healthy.
5. 傍晚牛仔很困了,还坚持着不睡觉,我说,Obviously you are sleepy.
6. 白天去拿快递时,快递较重,牛仔帮我推车,You are very helpful. I appreciate your help. I am grateful for your help.
7. 晚上睡前读书时,读到Pip laughed 时,我给补充了一句Pip roared with laughter. 他哈哈大笑。
8. 听到小区里的鸟叫 :The birds are chirping.
给孩子一块巧克力吃,孩子很开心,You beamed at Mommy as you received the chocolate.
1. The big book of opposites。牛仔很喜欢这本书,我们一起读了差不多三遍,第三遍牛仔可以对他熟悉的词汇进行填空。
giant和dwarf;bent和straight;far away和close;(动词)fill和empty;dark colored和light colored;build和knock...down;take和return;below和above;brave和afraid;near和far away;narrow和wide;deep和shallow;refuse和agree;messy和tidy;nibble和gobble;right way up和upside down; few和many;chase 和run away.
2. Curious George and the birthday surprise. 牛仔很喜欢这个系列,这本句子有点多,但牛仔听我读到了最后。书中有些表达我也有些陌生,需要自己再做一点功课。
(1)stay out of 不介入,不干预,不插手 stay out of trouble
(2)tinkly 叮当响的 tinkly music
(3)ice cream van
(4)a line of children 一行
(5)it looked like fun.
(6)he spotted some streamers(装饰彩纸条) . spot看到,发现,注意到
(7)mixing bowl 我和牛仔做饼干的时候,也可以说我们的碗是mixing bowl
(8)in no time 马上,立即
(9)a cake covered in candles
3. Pip and Posy-the scary monster. 这本也是牛仔喜欢的系列。我们读完这本后,牛仔就睡啦。